Anyone ever seen any studies out there on what is better aerodynamically between a flat disk (ie ZIPP, RENN) VS a lenticular disk (HED)?
Anyone ever seen any studies out there on what is better aerodynamically between a flat disk (ie ZIPP, RENN) VS a lenticular disk (HED)?
yes, I think the link is somewhere on, but basically I have an e-mail from Cobb’s staff that say they tested the Zipp VS the other players (HED 3D, HED Lent., Mavic) and the flat Zipp was fastest overall, this quote was from Dave Bunce. I posted it here a while ago, maybe if you search for it …
Thanks Gary - did a search on “Bunce” but nothing came up regarding what disk is better. Thats ok though - I’ll take your word for it.
Seems to me that he said the difference was three or four seconds over 40 kms.
A Renn disc will be faster because you will have more time to train because you worked less overtime to buy it.
Seriously, I have seen in many places that flat is faster. Flat is definitely lighter, for certain.
the combination of Francois and CV Guy are right. Dave Bunce was reading over my shoulder so he confirmed what he told Gary to me. A disk is better in 99% of all situations. A flat disk is better in a straight on head wind, a linticular disk is better with different than head on winds. The difference between the two is very minimal though, 3 - 4 seconds over a 40km.