Matt Gaetz-Come on down!

Calling a 17 year old a woman or man isn’t that odd to me. They’re on the cusp of adulthood.

There is nothing normal about the phrase “seventeen year old woman.”

“Young lady,” sure. Maybe “young woman.” But not in the context of discussing inappropriate conduct with a minor. It’s just…off.

Not disagreeing. Excluding the context in this case it wouldn’t make me pause though.

It is not like there wasn’t signs he was a creep

U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz accused of creating sex game with ‘points’ for sleeping with staff

I just watched the interview with Tucker Carlson. Very strange. If he is telling the truth he has nothing to worry about. He says the doj and fbi have all the evidence of what was going on. If that’s the case, it doesn’t make sense they are investigating him unless the fbi and doj are conspiring against him.

I have to give Carlson a little credit here for not being a complete piece of shit and actually pressing him on the facts.

Edit: Gaetz claims he’s being extorted, which is kind of an admission.

Andy Borowitz - Matt Gaetz unlikely to be victim of extortion since nothing could make people think less of him.

One story I read mentioned he had been thinking of running for the Senate in Alabama. Guessing he was hoping Roy Moore had already made molesting underage kids a non-career ending topic.

This is from an interview, with Tucker Carlson I believe.

“It is a horrible allegation and it is a lie,” Gaetz said. “The New York Times is running a story that I have traveled with a 17-year-old woman and that is verifiably false. People can look at my travel records and see that that is not the case.”

If you read between the lines, it seems odd that he would call a 17 year old girl a “woman”. Do 38 year old guys call a 17 year old a girl, or a woman?

That doesn’t seem that odd to me.

Banging a 17 year old when you’re in your mid thirties on the other hand…someone should drug test him, he has that frat boy coke head look

No, it isn’t odd. It is fucking creepy.

He dances, bobs, weaves, dodges, and shimmies his way through that interview so much he convinced me he 100% did it.

I didn’t watch the interview. Calling a 17 year old a woman or man isn’t that odd to me. They’re on the cusp of adulthood. It also wouldn’t be odd to me to call an 18 year old a girl or a boy.

This is from his interview with Axios-
Asked what the charges could relate to, Gaetz said: “I have definitely, in my single days, provided for women I’ve dated. You know, I’ve paid for flights, for hotel rooms. I’ve been, you know, generous as a partner. I think someone is trying to make that look criminal when it is not.”

He says it started this month with an extortion text.

Pants on fire … DOJ says it started when Trump was still in power.

Also, a 17 year old girl is really not a woman. A 17 year old is likely a junior or senior in high school, living at home.

I knew a girl who turned 18 her junior year at Michigan. Of course as a minor, he did live at home as a freshman and sophomore.
A couple guys I knew in high school went away to college at 17, but they turned 18 the first month of freshman year.

Neither here nor there though.

This is from an interview, with Tucker Carlson I believe.

“It is a horrible allegation and it is a lie,” Gaetz said. “The New York Times is running a story that I have traveled with a 17-year-old woman and that is verifiably false. People can look at my travel records and see that that is not the case.”

If you read between the lines, it seems odd that he would call a 17 year old girl a “woman”. Do 38 year old guys call a 17 year old a girl, or a woman?

That doesn’t seem that odd to me.

Banging a 17 year old when you’re in your mid thirties on the other hand…someone should drug test him, he has that frat boy coke head look

No, it isn’t odd. It is fucking creepy.

He dances, bobs, weaves, dodges, and shimmies his way through that interview so much he convinced me he 100% did it.

I didn’t watch the interview. Calling a 17 year old a woman or man isn’t that odd to me. They’re on the cusp of adulthood. It also wouldn’t be odd to me to call an 18 year old a girl or a boy.

This is from his interview with Axios-
Asked what the charges could relate to, Gaetz said: “I have definitely, in my single days, provided for women I’ve dated. You know, I’ve paid for flights, for hotel rooms. I’ve been, you know, generous as a partner. I think someone is trying to make that look criminal when it is not.”

Imagine saying what Gaetz said in that interview and being able to say it with a straight face and not have the interviewer tell you that you’re full of shit.

Clearly the doj doesn’t care about if he’s paying for things for a girlfriend. But if he was fucking a 17 year old and flying her around the country with him that’s another thing.

Also, a 17 year old girl is really not a woman. A 17 year old is likely a junior or senior in high school, living at home.

I knew a girl who turned 18 her junior year at Michigan. Of course as a minor, he did live at home as a freshman and sophomore.
A couple guys I knew in high school went away to college at 17, but they turned 18 the first month of freshman year.

Neither here nor there though.

What seems critical to me is (assuming there is a 17 year old involved) did he know, was she misrepresenting herself as older, etc.

I know a person who in high school had a fake ID and was going out to bars and hooking up with much older guys. It hardly seems reasonable for a man to be charged with rape for hooking up with girl in such a situation.

This is from an interview, with Tucker Carlson I believe.

“It is a horrible allegation and it is a lie,” Gaetz said. “The New York Times is running a story that I have traveled with a 17-year-old woman and that is verifiably false. People can look at my travel records and see that that is not the case.”

If you read between the lines, it seems odd that he would call a 17 year old girl a “woman”. Do 38 year old guys call a 17 year old a girl, or a woman?

That doesn’t seem that odd to me.

Banging a 17 year old when you’re in your mid thirties on the other hand…someone should drug test him, he has that frat boy coke head look

No, it isn’t odd. It is fucking creepy.

He dances, bobs, weaves, dodges, and shimmies his way through that interview so much he convinced me he 100% did it.

I didn’t watch the interview. Calling a 17 year old a woman or man isn’t that odd to me. They’re on the cusp of adulthood. It also wouldn’t be odd to me to call an 18 year old a girl or a boy.

This is from his interview with Axios-
Asked what the charges could relate to, Gaetz said: “I have definitely, in my single days, provided for women I’ve dated. You know, I’ve paid for flights, for hotel rooms. I’ve been, you know, generous as a partner. I think someone is trying to make that look criminal when it is not.”

Imagine saying what Gaetz said in that interview and being able to say it with a straight face and not have the interviewer tell you that you’re full of shit.

Clearly the doj doesn’t care about if he’s paying for things for a girlfriend. But if he was fucking a 17 year old and flying her around the country with him that’s another thing.

Yeah not exactly a stellar defense.

This is from an interview, with Tucker Carlson I believe.

“It is a horrible allegation and it is a lie,” Gaetz said. “The New York Times is running a story that I have traveled with a 17-year-old woman and that is verifiably false. People can look at my travel records and see that that is not the case.”

If you read between the lines, it seems odd that he would call a 17 year old girl a “woman”. Do 38 year old guys call a 17 year old a girl, or a woman?

That doesn’t seem that odd to me.

Banging a 17 year old when you’re in your mid thirties on the other hand…someone should drug test him, he has that frat boy coke head look

No, it isn’t odd. It is fucking creepy.

He dances, bobs, weaves, dodges, and shimmies his way through that interview so much he convinced me he 100% did it.

I didn’t watch the interview. Calling a 17 year old a woman or man isn’t that odd to me. They’re on the cusp of adulthood. It also wouldn’t be odd to me to call an 18 year old a girl or a boy.

Initially I agree but if he made a comment, “the woman I was with” and then you found out the girl was 17, that would not only sound odd, that would be an odd way to make the statement. I’ve never heard anyone, until now, refer to a 17 year old as a woman. A young woman, yes, a woman, nope.

Every law enforcement agency in the US would disagree with you. Lack of knowledge of her age is not something that would matter to them charging and finding you guilty.

Every law enforcement agency in the US would disagree with you. Lack of knowledge of her age is not something that would matter to them charging and finding you guilty.

That just seems crazy.

How could a person know? Their ID even says they are 21+.

I would think it matter for findings of guilt at least, which is done by courts (including juries) not law enforcement agencies.

This is from an interview, with Tucker Carlson I believe.

“It is a horrible allegation and it is a lie,” Gaetz said. “The New York Times is running a story that I have traveled with a 17-year-old woman and that is verifiably false. People can look at my travel records and see that that is not the case.”

If you read between the lines, it seems odd that he would call a 17 year old girl a “woman”. Do 38 year old guys call a 17 year old a girl, or a woman?

That doesn’t seem that odd to me.

Banging a 17 year old when you’re in your mid thirties on the other hand…someone should drug test him, he has that frat boy coke head look

No, it isn’t odd. It is fucking creepy.

He dances, bobs, weaves, dodges, and shimmies his way through that interview so much he convinced me he 100% did it.

I didn’t watch the interview. Calling a 17 year old a woman or man isn’t that odd to me. They’re on the cusp of adulthood. It also wouldn’t be odd to me to call an 18 year old a girl or a boy.

This is from his interview with Axios-
Asked what the charges could relate to, Gaetz said: “I have definitely, in my single days, provided for women I’ve dated. You know, I’ve paid for flights, for hotel rooms. I’ve been, you know, generous as a partner. I think someone is trying to make that look criminal when it is not.”

Imagine saying what Gaetz said in that interview and being able to say it with a straight face and not have the interviewer tell you that you’re full of shit.

Clearly the doj doesn’t care about if he’s paying for things for a girlfriend. But if he was fucking a 17 year old and flying her around the country with him that’s another thing.

Yeah not exactly a stellar defense.

When asked if he there was a 17 year old he also said, “The woman does not exist.”

Which is odd because in the next breath he talks about how “they” are trying to make buying stuff for your girlfriend criminal. Which is it? Did you buy stuff for your girlfriend or does she not exist (maybe he had a girlfriend that goes to a different school)? Did you date someone who was really young but 18+? Did you date someone who you thought was 18 but possibly wasn’t?

Every law enforcement agency in the US would disagree with you. Lack of knowledge of her age is not something that would matter to them charging and finding you guilty.

That just seems crazy.

How could a person know? Their ID even says they are 21+.

I would think it matter for findings of guilt at least, which is done by courts (including juries) not law enforcement agencies.

When I was younger, 21 living in Florida, me and my buddy were at a picnic and there were a couple of girls flirting with us. We asked my friends SIL what their names were and if she knew anything about them. She told us their names and said, “oh, the one on the left is 14 and the one on the right is 15.” They looked a lot older than 14 & 15. We left the picnic.

This is from an interview, with Tucker Carlson I believe.

“It is a horrible allegation and it is a lie,” Gaetz said. “The New York Times is running a story that I have traveled with a 17-year-old woman and that is verifiably false. People can look at my travel records and see that that is not the case.”

If you read between the lines, it seems odd that he would call a 17 year old girl a “woman”. Do 38 year old guys call a 17 year old a girl, or a woman?

That doesn’t seem that odd to me.

Banging a 17 year old when you’re in your mid thirties on the other hand…someone should drug test him, he has that frat boy coke head look

No, it isn’t odd. It is fucking creepy.

He dances, bobs, weaves, dodges, and shimmies his way through that interview so much he convinced me he 100% did it.

I didn’t watch the interview. Calling a 17 year old a woman or man isn’t that odd to me. They’re on the cusp of adulthood. It also wouldn’t be odd to me to call an 18 year old a girl or a boy.

Initially I agree but if he made a comment, “the woman I was with” and then you found out the girl was 17, that would not only sound odd, that would be an odd way to make the statement. I’ve never heard anyone, until now, refer to a 17 year old as a woman. A young woman, yes, a woman, nope.

He’s using that word deliberately as part of a misinformation campaign. Don’t refer to her as a girl, or young woman, instead she’s a “woman”. It attempts to somewhat normalize the relationship, and his followers will buy it.

And no, a 17 year old is never referred to as a “woman” or “man” unless you are trying to indicate that they are an adult. (the only exception that I can think of is sometimes, heat sheets at swim meets will list age groups as “women” and “men”, regardless of age, but that might just be a software thing and is specific to the context of a swim meet.)

Every law enforcement agency in the US would disagree with you. Lack of knowledge of her age is not something that would matter to them charging and finding you guilty.

That just seems crazy.

How could a person know? Their ID even says they are 21+.

I would think it matter for findings of guilt at least, which is done by courts (including juries) not law enforcement agencies.

When I was younger, 21 living in Florida, me and my buddy were at a picnic and there were a couple of girls flirting with us. We asked my friends SIL what their names were and if she knew anything about them. She told us their names and said, “oh, the one on the left is 14 and the one on the right is 15.” They looked a lot older than 14 & 15. We left the picnic.

My daughter is 15. Sometimes, she goes to the college gym with me where I work out. I don’t think she looks any younger than what I presume are the mostly 18-22 year old girls working out there. She’s been mistaken for a college age girl more than once, and it’s not like she even has a particularly womanly figure.

Every law enforcement agency in the US would disagree with you. Lack of knowledge of her age is not something that would matter to them charging and finding you guilty.

That just seems crazy.

How could a person know? Their ID even says they are 21+.

I would think it matter for findings of guilt at least, which is done by courts (including juries) not law enforcement agencies.

When I was younger, 21 living in Florida, me and my buddy were at a picnic and there were a couple of girls flirting with us. We asked my friends SIL what their names were and if she knew anything about them. She told us their names and said, “oh, the one on the left is 14 and the one on the right is 15.” They looked a lot older than 14 & 15. We left the picnic.

My daughter is 15. Sometimes, she goes to the college gym with me where I work out. I don’t think she looks any younger than what I presume are the mostly 18-22 year old girls working out there. She’s been mistaken for a college age girl more than once, and it’s not like she even has a particularly womanly figure.

The law simply doesn’t care. If “I thought she was 18” was a valid defense then age of consent laws could hardly ever be prosecuted. If they are under 18 you are guilty, and I’m not sure how many juries will really be all that sympathetic to someone in their mid to late 30’s making that claim. 21 or 22 years old, maybe. 38? Please.

ETA - it is entirely possible that he has been set up and none of this is true at all. In which case he needs to shut up, stop giving interviews, hire someone who is good with damage control, and fire the guy who went on Tucker Carlson last night because that guy sucks at this.

Every law enforcement agency in the US would disagree with you. Lack of knowledge of her age is not something that would matter to them charging and finding you guilty.

That just seems crazy.

How could a person know? Their ID even says they are 21+.

I would think it matter for findings of guilt at least, which is done by courts (including juries) not law enforcement agencies.

When I was younger, 21 living in Florida, me and my buddy were at a picnic and there were a couple of girls flirting with us. We asked my friends SIL what their names were and if she knew anything about them. She told us their names and said, “oh, the one on the left is 14 and the one on the right is 15.” They looked a lot older than 14 & 15. We left the picnic.

My daughter is 15. Sometimes, she goes to the college gym with me where I work out. I don’t think she looks any younger than what I presume are the mostly 18-22 year old girls working out there. She’s been mistaken for a college age girl more than once, and it’s not like she even has a particularly womanly figure.

The law simply doesn’t care. If “I thought she was 18” was a valid defense then age of consent laws could hardly ever be prosecuted. If they are under 18 you are guilty, and I’m not sure how many juries will really be all that sympathetic to someone in their mid to late 30’s making that claim. 21 or 22 years old, maybe. 38? Please.

Yeah I get that. My comments prior were specific to someone under 18 hooking up with someone older who they met in a bar, and even having an ID that shows they are 21+.

I find it hard to believe that any jury in those circumstances would convict someone of statutory rape. I know I wouldn’t. There’s the law and then there’s justice.

Every law enforcement agency in the US would disagree with you. Lack of knowledge of her age is not something that would matter to them charging and finding you guilty.

That just seems crazy.

How could a person know? Their ID even says they are 21+.

I would think it matter for findings of guilt at least, which is done by courts (including juries) not law enforcement agencies.

When I was younger, 21 living in Florida, me and my buddy were at a picnic and there were a couple of girls flirting with us. We asked my friends SIL what their names were and if she knew anything about them. She told us their names and said, “oh, the one on the left is 14 and the one on the right is 15.” They looked a lot older than 14 & 15. We left the picnic.

My daughter is 15. Sometimes, she goes to the college gym with me where I work out. I don’t think she looks any younger than what I presume are the mostly 18-22 year old girls working out there. She’s been mistaken for a college age girl more than once, and it’s not like she even has a particularly womanly figure.

The law simply doesn’t care. If “I thought she was 18” was a valid defense then age of consent laws could hardly ever be prosecuted. If they are under 18 you are guilty, and I’m not sure how many juries will really be all that sympathetic to someone in their mid to late 30’s making that claim. 21 or 22 years old, maybe. 38? Please.

Yeah I get that. My comments prior were specific to someone under 18 hooking up with someone older who they met in a bar, and even having an ID that shows they are 21+.

I find it hard to believe that any jury in those circumstances would convict someone of statutory rape. I know I wouldn’t. There’s the law and then there’s justice.

I’m trying to remember who it was, and it seems like it was a MLB player but not sure ( I found the story and it looks like it was Felipe Vasquez ). He, hooked up with a 13 year old and used the “I thought she was 16” defense. Oof.