Lavender Room Shop

I see ST has shop now with swimming suits, tires, and a couple of bags. That’s fun! I’m not really looking to buy that kind of gear at present.

What kind of merchandise should we sell to meet the needs of Lavender Room participants? Or what do you have lying around that you’d like to sell?

I can get competitively priced, high quality knitted pumpkins if our shop should include knitted merch.

I can also offer competitively priced, mid- to low-quality advice on any subject. No limit!

What can you offer up?

Our own personal NFT trading cards.

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I can’t imagine the fuss we will endure as we all struggle to connect our printers to the new Lavender Room forum for the trading cards.

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So many possibilities!
How politically incorrect am I allowed to be??!!

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I like this item. “Safety” is in quotes. Best of luck to you.


Dinner for 12.

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Does the ST shop sell flat coke, or are we putting that in our merchandise?


shitty gold running shoes?

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The Secret Recipe could be another NFT?

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I had higher hopes for this thread. Where is everyone?

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One doesn’t just advertise their addictions on their sleeve.

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Anonymous Potato - Mail A Custom Potato

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That’s funny! I like the “build a bundle” option for the potatoes. That’s for a bigger celebration, like an anniversary or wedding gift, I guess.

Meanwhile, demand for knitted pumpkins is about to take off. My knitted pumpkin source says there are murmurs of approval and potential interest abounds

T3 hats and t-shirts


The T3 Thread is SO misrepresented - its not as sexy as people have been led to believe;post=4092051

I couldn’t find it by searching here, but The Wayback Machine was able to help out

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Customized LR forum layouts.

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My pumpkin source says she’s filling orders and expanding her empire. Check out the weave on this thing!

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It is what happened after T3 that makes it such an interesting thread.

not merchandise, but I feel like I could do some good counseling sessions for people from the perspective of “completely unlicensed therapist, but have had a bunch of therapy, and have figured out how to eradicate a particular unhealthy coping skill.” I could sell therapy sessions. Although I wouldn’t really sell them. I’d really just be happy to help someone if they needed a listening ear.
I’d sell math tutoring if I had time and interest in doing more professional work, but I don’t.

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