Let’s Go Chiefs!

BREAKING: Tucker Carlson vows that if the Chiefs win the Super Bowl and validate the attention Taylor Swift is getting for going to their games, “I’m going to kill myself.”

Damn it, I hate the Chiefs and *ucker Carlson but love some Tay Tay. I don’t know what to do now!

BREAKING: Tucker Carlson vows that if the Chiefs win the Super Bowl and validate the attention Taylor Swift is getting for going to their games, “I’m going to kill myself.”

I was all in for the Chiefs already but this just puts me over the top. What a snowflake to be so triggered by her.

Full disclosure: I have no idea if this is an actual quote by him, I saw it on twitter. Mostly I just find it amusing.

BREAKING: Tucker Carlson vows that if the Chiefs win the Super Bowl and validate the attention Taylor Swift is getting for going to their games, “I’m going to kill myself.”

I’m just waiting for Windy to share the NFL’s scripted outcome with us.

BREAKING: Tucker Carlson vows that if the Chiefs win the Super Bowl and validate the attention Taylor Swift is getting for going to their games, “I’m going to kill myself.”

Only reason to root against the Lions

What about the 49ers?

BREAKING: Tucker Carlson vows that if the Chiefs win the Super Bowl and validate the attention Taylor Swift is getting for going to their games, “I’m going to kill myself.”

That’d be a shame

BREAKING: Tucker Carlson vows that if the Chiefs win the Super Bowl and validate the attention Taylor Swift is getting for going to their games, “I’m going to kill myself.”

I’m just waiting for Windy to share the NFL’s scripted outcome with us.

Let’s see if there are any absolutely fucking atrocious PI calls first

Anyroom left on the Chiefs’ bandwagon?

Anyroom left on the Chiefs’ bandwagon?

Climb aboard!!

BREAKING: Tucker Carlson vows that if the Chiefs win the Super Bowl and validate the attention Taylor Swift is getting for going to their games, “I’m going to kill myself.”

Paging Tucker Carlson.

I think it’s a fake quote. Unfortunately.

Its all fake and all for show. The NFL’s ratings have been plummeting for years so they brainstorm how to get views - enter Taylor Swift and all of a sudden her sheeple want their boyfriend to have the game on. But hey, maybe Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce (who is self admittedly bought and paid for) are actually just in love and it just happens to be super convenient for the NFL. Its hard to watch anymore

Its all fake and all for show. The NFL’s ratings have been plummeting for years so they brainstorm how to get views - enter Taylor Swift and all of a sudden her sheeple want their boyfriend to have the game on. But hey, maybe Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce (who is self admittedly bought and paid for) are actually just in love and it just happens to be super convenient for the NFL. Its hard to watch anymore

Uh huh. Let me guess, we haven’t been to the moon, the election was rigged and J6 was all ANTIFA.

Its all fake and all for show. The NFL’s ratings have been plummeting for years so they brainstorm how to get views - enter Taylor Swift and all of a sudden her sheeple want their boyfriend to have the game on. But hey, maybe Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce (who is self admittedly bought and paid for) are actually just in love and it just happens to be super convenient for the NFL. Its hard to watch anymore

So Taylor Swift, who is worth close to a billion dollars, is going to pimp herself out to the NFL. Really?

Its all fake and all for show. The NFL’s ratings have been plummeting for years so they brainstorm how to get views - enter Taylor Swift and all of a sudden her sheeple want their boyfriend to have the game on. But hey, maybe Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce (who is self admittedly bought and paid for) are actually just in love and it just happens to be super convenient for the NFL. Its hard to watch anymore

So Taylor Swift, who is worth close to a billion dollars, is going to pimp herself out to the NFL. Really?

She’s clearly an agent of the deep state. It’s right in front of you if you look at it right.

In actual news, United added two flights from KC to Vegas on Feb 9: UA 1989 and UA 2287.

Its all fake and all for show. The NFL’s ratings have been plummeting for years so they brainstorm how to get views - enter Taylor Swift and all of a sudden her sheeple want their boyfriend to have the game on. But hey, maybe Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce (who is self admittedly bought and paid for) are actually just in love and it just happens to be super convenient for the NFL. Its hard to watch anymore

It all makes sense now!

Its all fake and all for show. The NFL’s ratings have been plummeting for years so they brainstorm how to get views - enter Taylor Swift and all of a sudden her sheeple want their boyfriend to have the game on. But hey, maybe Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce (who is self admittedly bought and paid for) are actually just in love and it just happens to be super convenient for the NFL. Its hard to watch anymore

So Taylor Swift, who is worth close to a billion dollars, is going to pimp herself out to the NFL. Really?

Taylor Swift who has been asked to do the Superb Owl half time show 9 times and shot the NFL down each time?

That Taylor Swift?