Leveled up AF... academic promotion

I just switched the nameplate from “teaching assistant prof” to “teaching associate prof” because the board of regents met and my promotion went through.

I found this site when I was 15 and you all have watched me - and supported me - in growing up from a teenager to a fancy schmancy career and threads (on the other forum) about sex drive and training volume.

I love you all. Thank you.

Congrats. Well deserved, no doubt.

Congratulations. Keep climbing that ladder.

I just switched the nameplate from “teaching assistant prof” to “teaching associate prof” because the board of regents met and my promotion went through.

I found this site when I was 15 and you all have watched me - and supported me - in growing up from a teenager to a fancy schmancy career and threads (on the other forum) about sex drive and training volume.

I love you all. Thank you.

I sense an imminent update to the online dating profile…


I sense an imminent update to the online dating profile…


hee hee!

Thank you!

Congratulations! Enjoy the climb through academia. :slight_smile:

We are so proud of you! It’s a privilege & honor to have glimpse of your life. You are very, very cool. 🩵

I knew you could do it-so proud of you. appreciate you sharing your journey.

I remember when you added “Dr” to your name. Congrats!

Congratulations! That’s interesting that you found this site when you were only 15, it took me a lot longer :slight_smile:


Congrats. Are you a real doctor?

I remember that thread.

Congratulations, we are all very proud of you!

A well deserved promotion for a rock star of a Mathlete/professor and all around rockin’ chic!!

Congrats DTC!!

Awesome. Could not have happened to a nicer and more genuine person. Congrats!

Congrats, DTC!

That kicks major ass, Miss Doc!

Very much glad to have been here for a lot of your journey! Can’t wait to hear the rest of your stories!

Enjoy it all - you deserve it!

  • Jeff

I’m impressed! Congrats!

Super congratulations!
I know you are an inspiration to others.
Hard work + smart work gets rewarded.

Insert, high five, fist bump, and whatever else is currently in vouge to express validation

Congratulations to my favourite mathematical triathlete.