Looking for foot pod

Anyone have a Garmin dunning dynamics pod you aren’t using? I just got a treadmill and I guess you can connect to zwift and other things with a foot pod.

Anyone have a Garmin dunning dynamics pod you aren’t using? I just got a treadmill and I guess you can connect to zwift and other things with a foot pod.

Check out the North Pole Engineering Runn

I have a Stryd that I will sell. It works with Zwift. $100. PM me if interested.

I have a Stryd Pod with wind detection that I’ll sell for $99

Anyone have a Garmin dunning dynamics pod you aren’t using? I just got a treadmill and I guess you can connect to zwift and other things with a foot pod.

Check out the North Pole Engineering Runn

+1 Runn works great to BT/ANT+ enable any treadmill. Works seamlessly with Zwift.

I have a spare/brand new one. How does $35 shipped sound (if on CONUS)?

After a bit more research, I might be looking into a stryd pod or RUNN thing for the treadmill
