Left for dead

Strongest guy in the area got hit and left for dead. Please pray if you know the Lord or are led to. His neck and back are broken. In and out of consciousness…
George Saunders. Thank you for your prayers.
Don’t know all details but heard it’s from George his neck and back are broken among other bones. Heard it was a 60mph Hit and Run too…sigh.

Prayers for George

I will pray for him and have added to the list

Strongest guy in the area got hit and left for dead. Please pray if you know the Lord or are led to. His neck and back are broken. In and out of consciousness…
George Saunders. Thank you for your prayers.
Don’t know all details but heard it’s from George his neck and back are broken among other bones. Heard it was a 60mph Hit and Run too…sigh.

Praying-So sad to hear. I recovered from a wreck or hit last year, and this past Sunday, someone was killed on the same road. It was an unfortunate accident-but making me second guess…again.

Pray he’s able to recover and walk again-also that he has the ability to think and function as well.

Heard it was a 60mph Hit and Run too…sigh.

Lucky to be alive at all, I’d say

Any idea what sort of vehicle the person who him was driving (please note that I didn’t ask “what sort of vehicle hit him?”)

They probably thought ‘oh fuck!!! Well, no one could’ve survived that’ and kept driving

Absolutely. Praying right now!

Update: he got through a 5hr back/spine surgery well and now can feel both legs. His leg has a few broken bones as well as does his neck. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Thank you for the update

Is he related to Triathlete Brett Saunders ?

I don’t think so.

Update: he got through a 5hr back/spine surgery well and now can feel both legs. His leg has a few broken bones as well as does his neck. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Appreciate the update. Is he able to move his limbs (small movements) or is he paralyzed?

Best part is he survived, 2nd best part is now no paralysis, initially he couldn’t feel one of his legs because of spinal cord issue from spine damage, but the surgery thankfully corrected that. He has at least a few other internal issues, but doing well as can be.


doesn’t seem like they have any clue who hit him.

Thanks for posting. I can’t imagine how scared he was and how much pain he was in.


doesn’t seem like they have any clue who hit him.

Just horrible that somebody could do that and just drive off. Make me sick every time I hear a story like this. It’s the very reason I ride with a front and rear GoPro camera so there is footage of every car that passes me in both directions. Obviously isn’t going to protect me physically, but at least I (or my family) can have the evidence of what happened.

I’m glad he is doing okay all things considered

Absolutely terrible. I hope he has a miraculous recovery.

After having a bad accident of my own (which lead to a nine-day hospital stay), I stopped riding on the road–other than during a race. Just too dangerous. Seems every few weeks we have one of these threads.

Holy crap what a terrible thing! So glad to hear that he came through the surgery!

It’s at times like this that my normal socialist leanings disappear, and want the spineless bastard that hit the poor fella then failed to stop to be hinted down, be publically disembowled with a blunt rusty spoon, then strung up by the side of the turnpike to be a warning to others.

Also sending wishes for a miraculous recovery.

He’s doing better and today in PT.
Worst part is he was literally lying/(dying soon) in a 5ft+ below road level water-filled roadside ditch. Miraculous is how he got someone to find him…, but that’s another story.
Thank you Lord.