March Fish Thread - brought to you by Big Cap

See Feb thread to catch up on the inside joke. And post your swims.

F Mar 1- 3200 yds of sidestroke and sidestroke kick

I’m on the Dont Do Stupid Sh*t plan and having beaten the clock m,t,th today the thing to beat was my ocd, hence the free free session

This swim happened yesterday so technically its a feb swim ha.

Im not sure anyone cares.

4800 total – helluva first week back

2 times through
300MOD on 4min (3:35 range)
6 x 100 on 1:35 Race Pace (whatever that means I was just going hard)

Round 1 was able to build into the 100s (having not swum in over 12 days)
106, 106, 105, 104, 103 103
Round 2 was WAY more painful ha
107 106 105 107 106 107 – I was digging but there was nothing there. Shovel mustve been broken Ha

Happy w this tho having had our feb break off and out of the water and only swimming 2x per week


My swim too is from yesterday, and I was very conflicted about this particular once ever 4 years leap day swim. You see this is my birthday, and I started doing birthday sets when I was 25 years old, think I may have been the one that made it a thing. No one did them back then so for now I will take credit for the B-day swim…

So usually I take a couple months and really gear up for this, like it was an “A” race. In the past it was always my age on a particular interval, albeit a challenging one. The hardest one was SCM on the 1;10, when I was 55 it was 55 on the 1;15 SCY. Last time was in my 60’s doing them on the 1;20SCY, and I still had a feeling I could do something like that with a good lane leader and pulling. But 68 of them is no joke, and I missed virtually all of Jan this year being sick, so I decided to challenge myself with what I have now. So with that in mind I decided to do my leap year age in 200IM’s(put on race suit), so 3 warm up 200’s and then 17 straight on the 3;45. I wanted to quit at 14, pretended that with the 3 warm up ones I had my 17, but pushed that thought out and finished it off. Went to sea level pool and it was only about 82.5 degrees, so good for me

20x200 as 3 swim@3;10(2;58/52/49)
17 200IM’s@3;45(3;13 on first, then all 3;09 to 3;11, #16 3;13 and #17- 3;07)

SO that will have to suffice until I can get back into my old man form, but really happy I did something with what I got…

I found this disappointing but very interesting: Disappointing because I didn’t get in but interesting that the Big Shoulders swim in September in Chicago sold out 1200 spots this morning in less than 40 minutes. That doesn’t seem to support the talk that the swim is the biggest hindrance to triathlon participation.

a belated happy bday! I am a fan of bday sets and probably got it from you
that’s a great workout!

See Feb thread to catch up on the inside joke. And post your swims.


I wore my…um…big cap this morning. (It’s actually for big hair people, even though I have a buzzcut - it feels right.)

Anyway I did a sprinty little session, which involved a dive 25m in 16.0sec, which is good for me.

Good on you for knocking it out. I tell myself I am going to do a bday swim each year and never do

Mate , The birthday swims sounds like they get harder as you get older, shouldn’t they get easier!!

Just got in today and swam some 400s below a thresh effort but still holding stroke. Counting strokes now every few laps and mainly in the 31-34 range. When up to 34 really trying to lengthen out and glide hard after the breath to get back down . Can’t kick to save a life so it’s all upper body gliding

Easier day today

I’m trying to keep on the low down from big cap. Got a buz cut the other day to keep things chill up top

See Feb thread to catch up on the inside joke. And post your swims.

I came up with April’s title already too but you’ll have to wait

nice job on the 25!

I too, love bday swims or runs or whatever!
Its your day! celebrate how you want!

Great work there.

Hope you have another amazing birthday in 4 years.


Sat Mar 2- 3200 yd sidestroke kick

Listening to my body and making smart choices

Mar 1: 4000scy

2x50 easy
5x100 pull, strong but try to even split(surge 2nd 50) on 1:30
4x50 easy

400s were 4:42-42-39 by round
100s were ~1:04 high first round, ~1:04 low second round, ~1:03 third round

pull 100’s were 58s

Sun March 3 - 600 free, 1700 kick

12 x 50 on 55

month for my purposes
Fri Mar 1 - 3200 kick
Sat Mar 2 - 3200 kick
Sun Mar 3 - 600 swim, 1700 kick

Swam today and main was 3x500 200 150 100 50 desc throughout

Re your other post tiger, that is 100% why pro athletes use hormones (illegally of course). The training they do crashes their hormone system so some low dosages in the endurance sports lets them function normally and have some sort of hormonal / sexual appetite. It’s quite a hard topic really as I’m somewhat sympathetic to that and essentially everyone does it

I think some people can live with that and others cannot - hence why mental health is so terrible when they quit. Imposter syndrome. Living a hormone free life.

I mean look at pro athletes and think of what they look like as 18-25 year olds and I think of friends from school and college and they just look different - and it’s because they are on all sorts of stuff. My friends used to look normal and like old kids or like young adults. Sport stars not so much

Unfortunately swimming is not immune but at least it’s not as bad as athletics

Speaking of swimcaps, people keep giving them to me. Then at the pool, it is assumed that I did this Tri or that Xterra or I’m a member of the Sharks club so I must be good. Fun times!

It makes me sad that in your world there that so many young guys around your age are already on the gear, but can’t say I’m surprised. Not much surprises me anymore, so I just roll with what I got until I can’t anymore. On that other thread getting so much attention, I think in my sweet spot of training 4 to 7 hours a week, that is the spot that keeps you under the hormone deficit, and fit enough to spike the drive. At least for me, but of course my wife is 21 years younger than me, so that doesnt hurt… (-;

Started looking around for some upcoming meets and racing, and an old meet I used to do is now a pentathlon. But it is on ST. Pattys day, so not much time to get in sprint shape. SO with that in the back of my mind, started doing some faster 50’s today to just see if it would even be possible:

3x(200buoy@3;10/2x100frog@2;10/3x50fly/bk/brst@1;10/1;20/1;30) buoys(2;56/49/44)frogs(1;57/54/51/49/49/47)fly(39/37/35)bk(44/41/39+)brst(45/42/41)
2x(200p@3;00/200frog@4;30/100IM)pulls(2;34/34)frogs(3;42/3;39)IM(1;22, then broken one@50 1;14–37/37)
2x(3x50buoy@1;00/2x50frog@1;15/50fly or back)buoys(40/40/39/39/39/37)frogs(54/53’s)fly(36-bk-39+)
3550SCY in 70 minutes

This mind be a mind numbingly stupid question…. But I somewhat recently started in a 33 1/3 meter pool for the first time ever. Really struggling to find a workout sequence of sorts that I enjoy. I used to do a lot of up and down latter sets in a 25y pool with minimal equipment if anything at all. Buoy and paddles at most.

Anyone have any easy to follow workouts? Something my pea sized brain can remember without having to bring notes to the pool or my phone.

I want to clarify my post as in the rush of writing a fast message I did not convey myself well

What I mean is that I think back to what my friends looked like, when we were much younger and then I look at what the sports stars look like, and they are young as well

And the two types of people don’t look the same, it is hard to put an age on athletes now as some of them look prematurely old. But old is not the right word - they just look different and as though they have aged according to a different set of rules.

The shape of their faces are different, the brow more pronounced, the hairline prematurely receding, to what a normal person from back in the day looked like.

When I was that age we didn’t look like that. So it’s like they are just different characteristics for the two different groups.

Most of the people that I come across who I suspect to dabble is based on my own personal assessment, taking into account body fat, muscle, facial structure and hair, vascularity and the flush on their neck.

Most who I put into this category are not stealing podiums, and are just trying to look good while doing workouts with their friends, without their shirts on. But some are stealing podiums. Though how much of a negative effect this has on the mental health and physical health they have, through over doing hormones and under doing proper training I do not know

On 4 hours of training I feel amazing but I also do not feel as connected as when I am swimming a lot more

5 minutes to do about 150 yards in Whonnock Lake on Feb. 29th.

1st open water swim of the year.

My next lake swim I hope to be twice as long.

This mind be a mind numbingly stupid question…. But I somewhat recently started in a 33 1/3 meter pool for the first time ever. Really struggling to find a workout sequence of sorts that I enjoy. I used to do a lot of up and down latter sets in a 25y pool with minimal equipment if anything at all. Buoy and paddles at most.

Anyone have any easy to follow workouts? Something my pea sized brain can remember without having to bring notes to the pool or my phone.

If there’s a clock at both ends, I’d do sets that are multiples of 100s, you just need to figure out the interval. e.g. 100 repeats, 200 repeats, 300 repeats… or pyramids (1, 2, 3, 4, and back down) or roller coasters (1,2,3,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,3,2,1 or 1,2,3,4,3,2,1,2,3,2,1 etc depending on how high you want the “hills” and whether you want the same height hill)

if there’s no clock at both ends, I’d do sets that are multiples of 66 2/3, you just need to figure out the interval.

That is not at all meant to be a flippant answer, and if you want me to offer more specific suggestions, LMK the clock situation and I’ll be more specific.

I’m a fan of incredible monotony, so my specifics won’t even include buoys and paddles, you can figure out if you want those

(also, hi everyone, I’m taking some time off to let my shoulder and hamstring tendonitises sort themselves out)