Masters of the Air (1)

Just starting a thread on the new Apple TV show. Half way through episode one. Phenomenal. Great acting. Screenplay solid and the cinematography is spectacular.

Will wait for slowguy to do a proper review.


Will wait for slowguy to do a proper review.

He’s busy jersey shopping


Will wait for slowguy to do a proper review.

He’s busy jersey shopping

Who wants to buy jersey?

Fuck you LOL

Watched the first two episodes

A thousands times better than Memphis Belle

The airborne scenes are incredibly claustrophobic

“Nineteen left, one returned, three missing” Thirty-three guys killed in the first episode

Dude got his face blown off; a ball-turret gunner got frost-bite on his “lower extremities” when his window got shattered at 25,000 feet

Spielberg & Hanks aren’t fucking around

Fuck you LOL

So case in point? 😂


Will wait for slowguy to do a proper review.

He’s busy jersey shopping

Who wants to buy jersey?

Because they speak French there?

Only in Wildwood, and only during the Summer

Watching the opening credits, someone’s getting shot down and The Tuskegee Airmen will be showing up

Only in Wildwood, and only during the Summer

I was speaking of the Balliwick

That’s just off The Boardwalk, right?

I think I saw Southside Johnny there once

That’s just off The Boardwalk, right?

I think I saw Southside Johnny there once

It’s an island in the channel

That’s just off The Boardwalk, right?

I think I saw Southside Johnny there once

Windy is talking about a different Jersey :wink:
Quite different from your Jersey.

That would explain “New” which implies “old”

Also, how fucking stupid does he think I am? What a stunade

Thanks for the reminder! I completely forgot this was out. It’s now in my queue.

My Grandfather’s brother was a ball turret gunner on a B-17. He died when I was pretty young but I’ve heard a few stories of his WWII experience, like so many others, he returned a severely broken man.

I’ve watched the first two episodes - awesome so far. Way more intense than I expected.

That would explain “New” which implies “old”

Also, how fucking stupid does he think I am? What a stunade

I was playing along. You should be pissed at Francois for assuming you didn’t know about the Baliwick

Good point, thanks & my apologies to all

The scene in Episode 1, where the landed with the gear up, reminded me of a diorama display sheet that was included in my Monogram 1/48 scale B-17 that I built way back in my teen years

I like it so far, but it’s no Band of Brothers or The Pacific.

I like that they showed the things that go unnoticed, like the ferry flights from the US to England, and that they didn’t gloss over the preflight checklist. Interesting factoid: the formal preflight checklist we know today was created because a B-17 crashed during the flight test phase due to the pilots missing an important check (gust lock, IIRC).

So far it’s shown from the perspective of the officers, so I hope they don’t skimp on the enlisted aircrew and maintainers.

There was a voice over from the narrator (Navigator Crosby) praising the ground crew for all they did to keep them flying, then a scene where one of the crew shows some English kids how to get the oils drips off the runway - by setting it on fire!!!

If I know my tropes, getting friendly with local kids during wartime never turns out well

Finished Episode 1. This is probably a stupid question but when they are flying in and there’s flak all around, why don’t they increase altitude and fly a little higher, above the flak?