Looking for help or advice

I have a client that I have fit a couple of times to try and get rid of a pain in his tuberosity area. We have tried working the the saddle height, saddle placement forward and aft and different saddles. None have helped much. This is a road bike and not a tri bike. Below is the way he describes the pain/problem:

*It isn’t an immediate pain, usually takes 15 minutes or so to start bothering me. Once it starts, though, I can change positioning a little or stand up and it goes away. If I stand up and then sit back down, it starts back up again pretty quickly. If I adjust my position, it temporarily helps, then starts back up in the new position. *

*The pain is always on my ischial tuberosities. Seems like its mostly on the very bottom and inside edge. If I rock forward or back on the saddle to put pressure on a different part of the tuberosity, it will stop, but again, eventually develop there too. I haven’t found a reasonable position for the tuberosities to make contact with any of the seats to where it is comfortable after 20 minutes or so. *

*I would call it mostly a burning pain, maybe sharp. It pretty much stays right there on the tuberosity, doesn’t radiate anywhere. *

  •     Once off my bike, it might linger for a sec, but its gone           pretty quickly. It doesn't bother me at all on a run           immediately following.*

Any additional thoughts or advice to help solve this problem?

sounds more like an avulsion of the tuberosities, or hamstring/adductor/ligament damage to the area.
is this a recent ‘thing’ or something the rider has dealt with for some time?
relieve the hamstrings so that they aren’t pulling on that attachment point
time to see a Dr. or PT. changing saddles wont’ help

Thanks, Anne! That is what I have been beginning to think it is. He is new to cycling but is a competitive swimmer and runner. He says it has only popped up since he started cycling so yes, it has been recent. He is a Dr. so before I told him what I was thinking, I wanted to make sure I was not missing anything.

I once had a client with excessive posterior pelvic tilt and very tight hamstrings who was experiencing similar pain. We rotated his position up and back to reduce pressure on and straighten out his lower back then settled on a Selle smp split saddle which helped stabilize his pelvis then found shorter cranks helped with the pain by decreasing the total load on his hamstrings. He was also a newer cyclist and this was a deep pain that started at the ischial tuberosity and also slightly posterior. If there is no bruising or inflation associated with the discomfort I would lean towards Barnes thoughts on the cause.