Leaky valves, and other heart rending stories

I did Gulf Coast this weekend. It turned out to be a very hard workout! The swim has been adequately described below by another participant so I won’t bore you with the details of 8-10 foot waves and the dozens of people who never made it past the first set of waves.

My story begins on the bike. I had trained hard with my Computrainer and Power Tap in preparation for this bike leg, with the full intention of going as close to 3 hours as possible. However, I wanted to have the data from the ride so I decided to forego use of my Zipp rear wheel and ride my Power Tap (Velocity rim). I’m sure the difference between the two wheels would have been marginal except for…THE LEAK! We’ve all experienced leaky tubes (and tubulars) before but this was a new tire and tube which had been tested. Anyway, I started out slowly on the bike, about 19-20 mph and much of it was downwind early so it was very easy going. About 130 watts average. After mile 10 I was planning on picking up the pace and attempted to do so. But…about mile 10 I hit one horrific bump, lost my water bottle, stopped to get it (yes, I’m anal about having water on very hot days) and proceeded on. However, my speed started dropping, and dropping, and dropping and my legs were getting a little too tired way too soon. After about 25 miles I decided it wasn’t the wind, my old age, or me just having a bad day, but had to be the bike. So, I pulled over and gave the bike a careful checkup. Nothing. Then, almost as an afterthought, I pressed my thumb on the rear tire. Bingo, air pressure about 10-15 psi! I filled the tire with CO2 and proceeded on considerably faster for about 20 minutes when I started to feel the same sensation again of working too hard. I stopped, checked the tire, and it was low again, so I filled it and proceeded to the finish. After the run I checked the tire and it was hard as a rock! Sheezh!

So, this is, what, a valve that is leaking every time I hit a bump? (there were many) I closed the valve and did not have a valve extender on. I suspect the interface between the valve and tire, which is where a lot of tubulars leak.

Anyone have another explanation?

Needless to say, my legs were toast after the bike ride and my run was about 45 minutes slower than expected. My bike leg was about 30 minutes slower as well. Tough day…but a great workout.

Lots of nice folks at the race, and a generally well-run race.
