Looking for a good wireless computer w/ wireless cadence

Looking for any feed back on anyone using a wireless computer w/ wireless cadence. The only ones I’ve seen are the Polar HRM S510, S710 and the Vetta V100. I know the Polar would be big plus as a training tool since it has the HRM feature and alot more, but I’m more interested in having the a full wireless computer.

Wow, good luck Jason. I own a triathlon bike store and I don’t know of one. If you find one, let us know!

The only computer that i know of that is wireless and has cadence is the Vetta V100, i think performance has them on sale for $120.

Does anyone know if the vetta 100 wireless sending unit will fit on an Ouzo Aero front fork? I have enough of a problem with the Avocet front fork unit staying put. Somebody must have this figured out but unfortunately it ain’t me. Do you know of any computer that works with that fork or have any suggestions?

thanks, ted3

Yep, Polar S-510 and S-710… I use a wireless cadence S-510. Or, I should say it works sometime and sometimes it doesn’t. The wireless cadence produced by Polar is difficult to keep within transmitting range. So, if your over 5’10", ride with you Polar watch on your wrist and/or ride in an aero position… it’s unlikely to work well (if at all). And, that’s if you open it up and manually increase it’s transmition power.

You might take a look at the Timex BodyLink system that is about to be introduced… If it’s anything like they claim (and, based on the Timex S+D it could very well be as they claim), it could become the benchmark HRM combo Speed/Distance device. I see no mention of cadence, but that would be only a matter of time… based on the information I have seen, it does not have built in obsolesance. And, it has the ability to be add capabilities as technology evolves.

FWIW Joe Moya