Macdonald - walmart - nascar - dumpster - dominate

This is a race report -

Below is a picture of my new bike that I was riding for the race for the R & A cycles FIT Multisport team, courtesy of Jason.

The frame is a QR Lucero, and was very light, stiff and comfy for the bumpy course and Jason said that I should go with HED 3 front/rear combo, which was perfect for this course!! I went to 172.5 cranks from 175’s I had ridden all the years before. This was a great decision too, b/c it allowed me to have a more open hip angle while still being low, and it allowed me to spin easier. I used 12-23 cassette in the rear and 53-39 up front. I didn’t have the HED aerobars on b/c I accidently cut them too short and the bar ends wouldn’t fit, but I still had the HED base bar to use.[1]

**RACE PLAN - **
Paulo and Jonny helped me and told me to be patient and wait for the run, and not to take the run out too hard. Paulo also helped me alot with my taper, and my training for most of the season. I learned alot from he and Jonny this year. The two of them also convinced me to only run on grass and trails, which is what helped me to get enough injury free running to get one under 3 hrs.

Honey Nut Chererios - Water - Air

So I took the swim start hard to try and get in as fast as a group as possible, but I couldn’t stay in the group b/c two or three of us were fighting for the same guys feet, and if you are barely hanging onto a group, this is not a good situation. I fell back and did the rest of the swim pretty quietly with two other guys and it was nice and relaxing.
-------swim split 56:xx--------

I took the time to put on cycling clothes in transition b/c I like a nice cycling pad for 112 miles. Out of Transition I face planted when i tripped over the timing mat…YES!! Now I would look like a badass with a bloody knee all day :slight_smile: I start the bike usually with no power b/c I am so tight, and my hamstrings need to loosen up, and the saddle starts to feel like a good height again…so when Christophe Bastie went by I couldnt go and pace with him yet…so about mile 30 Dave Harju went by and I thought I would ride with him, so I started to and realized I needed to shift down a gear and spin and things are much easier…freakin dumbass I am. I rode with him and we started passing guys. so everyting is going great until mile 102 and I slam a bump going downhill and hear a snap, then lose control of my bike…SHIT!! I snapped one of the bolts that secure my stem to my handlebars, so I tighten the other the best I can and and I have to sit down and ride conservative in…maybe lost 3 minutes or so, so nothing major…just suck not being able to stand up the last 10 miles!!! (this stem was provided by me)
-------bike split 5:06--------[1]

I had to start the run slow b/c of fear of a sidestich. If I got a sideache my race would be pretty much over. So I was running easy, then Bernd E. run up to me and we work together very well through about 11 miles, we would slow up for one-another at aid stations so we hit them single file, and we spoke a little German, this was probably the coolest part of the race. Then Norbert K. went by pretty fast and I kept his pace from about 50 m back for a long time…till maybe 16-17 miles. Then another guy came by and I used him to bridge up to Norbert. We we all moving well now and I noticed the guys falling off a bit, and I knew Eric Bean was up the road and FRITZ and GARN gave me splits up to Mr. Bean. I had 40 seconds to get him with 3 miles to go. I closed it down in about two miles, and the last mile we ran together and I tried to drop him, but I couldnt…he eventually outsprinted me…it was a tight bunch from 2nd to 9th place with about 5 minutes between us all, I ended up in 7th overall.
-------run split-----2:58 (1:28 , 1:30)--------

overall 9:08:xx 7th overall.

I am happy with the race, and it was the first time I didn’t say to myself “I am never doing this again” during the race. It was nice to feel in control and be “racing” for 9 hours :slight_smile: And yes I got very skinny for the race!


Gotta hand it to The Orange Shirted One - his guys all run really really well.

Congrats on overcoming some setbacks and still kicking major ass out there. Following it on IMLive you seemed to be in a dogfight for much of the race.

I guess you must have Bjorn-like strength on the bike now, you’ve joined the “these components are too wimpy for my amazing massive wattage” club :wink:

and now SAVAGEMAN!!! Looking forward to meeting you and getting to yell GO DUMPSTER when you pass me at some point during the day.

you did get skinny! Good job, I am so proud of you:-)

You BIG BASTARD! You got so fast and changed rides, so that I had no chance of getting good pictures of you from the sideline! (see the official IMoo thread for the sweet pic of some big tall dude on a Litespeed Saber)

I was there to support someone that was still on the bike whe you finished, so I saw no run, not that I woudl have recognized you anyway skinnyboy.

Anyway great race!

go Team Dumpster!

I already sent you my congrats, but I forgot to mention that the new bike and matching race gear looked pretty sweet out there. It was kind of like the R&A guys vs. the Team Timex guys up amongst the front!

R&A won the team battle though!!

Nice race dude, you are amazing. Way to keep it together when your stem broke, too!

Very nice ride my friend and interesting race report.



I love your BentoDumpster…

you stuff your shorts with your race number??? Nicely raced though.


Biggie - did you hear me cheering for you with about 1 /2 mile to go? I JUST got on the run course and turned the corner on the North side of the square when you and Bean zipped by me. He was one stride behind you on your left, but you had already passed by the time I thought I could try tripping him for you :wink:

FYI - I stopped to breast stroke around the corner buoy to start my 2nd swim loop and you swam right in front of me on your way to shore - funny - you lapped me on the swim skinny boy. Maybe your stem would have stayed intact if you had used the correct line at registration instead of harassing us mortals in the loser line.

Seriously - nice race, and congrats.

Zach …awsome race report…,. great race!!! you are on your way to a sub 9h in a few weeks!!!

Zach - Congrats on the nice race. It was pretty amazing to see the top end males so grouped together… but to be honest, I was a little fuzzy headed when you guys game by. It was nice to meet you at the athelte’s dinner and after the race… to bad the “inspirational” message didn’t come through at mile 22. Not sure any of them worked b/c none of our groups did?

Good job Zman

I guess Michael McCormick is going to have to re-write his “Smarter Training” article now. I guess more is more huh?

Two things:

“I went to 172.5 cranks from 175’s I had ridden all the years before.”

Are you going to keep the 172.5’s? I made the same choice several years ago–better aero position, and less injuries too.

“I used 12-23 cassette in the rear and 53-39 up front.”

Curious why you didn’t go 11-23? Is it because of the rolling nature of the course and how often you needed to shift–tighter cassette a little smoother in this respect?

yeah I am definately gonna stay with the 172.5’s…it just feels way smoother, and I was going faster.

I noticed, even at home on really flat terrain, that I was needing the 18 alot, and with the 11-23 I had to choose between 17 and 19…I also was rarely using the 11…so with the 12-23 things were, like you said, a little tighter and made for easier riding.

yeah I am definately gonna stay with the 172.5’s…it just feels way smoother, and I was going faster.

I noticed, even at home on really flat terrain, that I was needing the 18 alot, and with the 11-23 I had to choose between 17 and 19…I also was rarely using the 11…so with the 12-23 things were, like you said, a little tighter and made for easier riding.
can’t tell in bike picture, but do you have a face shield on that helmet or did you ride the whole 112 miles eye naked?