funny, I was thinking about my rice consumption when the bread thread came up.
I’m addicted to Japanese white rice. I’m not kidding. If I don’t have rice at least once during a day, I feel like I haven’t eaten. I feel hollow. I can eat all the pasta and bread in the world but once I get home, I can’t help but make some rice.
That said, I hate brown rice. I’ve tried many versions, and I don’t like it. Basamati and some others are ok, but after a day or two of it I get tired. I love thai glutinous rice but holy moly I just noticed its even worse than Japanese rice.
So I’m not asking for alternatives - how do I lower the GI?
I noticed in this chart:
Sushi, roasted sea algae, vinegar and rice (Japan) 55 100 20
I know that adding sea algea (nori) makes the GI shoot up but how is the vinegar bringing it down? Also, traditionally, sushi rice involves rice vinegar and sugar - is this the same?? Should I be making more sushi rice? I’m gaining some pudge here…