Looking for a good spring marathon

Hi all–i’m in search of a good spring marathon.

Good meaning: enjoyable scenery well organized and ran well interesting terrain…hilly to some hills are good. totally flat probably not as good (no offense) not chaulk full of folks with TNT or other charities At the end of May or later

Was thinking about the flying pig–since it’s here in cincy, but the problem is TOSRV is one week before and I’d like to participate in that (going one way a 100 mile ride) and one week isn’t enough time to rest (for me anyway).

thanks for any advice,


Not sure of the date for 2006, but I did enjoy Cleveland when I ran it last year. It was a pretty small race, as marathons go, but enough people that there was always someone to run with. Having run Pittsburgh several times, I wish I could say that was an option… I’m pretty sure that race is dead, though. I loved that race (mostly cause that’s where I’m from…).

This is an easy one. Run Grandma’s in Duluth Mn. It is a very good marathon with great crowd support. Duluth is nice that time of year.

I’d second that. never run Grandma’s, but Duluth is an awesome town and the race gets huge energy from the town.

Vermont City Marathon, usually the last weekend in May. Perhaps a bit far from Cincy, but it’s a good one.

trying to find a good functional website with races on it–keep coming up with crappy websites that don’t have anything listed for spring.

thanks for the tips so far though!!


have you used the runner’s world site? they usually keep a pretty good set of marathons on there.

try marathonguide.com. They have a good search engine and a lot of reviews for each marathon. By the way, Grandma’s fills up quickly.

Country Music Marathon in Nashville.
Its run by the same organization that puts on the Rock-n-Roll marathons. its a big one, but the support and aid stations are fantastic. Its also a race on the pro circuit, so you get to see some really fast runners.

The live music on the course is very diverse and ranges from Classic Rock (my favorite) to Country to a 100 member afro-american chior at the top of a hill. Which, believe it or not, hearing that gospel chior singing at the top of their lungs as you chug up that hill was the most motivating music of all the bands I heard when I ran it.

it seems like it’s for 30 days out only. of course, i could be looking in the wrong place on the site or something…

i forgot all about that one! i’ve head it’s a blast!!

Flying Pig… Dump TOSRV and do your home town marathon, it is SO much easier to race at home.

April 30th is the Big Sur Marathon (www.bsim.org), and it doesn’t get much better than that.

i agree that it’s easier to run at home. literally, the flying pig start line is a 15 minute drive from my house.

it’s possible i could ride just 50 miles in TOSRV and then marathon the next weekend. we’ll see–running a good marathon is priority though, as at that point i will have waited 5 years to do so!!

the other thing is that it’s hard to get my husband to travel for races…and it’s more fun for him to go, he’s hilarious and helps me to relax. this Feb I’m aiming for a half in Tampa…i know he won’t go unless I absolutely drag him. you should have seen the fit he threw just going to Buckeye Lake this past summer. and that’s just a 2 hour drive! LOL!!

so, what i’m saying is that you’re probably right…we’ll see.


Click on the months at the bottom. It’s usually pretty good - doesn’t include some fun smaller races, but most of the big ones are on here and the sites are usually correct. Obviously, it’s still on 2005, but the sites should be individually updated for spring '06.

geeze o petes, there it is. thanks! (i’m an idiot! LOL!)

Of course I’m right :wink:

And not even 50mi one week before your marathon, that’s too late.

you mean it’s a bad idea?

active and the theschedule.com? They should cover it?

Napa Valley Marathon is usually in March which I believe has some hills and good scenery - a little before your May cut off though. Big Sur is April 30…

i love Big Sur…man, i could live there in a tree i swear…