Mandatory packet pick the day before for Sprint race

Major first world problem here. :slight_smile:

Grand Rapids Triathlon and Michigan Titanium are two great local races, but they have this odd rule of no race day packet pickup. I understand why for half and full distance (MiTi only) but not for Sprint racers.

It’s 90-minutes round trip to packet pick and then the next day another 90-minutes round trip to do a race that takes 1:20 minutes to complete. Lol.

I understand race day pickup requires volunteers, etc, but other smaller races manage just fine. I’d even pay a fee to pick up race day. Still cheaper than gas.

Anybody else run into a rule like this for Sprint races? Doesn’t seem like overkill for such a short race?

I wouldn’t do the race. Even the smallest local races I’ve done have always offered race day pickup for a fee at the very least.

EDIT 11/3/23: Since I’m the 2nd post on this thread I’m throwing in this edit to be fair to the race organizer who has taken the time to provide a reasonable and level headed explanation of why things are the way they are at his races. Much respect to JMosey for coming in here and keeping his cool after a bunch of us, myself included, said some unreasonable things. If I lived anywhere near his races I’d be very interested in doing them.

My grandfather always said that I should never send an angry letter so I’ve sat on this for a day. I’ve been advised not to respond as there’s little to be gained with online arguments, but I wanted to at least chime in if only for those people who come across this thread in the future and see that negative things are being said about our company.

First, to address your concern about same day packet pickup. You had commented on our FB page the day before creating this post and I did let you know that we make exceptions. My email address and phone number are readily available to athletes, and I talk to them every day, it’s the best part of the job. If you had reached out to me, I would have been able to tell you that it is something we are working on, but it’s not something we are going to announce until we are 100% sure we can deliver the customer service our athletes have come to expect from us.

Volunteers are growing increasingly difficult to find in this post Covid world, but we still manage to find 300-400 people who take the time out of their day to make sure our athletes have the best experience possible (this is more than most athletes at our other local triathlons. I don’t say it to brag, but to show the scope of what we are doing). Let’s say we can get 10 of those people to show up at 4 or 4:30 in the morning to receive training on how to check-in athletes so that we can open at 5am when athletes start arriving (this is more people than we have at our afternoon check-ins BTW). Dynamic bib generation is an amazing tool, but something that can be easily messed up if the person doesn’t fully understand what they are doing. Let’s say it takes 1 minute to get each person through the registration check-in process, that’s 750 minutes last year, or 75 minutes per volunteer, assuming nothing goes wrong (and something always goes wrong, that’s just life). The last people through now have 15 minutes to check-in their bikes, get warmed up, and make their way to the swim start for morning announcements. This is cutting it too close for our comfort. As I mentioned earlier, we are exploring ways to make this possible for those willing to pay for the service, but it’s not something we are ready to roll out at this time. If you had reached out to me, I would have been happy to explain this.

Another thing to consider is the stakeholders of the event. It’s not just athletes and race directors. We’ve made a very pointed effort to work with the communities we race in, with Ada being perhaps the best example. The town and local businesses are kind enough to allow us to close down roads and essentially take over the town for the weekend. My partner serves on the business association board and organizes the local Christmas celebration that brings thousands of people to Ada. We have had businesses tell us that their best day ever in terms of revenue was Grand Rapids Tri weekend, only for it to be broken at GR Tri the following year. For those who haven’t been there, we host packet pickup in the town itself to highlight the local businesses and just what a great area it is. If we allow half of our athletes to show up, race, and leave the town is losing some of the economic benefits of having the race and might not look so kindly on next year’s application.

This thread has bothered me, especially posts like this. We go to great lengths (rightfully so) to make sure that alleged cheats and dopers are given a fair shake on this forum so I’m disappointed to see a comment like this is allowed to stand. I’d like to know if this person has done any of our events.

Don’t support that race. They don’t give a crap about athletes. They have take it or leave it attitude. Shitty race directors do that crap. They can’t be considerate.

I’ve already written more than I planned but will close with this. I am available to our athletes at anytime. My name is in my username on ST and my phone number and email address are readily available on our websites. If you have a question or concern, please reach out to me and we will do our best to get it taken care of. I don’t know why the original poster felt the need to publicly name us on this thread like he has other times (I believe it was in regard to pricing, which is an entirely different conversation) but this all could have been handled with a simple email or phone call. I’m sorry you no longer want to do our events, but we will survive. Every one of our events was up last year and GR Tri (25%) and Michigan Titanium (100%) are already up substantially year to date. I’d like to think we are doing something right given our customer satisfaction rates (96-99% depending on the race) and the number of people doing 3,5, or even 7 events with us every year. I know we will never be able to make everyone happy, but it won’t stop us from trying. Also, thank you to the athletes who spoke up for us in this thread and/or reached out to me personally to make sure I was aware of it.

Major first world problem here. :slight_smile:

Grand Rapids Triathlon and Michigan Titanium are two great local races, but they have this odd rule of no race day packet pickup. I understand why for half and full distance (MiTi only) but not for Sprint racers.

It’s 90-minutes round trip to packet pick and then the next day another 90-minutes round trip to do a race that takes 1:20 minutes to complete. Lol.

I understand race day pickup requires volunteers, etc, but other smaller races manage just fine. I’d even pay a fee to pick up race day. Still cheaper than gas.

Anybody else run into a rule like this for Sprint races? Doesn’t seem like overkill for such a short race?

It seems they do that because they want you to pick up the racing ship the day before

In my opinion, a much better way of doing that as they strip the time in ship to your bike rack as other triathlons do it makes things so much easier

I have run into this and often, though not always, it is due to the size of the race. If you have a 700-1000 person race (and there are a number of them in IL and WI) the organizers are concerned about getting everyone processed and the race started on time if the majority of the field waits till race morning to pick up their packets.
On occasion I have skipped a race or paid extra for race morning pickup because, as you’ve said, a couple of long back to back drives just makes the opportunity cost too high.

I love that company and I love their races, but it certainly dissuades me from doing GR and MiTi. Done both, but I would do them more with same day pickup like they do for Ugly Dog/ Dirty Mitten.

I understand that GR and MiTi are big races with 70.3 distance components and lots of moving parts, and we don’t bat an eye about doing it for Ironman or AG Nationals. Definitely a barrier for me though coming from Lansing.

I skipped both the last few years because of the mandatory day before pickup. I did do MiTi last year and packet picked location really sucked. So I think I’ll pass this year as well.

I have a friend in Muskegon, who much like you, doesn’t sign up because of the packet pickup. Just too long of a drive.

Cow Pie Classic gravel race is same day as GR Tri. That’s an amazing gravel race out of Ionia. I may do that.

John posts on here occasionally, maybe he will see the thread.

Have you reached out to Lori to discuss?

There was a lot of discussion about it after MiTi last year. I thought they would add a fee, which we all said we would pay, but unfortunately nothing has changed.

I was curious about races in other areas. I’ve being doing triathlons for 20 years and other than Ironman branded events, these are the only two that require day before packet pickup.

I can’t recall the last race I did that didn’t involve pre-race day packet pickup even for sprints and olys. Annoying but the reality.

Judging by the handle, are you in Texas?


A lot of my local running races have started doing that as well, even all the way down to 5kms.

I think it boils down to volunteers. You need to put the volunteers where they are needed the most and on race day, it generally shouldn’t be sitting at a table. I SUSPECT that volunteer numbers are falling if they are following the trend everywhere else is so perhaps they are focusing more on the race on race day. I have no information that indicates one way or another, just hypothesizing.

These aren’t stand alone sprint races right? I looked quick and Grand Rapids is a multi day event offering a super sprint/sprint/olympic/half. I haven’t done a race that offers both a sprint and a half distance. All of the local stand alone sprints near me offer packet pick up on race day. I’ve done some local races that have a sprint & an olympic that offer packet pick up on race day. I think this is just one from a logistics stand point where they want to do it early because they have so much going on. They don’t want to have packet pick up during the weekend when they’re putting on 4 different races.

These aren’t stand-alone sprint races, right? I looked quick and Grand Rapids is a multi day event offering a super sprint/sprint/olympic/half. I haven’t done a race that offers both a sprint and a half distance. All of the local stand alone sprints near me offer packet pick up on race day. I’ve done some local races that have a sprint & an olympic that offer packet pick up on race day. I think this is just one from a logistics stand point where they want to do it early because they have so much going on. They don’t want to have packet pick up during the weekend when they’re putting on 4 different races.

GR Tri is multiday. I’ve done that race since it started in 2010 or 2011, but stopped after 2019. I did it again in 2021 off a COVID deferral and because I had a friend who was a volunteer and picked up my packet for me and brought it race morning. :slight_smile:

The multi-day event I think started in 2019 or 2021, can’t recall, the pandemic clouds the timeline. I don’t like the multi-day event at all, it really killed the festive atmosphere, but that’s a whole separate issue. I do understand why they did it, but it really did take away some special about that event.
It should be easier to race day packet pick up with the split day event. Also, with the race now on Saturday, you’re asking people to drive to packet pickup on a Friday after work. I recall somebody complaining last year they had to take a PTO day to make it to packet pickup and back home to get kids from daycare. Who really wants to waste a PTO on a Sprint triathlon? LOL.

Thankfully, there are other races to choose from.

Don’t support that race. They don’t give a crap about athletes. They have take it or leave it attitude. Shitty race directors do that crap. They can’t be considerate.

That is annoying. My local series (Kinetic Multisports) allows morning of. I wouldn’t drive more than 30 mins each way to pick up at a packet.

I understand a marathon or IM event with thousands of people requiring day prior, but not a local race. They could charge a fee and then pay dedicated temp staff to be on site the morning of the race. Takes the volunteer aspect out of the equation.

Major first world problem here. :slight_smile:

Grand Rapids Triathlon and Michigan Titanium are two great local races, but they have this odd rule of no race day packet pickup. I understand why for half and full distance (MiTi only) but not for Sprint racers.

It’s 90-minutes round trip to packet pick and then the next day another 90-minutes round trip to do a race that takes 1:20 minutes to complete. Lol.

I understand race day pickup requires volunteers, etc, but other smaller races manage just fine. I’d even pay a fee to pick up race day. Still cheaper than gas.

Anybody else run into a rule like this for Sprint races? Doesn’t seem like overkill for such a short race?

1:20 for a sprint - is it point to point up hill the entire way? :slight_smile:

We have one of those here, about an hour from my house round trip. I wouldn’t do it if it was much further away. Oddly - I will get on a plane and fly to a sprint… Go figure.

Said race series must be doing really really well for a “local” event (I designate local as any non large branded race), to require day before packet pickup. I would think most local races are looking to grab as many 1-2 hour athletes from it’s race as possible to get the most participants. Thankfully in our area of NC, no races require this, maybe it’s too much competition as we have about 3 legit race organizations (who primarily have races in “their” area of our state).

Anyone ever seen this before?

Seems genius to me

Or am I missing something

Takes just one person at packet pickup

Computer chips are clipped to the corresponding bike rake spot by number

Packet pickup has no special packet or number for each racer

stacks of numbers on the table Each for different event Eg Sprint, Olympic and half

You show the person you photo ID

Volunteer looks your name up on a sheet to see which race you are doing.

They select a bib number that is in on top for that race. And the appropriate swim cap color

Line moved amazingly fast

No need to match a name to a number and look for that exact folder/packet/shirt