Matt Gaetz-Come on down!

Every law enforcement agency in the US would disagree with you. Lack of knowledge of her age is not something that would matter to them charging and finding you guilty.

That just seems crazy.

How could a person know? Their ID even says they are 21+.

I would think it matter for findings of guilt at least, which is done by courts (including juries) not law enforcement agencies.

When I was younger, 21 living in Florida, me and my buddy were at a picnic and there were a couple of girls flirting with us. We asked my friends SIL what their names were and if she knew anything about them. She told us their names and said, “oh, the one on the left is 14 and the one on the right is 15.” They looked a lot older than 14 & 15. We left the picnic.

My daughter is 15. Sometimes, she goes to the college gym with me where I work out. I don’t think she looks any younger than what I presume are the mostly 18-22 year old girls working out there. She’s been mistaken for a college age girl more than once, and it’s not like she even has a particularly womanly figure.

The law simply doesn’t care. If “I thought she was 18” was a valid defense then age of consent laws could hardly ever be prosecuted. If they are under 18 you are guilty, and I’m not sure how many juries will really be all that sympathetic to someone in their mid to late 30’s making that claim. 21 or 22 years old, maybe. 38? Please.

Yeah I get that. My comments prior were specific to someone under 18 hooking up with someone older who they met in a bar, and even having an ID that shows they are 21+.

I find it hard to believe that any jury in those circumstances would convict someone of statutory rape. I know I wouldn’t. There’s the law and then there’s justice.

I’m trying to remember who it was, and it seems like it was a MLB player but not sure ( I found the story and it looks like it was Felipe Vasquez ). He, hooked up with a 13 year old and used the “I thought she was 16” defense. Oof.

Yeah that would be hard one to pull off.

I know we have some lawyers around here. If a person is duped into breaking the law would that really be prosecuted let alone get a conviction?

This is from an interview, with Tucker Carlson I believe.

“It is a horrible allegation and it is a lie,” Gaetz said. “The New York Times is running a story that I have traveled with a 17-year-old woman and that is verifiably false. People can look at my travel records and see that that is not the case.”

If you read between the lines, it seems odd that he would call a 17 year old girl a “woman”. Do 38 year old guys call a 17 year old a girl, or a woman?

That doesn’t seem that odd to me.

Banging a 17 year old when you’re in your mid thirties on the other hand…someone should drug test him, he has that frat boy coke head look

No, it isn’t odd. It is fucking creepy.

He dances, bobs, weaves, dodges, and shimmies his way through that interview so much he convinced me he 100% did it.

I didn’t watch the interview. Calling a 17 year old a woman or man isn’t that odd to me. They’re on the cusp of adulthood. It also wouldn’t be odd to me to call an 18 year old a girl or a boy.

Initially I agree but if he made a comment, “the woman I was with” and then you found out the girl was 17, that would not only sound odd, that would be an odd way to make the statement. I’ve never heard anyone, until now, refer to a 17 year old as a woman. A young woman, yes, a woman, nope.

He’s using that word deliberately as part of a misinformation campaign. Don’t refer to her as a girl, or young woman, instead she’s a “woman”. It attempts to somewhat normalize the relationship, and his followers will buy it.

And no, a 17 year old is never referred to as a “woman” or “man” unless you are trying to indicate that they are an adult. (the only exception that I can think of is sometimes, heat sheets at swim meets will list age groups as “women” and “men”, regardless of age, but that might just be a software thing and is specific to the context of a swim meet.)

This is the correct answer. He’s going trying to frame it as some “Biden DOJ smear campaign by the deep state going after men in heterosexual relationships”.

And the MAGA sheeple will buy it up saying “she was a woman , knew what she was doing” or similar.

Ignorance is rarely a good defense…

Ignorance is rarely a good defense…

There’s a difference between ignorance and being duped.

Someone who hooks up with someone they connect with in a bar is working under the reasonable assumption they are 21 in order to be in the bar, especially if they are ordering drinks.

I still call that ignorance. Everyone knows of people that get into the bars on fake ID’s. So, you know there are ladies in the bar that are not 21. If you are in your 30’s and take a girl home from the bar assuming she is 21, you are an idiot not to 100% verify she is of age.

I still call that ignorance. Everyone knows of people that get into the bars on fake ID’s. So, you know there are ladies in the bar that are not 21. If you are in your 30’s and take a girl home from the bar assuming she is 21, you are an idiot not to 100% verify she is of age.

You mean by checking her ID?

And why would it matter if the person is in their 30’s? If it turns out she’s under 18, wouldn’t any person over 21 be just as guilty of statutory rape?

He says it started this month with an extortion text.

Pants on fire … DOJ says it started when Trump was still in power.

It is possible that Gaetz did something wrong AND was extorted. Both are totally possible.

For sure it’s not mutually exclusive I’m betting he’s not being truthful about the details.

For sure it’s not mutually exclusive I’m betting he’s not being truthful about the details.

As I pointed out earlier, Dennis Hastert both raped minors and was extorted.

Calling a 17 year old a woman or man isn’t that odd to me. They’re on the cusp of adulthood.

There is nothing normal about the phrase “seventeen year old woman.”

“Young lady,” sure. Maybe “young woman.” But not in the context of discussing inappropriate conduct with a minor. It’s just…off.

It’s much more common to refer to a 25 year old as a “kid” than it is to refer to a 17 year old as a woman.

Hell, in my college XC days, my dad kept referring to the “girls’ team” or the “boys’ team.”

Either way, this could have never happened and I still would have thought that Gaetz is a scumbag.

Dude looks like a sleezy frat boy that hits on everyone’s girlfriend when their back is turned.

What’s that German word, translating to “Face in need of a Fist”? I always think of Gaetz as the illustration like his mug was invented just to accompany that term.

The must be the pedophile sex trafficking ring we’ve been hearing so much about.

There is an effort to get the hashtag #PizzaGaetz trending on Twitter.

What a time to be alive.

It just Gaetz worse for the GOP every day…

(OK, I stole that off twitter)

Calling a 17 year old a woman or man isn’t that odd to me. They’re on the cusp of adulthood.

There is nothing normal about the phrase “seventeen year old woman.”

“Young lady,” sure. Maybe “young woman.” But not in the context of discussing inappropriate conduct with a minor. It’s just…off.

Another gem I’m stealing from twitter:

“Biden has a minor Major problem, while Gaetz has a major minor problem.”


backpfeifengesicht battle of the titans.

Who wins?


Every law enforcement agency in the US would disagree with you. Lack of knowledge of her age is not something that would matter to them charging and finding you guilty.

That just seems crazy.

How could a person know? Their ID even says they are 21+.

I would think it matter for findings of guilt at least, which is done by courts (including juries) not law enforcement agencies.

When I was younger, 21 living in Florida, me and my buddy were at a picnic and there were a couple of girls flirting with us. We asked my friends SIL what their names were and if she knew anything about them. She told us their names and said, “oh, the one on the left is 14 and the one on the right is 15.” They looked a lot older than 14 & 15. We left the picnic.

My daughter is 15. Sometimes, she goes to the college gym with me where I work out. I don’t think she looks any younger than what I presume are the mostly 18-22 year old girls working out there. She’s been mistaken for a college age girl more than once, and it’s not like she even has a particularly womanly figure.

The law simply doesn’t care. If “I thought she was 18” was a valid defense then age of consent laws could hardly ever be prosecuted. If they are under 18 you are guilty, and I’m not sure how many juries will really be all that sympathetic to someone in their mid to late 30’s making that claim. 21 or 22 years old, maybe. 38? Please.

Yeah I get that. My comments prior were specific to someone under 18 hooking up with someone older who they met in a bar, and even having an ID that shows they are 21+.

I find it hard to believe that any jury in those circumstances would convict someone of statutory rape. I know I wouldn’t. There’s the law and then there’s justice.

I’m trying to remember who it was, and it seems like it was a MLB player but not sure ( I found the story and it looks like it was Felipe Vasquez ). He, hooked up with a 13 year old and used the “I thought she was 16” defense. Oof.

Yeah that would be hard one to pull off.

I know we have some lawyers around here. If a person is duped into breaking the law would that really be prosecuted let alone get a conviction?

As for the conviction: you can only introduce evidence in your defense that is relevant to your case. Someone under the age of 18 is legally incapable of consenting to sex. Hence, your (mistaken) state of mind does not give you a defense of consent.

I can see a judge considering such evidence when it comes to sentencing. And, I can see a jury looking at the victim and crediting the defendant with a defense that she looks 18+. But, technically speaking, it’s not a defense to guilt, as far as I know.

ETA: some states’s laws are different. But, FL is like what I described above. Statutory rape in FL is strict liability and ignorance of the victim’s age appears to not be a defense.

This is from an interview, with Tucker Carlson I believe.

“It is a horrible allegation and it is a lie,” Gaetz said. “The New York Times is running a story that I have traveled with a 17-year-old woman and that is verifiably false. People can look at my travel records and see that that is not the case.”

If you read between the lines, it seems odd that he would call a 17 year old girl a “woman”. Do 38 year old guys call a 17 year old a girl, or a woman?

That doesn’t seem that odd to me.

Banging a 17 year old when you’re in your mid thirties on the other hand…someone should drug test him, he has that frat boy coke head look

Maybe he shares a few lines with Don Jr. when he is in town?

How much coke did Don Jr. snort?

Every law enforcement agency in the US would disagree with you. Lack of knowledge of her age is not something that would matter to them charging and finding you guilty.

That just seems crazy.

How could a person know? Their ID even says they are 21+.

I would think it matter for findings of guilt at least, which is done by courts (including juries) not law enforcement agencies.

When I was younger, 21 living in Florida, me and my buddy were at a picnic and there were a couple of girls flirting with us. We asked my friends SIL what their names were and if she knew anything about them. She told us their names and said, “oh, the one on the left is 14 and the one on the right is 15.” They looked a lot older than 14 & 15. We left the picnic.

My daughter is 15. Sometimes, she goes to the college gym with me where I work out. I don’t think she looks any younger than what I presume are the mostly 18-22 year old girls working out there. She’s been mistaken for a college age girl more than once, and it’s not like she even has a particularly womanly figure.

The law simply doesn’t care. If “I thought she was 18” was a valid defense then age of consent laws could hardly ever be prosecuted. If they are under 18 you are guilty, and I’m not sure how many juries will really be all that sympathetic to someone in their mid to late 30’s making that claim. 21 or 22 years old, maybe. 38? Please.

Yeah I get that. My comments prior were specific to someone under 18 hooking up with someone older who they met in a bar, and even having an ID that shows they are 21+.

I find it hard to believe that any jury in those circumstances would convict someone of statutory rape. I know I wouldn’t. There’s the law and then there’s justice.

I’m trying to remember who it was, and it seems like it was a MLB player but not sure ( I found the story and it looks like it was Felipe Vasquez ). He, hooked up with a 13 year old and used the “I thought she was 16” defense. Oof.

Yeah that would be hard one to pull off.

I know we have some lawyers around here. If a person is duped into breaking the law would that really be prosecuted let alone get a conviction?

As for the conviction: you can only introduce evidence in your defense that is relevant to your case. Someone under the age of 18 is legally incapable of consenting to sex. Hence, your (mistaken) state of mind does not give you a defense of consent.

I can see a judge considering such evidence when it comes to sentencing. And, I can see a jury looking at the victim and crediting the defendant with a defense that she looks 18+. But, technically speaking, it’s not a defense to guilt, as far as I know.

ETA: some states’s laws are different. But, FL is like what I described above. Statutory rape in FL is strict liability and ignorance of the victim’s age appears to not be a defense.

There was a local case somewhat recently (not mine) where the judge granted a sentencing departure motion because he determined that the underage girls involved were the aggressors in that they were actively soliciting the 67 year old defendant.

Ignorance is rarely a good defense…

Ignorance of the law is one thing. What Thisisit is describing is something else entirely.

Every law enforcement agency in the US would disagree with you. Lack of knowledge of her age is not something that would matter to them charging and finding you guilty.

That just seems crazy.

How could a person know? Their ID even says they are 21+.

I would think it matter for findings of guilt at least, which is done by courts (including juries) not law enforcement agencies.

When I was younger, 21 living in Florida, me and my buddy were at a picnic and there were a couple of girls flirting with us. We asked my friends SIL what their names were and if she knew anything about them. She told us their names and said, “oh, the one on the left is 14 and the one on the right is 15.” They looked a lot older than 14 & 15. We left the picnic.

My daughter is 15. Sometimes, she goes to the college gym with me where I work out. I don’t think she looks any younger than what I presume are the mostly 18-22 year old girls working out there. She’s been mistaken for a college age girl more than once, and it’s not like she even has a particularly womanly figure.

The law simply doesn’t care. If “I thought she was 18” was a valid defense then age of consent laws could hardly ever be prosecuted. If they are under 18 you are guilty, and I’m not sure how many juries will really be all that sympathetic to someone in their mid to late 30’s making that claim. 21 or 22 years old, maybe. 38? Please.

Yeah I get that. My comments prior were specific to someone under 18 hooking up with someone older who they met in a bar, and even having an ID that shows they are 21+.

I find it hard to believe that any jury in those circumstances would convict someone of statutory rape. I know I wouldn’t. There’s the law and then there’s justice.

I’m trying to remember who it was, and it seems like it was a MLB player but not sure ( I found the story and it looks like it was Felipe Vasquez ). He, hooked up with a 13 year old and used the “I thought she was 16” defense. Oof.

Yeah that would be hard one to pull off.

I know we have some lawyers around here. If a person is duped into breaking the law would that really be prosecuted let alone get a conviction?

As for the conviction: you can only introduce evidence in your defense that is relevant to your case. Someone under the age of 18 is legally incapable of consenting to sex. Hence, your (mistaken) state of mind does not give you a defense of consent.

I can see a judge considering such evidence when it comes to sentencing. And, I can see a jury looking at the victim and crediting the defendant with a defense that she looks 18+. But, technically speaking, it’s not a defense to guilt, as far as I know.

ETA: some states’s laws are different. But, FL is like what I described above. Statutory rape in FL is strict liability and ignorance of the victim’s age appears to not be a defense.

There was a local case somewhat recently (not mine) where the judge granted a sentencing departure motion because he determined that the underage girls involved were the aggressors in that they were actively soliciting the 67 year old defendant.

The classic case in the field (involving a 76 year old in FL) is Lason v. State, 12 So.2d 305 (1943). Its language is incredibly weird and harsh.

Another gem I’m stealing from twitter:

“Biden has a minor Major problem, while Gaetz has a major minor problem.”


Wow, that is damn good, it’s almost a palindrome !