Matt Hanson running CIM

Does he make it?

Race is on Sunday Dec 3. 2:18 is US Olympic qualifying time. He might be able to do it.

I hope so, but I don’t think so. That would be ~17 minutes faster than his best IM run. Weather looks ideal other than slight headwind.

No idea, but I hope he does!

Going to be really close. Weather good but not perfect – low-50s/humid/small headwind. The good news is he can just tuck in with the other 100 runners going for the OTQ. I think he’ll be able to make it pretty late into the race in a big pack. He routinely runs solo 2:30s after swimming 2.4 miles & biking 112 in trash weather conditions. He didn’t go through a huge block for this but I would like to think the top runners in the sport could do it.

saw that and am intrigued - cool project! matts seems like a lovely guy and i hope he nails it.

also worth noting that he’s not really ‘running for a PB’ or something here - he’s going 2:18 or bust. so he’ll take it out at that pace, hold as long as he can, and then blow up if he blows up.

Race is on Sunday Dec 3. 2:18 is US Olympic qualifying time. He might be able to do it.

I really hope he makes it but I have some doubts. Reminds of Mark Allen’s failed attempt a few decades ago.

It is just insane how good the top LC pros are at running an IM marathon relative to their open marathon pace.

Funny how people are putting him down. 2:18 is the B standard. He should be able to execute,if anything 2:30 run 140.6 guy closer to 2:12. My prediction 2:15

Funny how people are putting him down. 2:18 is the B standard. He should be able to execute,if anything 2:30 run 140.6 guy closer to 2:12. My prediction 2:15

Oh man as much as I’d love to see that, I’m gonna have to put a large amount of money on the over. Would be fantastic if he can break 2:18

Will be interesting (less impressive but also to see if Nick Bare gets under the 2:45/40 bar).
The pro field isn’t super deep and there are a lot of elites with a PB around 2:18, wonder if he will be able to start with the pros… would certainly help.
It’s actually on the “warmer” side (mid 50s in the am), low wind (rare in Sacramento) and feels really humid so hopefully won’t affect him.

Funny how people are putting him down. 2:18 is the B standard. He should be able to execute,if anything 2:30 run 140.6 guy closer to 2:12. My prediction 2:15

I don’t think anyone is putting the guy. What do you mean by B standard? I thought the Olympic trial standard was 2:18.

No way he will run closer to 2:12. He will go sub 2:25. 2:12-2:15 are not 160 lb guys with swimming and biking muscles.

Will be interesting (less impressive but also to see if Nick Bare gets under the 2:45/40 bar).
The pro field isn’t super deep and there are a lot of elites with a PB around 2:18, wonder if he will be able to start with the pros… would certainly help.
It’s actually on the “warmer” side (mid 50s in the am), low wind (rare in Sacramento) and feels really humid so hopefully won’t affect him.

With the numbers Nick has been hitting in training per his videos he should blow past 2:45. I’m thinking 2:41-2:39

Funny how people are putting him down. 2:18 is the B standard. He should be able to execute,if anything 2:30 run 140.6 guy closer to 2:12. My prediction 2:15

I don’t think anyone is putting the guy. What do you mean by B standard? I thought the Olympic trial standard was 2:18.

No way he will run closer to 2:12. He will go sub 2:25. 2:12-2:15 are not 160 lb guys with swimming and biking muscles.

^this^ 2:25 would be an amazing result. Lange is the only current triathlete I see sniffing sub 2:20, maybe Iden.

Funny how people are putting him down. 2:18 is the B standard. He should be able to execute,if anything 2:30 run 140.6 guy closer to 2:12. My prediction 2:15

I don’t think anyone is putting the guy. What do you mean by B standard? I thought the Olympic trial standard was 2:18.

No way he will run closer to 2:12. He will go sub 2:25. 2:12-2:15 are not 160 lb guys with swimming and biking muscles.

2:12 is 3:08 per km pace. That is 31.20 10km.

How fast does Matt run in an Olympic tri ? I don’t know, I am just asking.

Didn’t Ryan Bolton and Christian Bustos run 2:23 range and that’s about as fast as we have ever seen from a pro triathlete? Of course they were done in the pre spring shoes era, so that SHOULD help the 160 lbs pro triathlete.

At 140 lbs when Salazar was running sub 28 min 10km open, he was only doing 2:11 at US Olympic trials if that provides some perspective on how fast the scales are.

stefan justus run a 2,18 marathon the year before he finished runner up world champ in the world series 2010. In todays shoe currency likely a 2.15 2.16ish

I believe Tyler Butterfield (?) also ran a 2:21.

33:38 but he’s probably raced like 2 olympic distance races in his entire pro career.

How fast does Matt run in an Olympic tri ? I don’t know, I am just asking.

He’s on 5:11 per mile/2:16 pace through 10k

48:41 through 15K

He’s on 5:11 per mile/2:16 pace through 10k

good lord, for a second there i thought you meant 2:16 per kilometer.

5:11 is still plenty speedy for a marathon, mind you.