Lower leg pain (2)

Advice please: I have pain (discomfort) whilst running in my lower right leg (outside) just above the ankle bone. though gets a lot worse afterwards, it is quite sore (not to touch) internally causing me to limp. Thought it was my achilies, though that feels okay. Have tried icing it and that makes it worse, heat does not much either. Suggestions to what it might be. Thank-you

fibular stress fracture, or stress reaction?

Thanks for the advice, do i need to get a xray, and what is the treatment?

I think (((((hugs)))) from tigerchik heals stress fractures.
I am surprised you did not get any yet.

If it is truly a fracture, it will not show on an xray until it starts healing, but they’ll do an x ray first because they always do them before you get to do the more-fun bone scan (or mri I think though I’ve never had one of those).

Other signs it might be a fx: point tenderness - is there one spot you can push down on and it REALLY, REALLY hurts? lots and lots of pain…

When I’ve had fibular fx before they started as that; a tender area, limping and pain after running (til it cracked and I couldn’t run at all).

Anyway call your doc and see if they can get started on the x ray and then bone scan thing. In the meantime, 3 x 500 mg calcium a day. supplements or food (a glass of milk, 6 oz yogurt, or 1 oz cheese all = 300 mg or so)

And, (((((hugs)))))) if it is a fracture.

Have you upped yoru run volume a lot recently?

Wow it feels better already. It started after a half marathon in December wearing Newton trainers, the miles from then on have gradual increased. yeah there is a sore spot 1/2 inch above ankle bone. How long does it take to heal and i assume i should stop running. Swim,cycle okay?

First of all: you should have a doctor look at it and confirm it’s a fracture, rather than totally trusting a 21 yo on an internet forum :wink:

If it is a fracture: 6-8 weeks. No running. Swim and bike are ok as long as those don’t cause pain.

Make a dr’s appt! Maybe you’ll be lucky and it’s something else.