Masters Road Nationals?

Are you still in the area? If not, you should know there’s been a crap tonne of commercial growth out there, to include an Amazon distribution center. Frankly, I won’t be surprised if they don’t use that course, given the traffic out there.
I rode it Saturday. You asked how much longer they could make it; I answered.

Not for nothing, but there’s more to it than just how long the road is. My concern is whether it’s feasible to extend the course that far. I know how long the road is. What I don’t know from first hand experience (haven’t been down there in two years, so I’m going off what a friend who lives in Rio Rancho tells me) is that the typical traffic down there during the week is horrendous. In fact, he said he doesn’t believe they can hold the race there unless they can convince Amazon to shut down operations for a day. He’s probably exaggerating.

We’ve done a certified 40 km from the usual Double Eagle starting point sometime in the mid 90s. 20 km puts the turnaround just about at the entrance to Ventana Ranch off Paseo del Norte. The extra 10 km adds a quite a bit more climbing to the course though.

Are you still in the area? If not, you should know there’s been a crap tonne of commercial growth out there, to include an Amazon distribution center. Frankly, I won’t be surprised if they don’t use that course, given the traffic out there.

On the map I see the Amazon stuff and other businesses at the south end, but the race could start north of that, and their traffic routed to the freeway. That leaves only the airport and shooting range that would really need to use that road, all the way N then E to Ventana Ranch. Maybe not 40k, but close anyway. Seems like it wouldn’t be hard to semi-close that section of road, and cut the traffic way down.,-106.7975905,3a,75y,325.17h,86.05t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sLNLzY7DDDNU_EhCt8JFM9A!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

I’ve not been on the north end of that road, but from the look of things on satellite view on google maps, it seems that once you get north of the small lot right there at the I-40 exit, there’s no parking unless you just stick cars out in the desert.

I’ve never ridden the course used for the regional TT championship. Would that course work?

Parking in the desert looks very good to me on the east side of the road. And further back you can park on pavement. Having nice paved parking at a race start is pretty rare IMO.

The state TT course is a good one, but isn’t 40k either, and quite a bit further from town (south in Belen). Parking there is in front of people’s houses on residential streets.

Courses were announced today. 20 and 40km TT courses along Atrisco Vista all the way to Rainbow Rd. for the long course. Road race is 33 mile loop once or twice depending on age group using Heartbreak Hill loop. Crit is at Balloon Fiesta Park. Video description is at with links to Strava route in the description for the video.
Strava link for TT:
Strava link to an activity that shows most of the course:

Good course! The climb averages 1.6% for 5.3 miles and there is a 1.5 mile section that averages 2.5%. According to my calculations the climb slows down the average speed for the course by a little over 1 km/hr (for me) vs a perfectly flat road, but I still think it will be fast. An important factor is pavement quality which is very good; way better than Moriarty has ever been IME, and much better than the CO Springs course. The first turn is very sweeping and shouldn’t be an issue at all. No idea what they’ll do on Rainbow Rd, but they could make that safe and easy.

In case anyone didn’t get the memo, registration is now open… plus this is the last day for discounted entry; $90 vs $115 after today.

and now we get to start this all over again. Anyone have insight into 2022 location, back to ABQ? I wouldn’t be opposed to the races returning there for another year.

and now we get to start this all over again. Anyone have insight into 2022 location, back to ABQ? I wouldn’t be opposed to the races returning there for another year.

We want to thank the City of Albuquerque, the Albuquerque Sports Commission, and Bernalillo County for being a tremendous host for our 2021 Masters Road National Championships. 2021 continues to be a challenging year to host events and the local support we received allowed us to hold a successful event, said Tara McCarthy, Director of National Events for USA Cycling. “Our participants had an amazing time and are excited to return in 2022.” (source)

and now we get to start this all over again. Anyone have insight into 2022 location, back to ABQ? I wouldn’t be opposed to the races returning there for another year.

We want to thank the City of Albuquerque, the Albuquerque Sports Commission, and Bernalillo County for being a tremendous host for our 2021 Masters Road National Championships. 2021 continues to be a challenging year to host events and the local support we received allowed us to hold a successful event, said Tara McCarthy, Director of National Events for USA Cycling. “Our participants had an amazing time and are excited to return in 2022.” (source)

Were there any left turns? :slight_smile:

I think ‘Left Turn Nationals’ will be happening at Velo Sport Center next year.

I think ‘Left Turn Nationals’ will be happening at Velo Sport Center next year.

2022 masters track nationals in L.A.? (asking seriously)

… rumor has it.

I think ‘Left Turn Nationals’ will be happening at Velo Sport Center next year.

Left turn in Albuquerque…Bugs Bunny

didn’t see Bugs but swear I saw Wile E chasing the Roadrunner on the TT course.


So maybe this should be a separate thread, but there is a rumor going around that they are going to change the TT course to the Moriarty Course. Now that would be a great Nationals.

How many records would be broken at that event ?

EDIT to add: If US Cycling had its marketing down, they could create a rivalry between the Triathlete TT Rider and the Road TT Rider for Record bragging rights on the fastest 40K course in the country. ‘Dual in the Desert’!

So maybe this should be a separate thread, but there is a rumor going around that they are going to change the TT course to the Moriarty Course.
I’d say that’s premature. Randy, the promoter of the Moriarty TT has spoken to Abq. Parks and Rec. about moving Master Nats. out there, but as far as I know, Parks and Rec. hasn’t responded one way or the other to the idea.

Would be cool, but… traffic control? It’s a popular trucking route; fairly busy road to close for ~5 hrs. For most of the 2021 course, closing to traffic was easy. Maybe someone can chime in on the likelihood. I’ve only seen this years course and the one in CO Springs (which was in the boonies).

Ha, isn’t the ***best Rumor ***the one that is premature ? When did facts matter ?