Lionel Sanders thoughts on Kona 2018

Video is up discussing his Kona 2018!
No doubt he is bummed about this year!

And yes coaching is being discussed, very honestly.

I hope he gets a good coach.

Awfully emotional. I’ll say what I say to my companies’ leaders and anyone else when they talk:

Talk is cheap.

He’s been saying the same thing for years now.

But honestly, what do I care, it’s his life and career. Still a fan, but quit talkin’ and start showin’.

Edit: Should have waited until the end of the video to post. I guess we’ll see.

Awfully emotional. I’ll say what I say to my companies’ leaders and anyone else when they talk:

Talk is cheap.

He’s been saying the same thing for years now.

But honestly, what do I care, it’s his life and career. Still a fan, but quit talkin’ and start showin’.

Edit: Should have waited until the end of the video to post. I guess we’ll see.

Nice one on the edit, i was just about to tell you :wink:

But yes talk is cheap and i think Lionel has realised this now! He has been talking alot now is the time to actually do it! (Coach, nutrition, bike fit etc.).

One thing that i also noticed was just how bad his running form was in some of the clips shown in the video, room for improvement there as well.

A very honest review of his own performance- or lack of due to the bad choices he made. Admitting mistakes is not easy. He knows what to do and will do it.
Absolutely nothing but respect for the guy. Sports needs heroes and he is definitely one of them. Lange is an awesome athlete but lacks personality compared to Frodeno, Kienle, Beals or Sanders.

Another great, candid video. This is why he has gained so much support from the tri community…he’s open and tells it like it is.

You could see how hard it was for him to admit ‘defeat’ to the idea that he can do it on his own. I really do think that if he can get over this and get into a good, supportive environment, with sound coaching, that it will do him a world of good.

I hope he finds the right person to guide him… It must be very overwhelming for him, to even know where to start. I get the sense, he doesn’t trust easily, and not many people like the big changes that are (likely) coming his way.

raw interview…like it…hope he not only gets that coach, but learns to listen to them and do what is asked - and is rewarded for it

those are some cool shades too

I know he rubs some people up the wrong way but seeing someone upset like that and feeling like he has let people down is tough to watch.

I really hope he goes all in with a coach, bike fit nutritionist etc, it would be sad to see someone of his talents effectively waste his potential. It will take a real show of faith on his part as JBell is right, he does seem to have trust issues. I imagine his wife will be key in this to keep him on the right track once he has committed to something different.

I hope he can accept too that 2019 might be a development year as opposed to fast track to success. He might have to go backwards before he goes forwards if things need redeveloped.

I know he rubs some people up the wrong way but seeing someone upset like that and feeling like he has let people down is tough to watch.

I really hope he goes all in with a coach, bike fit nutritionist etc, it would be sad to see someone of his talents effectively waste his potential. It will take a real show of faith on his part as JBell is right, he does seem to have trust issues. I imagine his wife will be key in this to keep him on the right track once he has committed to something different.

I hope he can accept too that 2019 might be a development year as opposed to fast track to success. He might have to go backwards before he goes forwards if things need redeveloped.

I’m a fan, and I have to admit that I got a little tired of him talking out of his butt. This was pretty tough to watch, this stuff isn’t easy to admit.

My initial thought was that I hope Erin holds his feet to the fire and forces him to make the changes he talks about.

The good thing is that he is still relatively young (at least for this sport) so he still has time if he start now. It should be an interesting 6 months.

You’re right. I think this is maybe the point where he understood he doesn’t know better than everyone else. You can’t expect to be best when everyone else is using world leading experts to help them. The snippet that they showed from the end of the previous video looks terrible with hindsight, like he thought he knew better than all the naysayers, on here and in other places. To have two races in succession that didn’t go to plan and didn’t meet expectations will be sobering for him. He doesn’t need to win training sessions, he needs to win races.

It kind of reminds me of Jim Walmsley, the ultrarunner, who has some outstanding performances and some awful ones that don’t come anywhere near close to his potential. Guess it comes down to having trusted advisers and doing the training right, then executing on the day.

I’m going to repeat myself…

The best coach for him is Dave Scott…tons of experience both as a coach and athlete. Nobody knows Kona course better then him.

Also, would see Lionel going a few weeks to Boulder to have Dave coaching from the deck. This would also the new thing (altitude) training been there a few weeks and then back home to Windsor. Tons of people to training with, mini squad for specific workouts.

Thats my own opnion, get one of the best coach out there that fits him.

Ok now back to ST, and people like trolling and create scenarios out of the moon. Sutton would probably break him in terms of confidence at first but after he would re-born.

It’s hard to watch likable guys get humbled like this.

I just hope when his bloodwork comes back he doesn’t convince himself that his only problem was a vitamin/mineral deficiency and then doesn’t end up getting a coach and moving.

I was thinking the same thing immediately when he said he was going to get a coach. Being with Sutton would be tough for him but I think it might actually work…

Also on his run form, it again looks awful but I watched the ‘Chasing the lion’ clip on Youtube from a few years ago and he certainly does not seem to have that hitch during running there… Or definitely not as pronounced.

doesnt dave scott pump the fat adapted athlete and such hooey these days??

Adding to my post…

I 'm not going to be very surprise to see is blood test showing low level of Iron, I went vegan for a while and was surround by people who were. This is the most common thing seen and you need either take supplements of Iron or really balance well with the right food that contains it.

Issue with Iron it takes months to bring back to normal level usually, you can’t take tons of Iron supplements to bring back because your are going to get sick poisoning yourself at best. Just sharing a personal experience, I have no degree in nutrition what so ever and will certainly recommend anyone to do things such as taking supplement. In my case, went for blood test and Doctor give me supplements for a few weeks.

Moving to Boulder for a few weeks having Dave coaching would be good fit, and hearing that Tim Don cheer/encourage him during the race could be a partner down there as well.

There’s bike fitter in Boulder I think Mat Steinmetz is located there so could follow him on that path finding the best bike and equipment to reduce cda, etc.

I know he rubs some people up the wrong way but seeing someone upset like that and feeling like he has let people down is tough to watch.

I really hope he goes all in with a coach, bike fit nutritionist etc, it would be sad to see someone of his talents effectively waste his potential. It will take a real show of faith on his part as JBell is right, he does seem to have trust issues. I imagine his wife will be key in this to keep him on the right track once he has committed to something different.

I hope he can accept too that 2019 might be a development year as opposed to fast track to success. He might have to go backwards before he goes forwards if things need redeveloped.

I’m a fan, and I have to admit that I got a little tired of him talking out of his butt. This was pretty tough to watch, this stuff isn’t easy to admit.

My initial thought was that I hope Erin holds his feet to the fire and forces him to make the changes he talks about.

The good thing is that he is still relatively young (at least for this sport) so he still has time if he start now. It should be an interesting 6 months.

I agree he’s relatively young to the sport and his obvious natural ability got him to a second place last year. His lack of coaching and guidance allowed him to give in to a lot of erratic decisions, bike position change , diet, race nutrition, erratic workouts, lone wolf training etc. A coach will help him find the process best for Lionel and keep him on that path.
This race was something you could see coming for a few months . You do have to admire his courage to finish and his honesty all through the run up to Kona and beyond.

I can see how some people might be annoyed by the Lionel Sanders fanatics. However after watching this video I can’t see how anyone could feel good about bashing him personally or gloating over his bad performance.

One of the most raw and honest things I have seen on YouTube in a while.


Did he finally wake up? I just watched the video and I’m thinking he might have realized he can go at this wide open all the time. I hope he doesn’t give him self time to do any mental gymnastics and talk him self out of what he said on the video.

I’m sure a guy with his ability gives too shits what we on ST have to say (nor should he) but definitely have to give the guy some respect for being able to admit what he’s doing is wrong/ not working.

Now if only his fan club had that ability :wink:

Blaming veganism is such bullshit. The guy was eating salad every night to lose weight which was a recipe for disaster. He needs a massive starchy carb bomb dinner every night the way he is training.

I was never much of a fan due to his slight level of arrogance.
BUT after watching this - he straight owned his mistakes. That is SUPER tough to do for a type A guy at his level. He had no one else to blame but himself and he just swallowed and owned it and the emotion showed how much it all meant to him.

I have SO much more respect for this guy now. I suddenly feel myself rooting for him now. Hoping he makes an epic comeback and interviews next year with a huge smile and podium.