Lightest "normal" tri bike?

What is the lightest weight “normal” tri bike FRAME and FORK?
I’m 5’10. 160lbs and want to learn which “normal” tri frame/fork is the lightest. By “normal” I mean standard aero frame tri bike manufactures like: QR CDO.1, Specalized Shiv, Felt, Cervelo, Trek, etc?
I know this is a broad question but hoping for some ST guidance to help me build up a light weight aero tri bike. Thanks in advance for your constructive advise.

Scott focused on making their aero frames lightweight a few years back; though the lightest option may be an aero road frame like the Specialized Venge.

So, not the Guru Photon, Cervelo RCA or Cannondale Super6 Evo?

Also, those are all road frames, not tri/tt frames.



This was my first thought too. Differences in tri bike weight are not relevant compared to aerodynamics.


This was my first thought too. Differences in tri bike weight are not relevant compared to aerodynamics.
Yes and no. If the poster is doing TT’s that are hilly a lighter frame will help.

I had my lucero lite right around 14.5 - 15lbs pending on scale .


This was my first thought too. Differences in tri bike weight are not relevant compared to aerodynamics.
Yes and no. If the poster is doing TT’s that are hilly a lighter frame will help.
Not unless the speeds are under 10mph on a sustained uphill TT.


This was my first thought too. Differences in tri bike weight are not relevant compared to aerodynamics.
Yes and no. If the poster is doing TT’s that are hilly a lighter frame will help.

It would only matter if it were a point-to-point with a significant net gain, which isn’t very common in tris. The OP specifically asked about tri bikes, not TT bikes, so I answered based on the assumption that he’s primarily racing tris, not TT’s.

I didn’t say that total weight didn’t matter. I said that differences in bike weight are not relevant compared to aerodynamics. In other words, even on a hilly ride, such as Savageman, the small difference in weight between bike ‘A’ and bike ‘B’ will be trumped by their aerodynamics with few exceptions, so it’s generally more advantageous to select a tri bike based on aerodynamics and other factors such as fit before considering weight.

So, not the Guru Photon, Cervelo RCA or Cannondale Super6 Evo?

Also, those are all road frames, not tri/tt frames.

Because the S5 and Venge have tested about as aero as some of the non-superbike tri frames, so it’s somewhat reasonable to build a “tri” bike from those frames.

Great fun! Thanks for posting that.

Just wanted to say thanks to all who took the time to help me with this question


the question really is mostly crazy and one would need more details as to WHY you want to know this to give good answers.

If you were doing something like Savageman and Norseman and wanted the optimum frame, then the answers might be to hook up a Cervelo RCa with an aero cockpit, or an S5 vwd, or scott foil.

If the reason was just because you want to build a pure TT frame super light for fun, then the answer would be different…and hell harder to figure out since we don’t bother even weighing the pure tri frames much!