Magic 5 Googles (1)

Hey folks, has anyone tried these? You scan the dimensions of face using their App and then they send you a custom set of goggles.

We used them for out tri “team.” Felt comfortable. Got mirrored and non-mirrored. However I felt like they started to fog after a while and couldn’t get that to stop.

Have since switched to roka and like those better.

Have 2 pair and they fit fine, but as others have said, they fog a ton after a short while. At $70, this should not be the case. They are cool, but for that kind of money I feel they should stand up better. Mine even pop out of the nosepiece almost every time I put them away so unless you get a deal I would find another brand if your face is not one of those hard to fit ones. I never race in my Magic5 goggles as I don’t want to lose them in T1, but also the fog issues which have been very well documented here if you do a search. Cheap Aquaspheres are awesome for racing as if they’ll lost I’m only out $20 and they don’t fog.

the best goggle i’ve try in 45 years of swimming, very confortable, you don’t need to tighten like others.

fog solution: spit it out and use your tongue

I have two pairs. One indoor and one for open water. Great fit, once in a while my indoor ones will leak. They sell anti fog for $5, I think I got a free bottle when I got the second pair.

I’ve been using these for a few years now. I like that they don’t smash into my eye sockets. They hold up well in open water conditions and I haven’t had any issues with wearing them in rough waters.

I do carry baby shampoo and rinse them in the shower almost every session. I think the fogging is just crap sticking to the goggle so the fogging is worse. I keep them cleaned and it has minimal fogging. In the pool I care less about the fogging because I could probably swim blindfolded and flip after my stroke count, so I don’t need to see much in the pool. In the ocean it is a different story and I need clear visibility.

I will say that it took a while to get used to the hard bend in the goggles in my peripheral vision. I kept jumping out of my wetsuite because I thought I’d see a predator. It is just the slight distortion and not an animal in pursuit.

I’ve had 2 pairs where the seal has cracked. It was probably my fault because I’m not gentle and I don’t keep them in a case. I buy the 3-pack and I’ve purchased 3 times. I have 5 pairs still in use, so 2 have been lost, 2 have failed.

I can’t decide if I should try these or not.

I currently have Aquasphere Xceeds, but they sit right on the edge of the eye socket bone, and I get horrendous marks. But they don’t leak and they don’t fog - not sure if I should suck up the marks or try something different.

I think they’re ok. The fit is ok, but not great (I have to crank them down to get a good seal). Fogging is annoying. For the price tag, I feel they should be better.

Not worth paying much for goggles, all will lose their antifog coating, best to get a bunch of cheap pairs on rotation. When goggles eventually start to fog you can prolong their life using anti fog spray each session. TYR Anti-fog Spray at
I’ve been a competitive swimmer my whole life and have found the Sporti goggles to be best and most pairs are about $10 or less. All pairs have 3 nose bridges included so you can find your fit.

Here is my favorite right now:
Sporti Antifog S2 Goggle at

I use the distance vision enhanced version as I am nearsighted. They give me just as good distance vision as my prescription glasses/contacts. I use these for open water racing
Sporti Antifog S2 Optical Goggle at

Here is a more comfy but dorky (LoL) looking Sporti option. They also have optical version available.
Sporti Antifog Plus Goggle at

Didn’t work for me. Magic5 service was great though. First rendition didn’t deal so they asked me to do submit another scan. Unfortunately, the second version was worse as i could actually see out the bottom between the gasket and my skin. They offered a full refund on the spot.

There is something called Swipe technology which improves the anti-fog. Arena uses it and there are a few other companies, View and one or two more. They do eventually start fogging, but I’ve had Cobras that I’ve used for 3 months in the pool with no fogging. Other goggles can fog straight out the box. So I use them for training and have others that are only used for races. Swimming OWS with fogging goggles is just shit. Forget comfort, technology, cost, most important thing for me is fogging.

my ultra swipes are starting to deteriorate and crumble a bit on the eye piece. getting some new pairs. probably had them since august or september. worth paying again for them. i am giving them a lot of love so the deterioration makes sense. have you had that? do you wash them in cold water after you swim under a tap to mainta them?

i am curious about the magic but also think arena ultra swipes are the best i have worn

my ultra swipes are starting to deteriorate and crumble a bit on the eye piece. getting some new pairs. probably had them since august or september. worth paying again for them. i am giving them a lot of love so the deterioration makes sense. have you had that? do you wash them in cold water after you swim under a tap to mainta them?

i am curious about the magic but also think arena ultra swipes are the best i have worn

I’ve got about 5 pairs and some of them are a few years old and still going strong. I do wash them after being in the pool though.

Yikes, Arena the cobra ultra swipe is also pricey. Does the swipe tech work? Are they comfortable? How is the goggle mark situation? Cheers

my experience with magic 5 - zero leaks without having to tighten them hard. So none of the pain around eyes that I had with other goggles.
As for fog, just spit in it and wash and no issues.
Customer service is amazing, I scratched a pair (totally my fault) and they sent me a replacement free of charge.

As for cost, I can’t believe people are whining about $40 (discount codes are easy to find) goggles they will use for years, at the same time as discussing $15k bikes, $1,500 aerobars, and so on.

Yes the technology actually works and I think they are comfortable. Gets me through two hour swims fine. I don’t think the panda eyes are actually too bad. Old pairs have been worse.

Like zed said above I will now use cold water rinses on mine just to try to get some more life.

Zed mate the new arena cobra edge are dropping at 160. Crikey

I’m going to give the core a go rather than the ultra, see how they go! I’ve spent more money on goggles than I care to think about.

As others have said, the most comfortable, non-leaky goggles I have ever worn…and no eye rings.

The fogging is brutal, though. I’ve tried all the tricks and even bought their anti-fog spray. Nothing works. I still use them in the pool, but I can’t see the clock, my watch, or my set when they are on.

I won’t buy them again for the price.

Yes I do have the core and ultra and I just refer to them as the same thing.

Hope you love them as much as I do.

I personally think they are both about as comfortable as each other. The core v ultra that is