Last of my Cobb HC170 Saddles. Need a Replacement

So my last HC170 saddle finally bit the dust. I am looking for a replacement saddle that would be very similar in shape and fit. I do have one more SHC dirt saddle that I will throw on in the meantime, but I would like to keep that one in reserve for my Mtb in the event of my existing Mtb saddle takes damage on the trails. I know I could always go to eBay for other SHC saddles, but I would like to find something that will be a better long-term solution that is currently still in production. The low cost of the SHCs would allow me to stock up though.

I’m looking for any suggestions that would be similar in fit and shape, generally minimalistic on padding, and not breaking the bank. Or should I probably stock up on SHCs and defer this decision to later me? Its just been soo long since I’ve ridden any other saddle.

Selle SMP T3?

Not quite the same shape, and SMP’s are always a bit pricey.

Too funny. I’m constantly afraid that this will be me. I put my last HC170 on my bike in Oct '22. I also have a few SHC170s, but they just aren’t the same. I was pretty closely involved with John on the development on that saddle. I think I actually rode the very first HC170, and I still have the first prototype SHC170 - John made it for me custom by adding a bit more padding to the HC170; the saddle I won IMC’11 and ITU LD Worlds '11 on. To me, the HC170 is THE perfect road saddle. The SHC170 was a very good tri saddle, but I’ve since come to think I would have preferred the JOF55 - what I now ride on my track bike - if I’d spent a bit more time fiddling with the position… I finished my career on a Dash, and I think that was a better saddle than the SHC, though I didn’t like it quite as much as the JOF for pursuiting.

I’m terrified of when this last HC170 dies. I was looking at the narrowest gebiotomized. And while it’s insanely expensive, if it’s more durable, I might look at

I rode a Dash on my road bike for a bit, and it wasn’t quite as good as the HC170, but I think I’d probably be happy enough going back to it if - when - this one dies. Dash saddles are beautiful and pretty reasonably priced for their quality -

They make a couple saddles that are, IMO, closer to the HC170 than they might at first appear. The narrowness and the shell flexibility - it’s stiffer because it’s carbon, but the full length cutout makes it feel closer - make it perhaps more similar than you’d think. And the Strike has those amazing deep thigh glides, which is really - IMO - the feature (along with the flexy plastic shell) that makes the HC170 so superlative.

Good luck! And let me know what you find out. I also might just go to ebay to see if I can stock up on HC170s…

Found my OG review of the SHC!

Look at the return warranties though…

I had a Dash, which I loved for the past few years.
Ordered a new one just a few weeks ago. Someone asked me why I didn’t look into the Wove–so I did.
It looks built more to what I think would work better for me than the Dash.

The Dash flares by the hamstring rather quickly and I thought that may be why my glute/hammy was feeling worse after riding all the time. Just enough that over repeated riding it irritates it and I naturally shifted my hips to lessen the contact.
I had buyer’s remorse after I realized it…and tried to return it to Dash still in the box, unmounted–and still using my old Dash Strike. However, the WARRANTY says that you can only return the saddle if on the TEST PROGRAM. I outright bought it since I already used one & wouldn’t need to try it out–but as I said, it was unused and Dash wouldn’t let me return it after a week of being delivered unused.

At least WOVE has a 30 day no money guarantee if you don’t like it. It’s expensive, but a fair purchase warranty I think. Rather than just take the return, Dash explained it is how they keep dropping prices over the years and others have gotten ridiculous for prices of their saddles (likely pointing to Wove as an example in their mind I’d imagine). I think the longer nose of the Wove would have been better for me–so rather than just take the return, I’m stuck with the Dash Strike.

Buyer beware and read the warranty closely! (Admittedly, my fault for not reading it closer–but it is unusual there is a zero return policy!)

I love my Dash saddle.

You hit the nail on the head Jordan! The main thing that I really love about the HC170 are the glides on the side. The flex of the shell is also another great feature as it allows for comfort with less foam cushion.

It seems that eBay is a dead-end for HC170s now. All I see are SCHs for road and MTB. I will likely grab a few more of those while I still can. I am contemplating trying to take the saddle rails from the SHC and inserting them into two of my HC shells that are still viable. IDK how or if I’ll be able to accomplish that though. I was able to get a few from the source about five years ago while living in Shreveport. A friend there is looking through his pile of parts to see if he still has some HCs lying around.

I have used a Dash on my TT bike for some time but recently swapped to the SHC in 2020. My body just began to disagree with the Dash at some point. I will look into it for the road bike. It does sound like it is getting good press here. Looks like much has changed with them since I last purchased.

great callout on the test program.

i like the idea of replacing the rails. I think if you could swap a set of the tubular stainless rails - newer versions of the SHC use the tubular stainless rails - in, the saddle would basically be bulletproof. It was those solid ti rails that were/are the problem.

If you want one or two, I think I have at least one left new but maybe 2.


I’d definitely take one if you have it Jeroen. But let GingerAvenger have first pick. If you have two, I’ll take the second though.

GingerAvenger then Jordan,

I’ve got a saddle in my parts bin marked VFlow HC170. If you want it I’m happy to send it to either of you. I did buy it from a shop selling their old demo units though, so it says TEST across the back.

let me know if he doesn’t take it.

I had an idea though. I bet you could fix the rails by carbon wrapping them. buy some carbon filament, wrap them tight, epoxy, and voila. I might do that on my last saddle as a prophylactic measure.

I’ve got a couple in a box somewhere. We’re in the process of moving house so it’ll be in the lock up. Bump this thread end of January and I’ll have the boxes back in the garage and will find for you.

I’ve got a brand new HC170 here at the shop if you or Jordan want it.

Too funny. I’m constantly afraid that this will be me. I put my last HC170 on my bike in Oct '22. I also have a few SHC170s, but they just aren’t the same. I was pretty closely involved with John on the development on that saddle. I think I actually rode the very first HC170, and I still have the first prototype SHC170 - John made it for me custom by adding a bit more padding to the HC170; the saddle I won IMC’11 and ITU LD Worlds '11 on. To me, the HC170 is THE perfect road saddle. The SHC170 was a very good tri saddle, but I’ve since come to think I would have preferred the JOF55 - what I now ride on my track bike - if I’d spent a bit more time fiddling with the position… I finished my career on a Dash, and I think that was a better saddle than the SHC, though I didn’t like it quite as much as the JOF for pursuiting.

I’m terrified of when this last HC170 dies. I was looking at the narrowest gebiotomized. And while it’s insanely expensive, if it’s more durable, I might look at

I rode a Dash on my road bike for a bit, and it wasn’t quite as good as the HC170, but I think I’d probably be happy enough going back to it if - when - this one dies. Dash saddles are beautiful and pretty reasonably priced for their quality -

They make a couple saddles that are, IMO, closer to the HC170 than they might at first appear. The narrowness and the shell flexibility - it’s stiffer because it’s carbon, but the full length cutout makes it feel closer - make it perhaps more similar than you’d think. And the Strike has those amazing deep thigh glides, which is really - IMO - the feature (along with the flexy plastic shell) that makes the HC170 so superlative.

Good luck! And let me know what you find out. I also might just go to ebay to see if I can stock up on HC170s…

In what manner does your HC170 “die”? Something break? Cover wears out? If the latter, can you replace the leather? I’ve re-covered my Selle Italia Flite saddles a number of times for about $15 each, which beats the $100+ cost of a new one. Does take some effort, of course.

John had a design flaw with the solid titanium rails. They will eventually break. What happened to me during Kona 2015. Saddle rail snapped at 40Km into the bike.

He shifted to tubular steel rails - for a VERY minor weight penalty - in 2015, but I missed the memo. But the rails inevitably will snap. Your weight, riding style, seatpost binder, etc all affect how long before they snap, but they will snap eventually.

I didn’t even need to ask when I saw the thread title. Unlike the SHC170 - which got updated steel rails in 2015 - the HC170 was always a very niche saddle (minimalist; virtually no padding, etc). So John (Cobb in case it wasn’t clear) never updated the HC170 to use the steel rails. There just wasn’t the demand for it. Every HC170 has the solid ti rails which will break. Hence the discussion about yanking the steel rails from an SHC (which you can find) and putting them into an HC (which you can’t and which even if you can will still have the bad rails)

So my last HC170 saddle finally bit the dust. I am looking for a replacement saddle that would be very similar in shape and fit.

I’m getting ready to sell a bunch of lightly used saddles for pretty cheap, on the classifieds forum. i might have 1 or 2 of these if you’re interested. i’ll get the thread up within a day.

but I’ve since come to think I would have preferred the JOF55

The JOF55 is my go to saddle. I love love it as a road/gravel saddle. Currently have 3 in rotation (road bike, gravel bike, Wahoo bike) plus 2 or 3 in a bin waiting their turn. Anytime I see one for sale I try to snap it up.

Most excellent! I will keep an eye out for it. Taking them anyway I can come across them.

I’ve got a couple in a box somewhere. We’re in the process of moving house so it’ll be in the lock up. Bump this thread end of January and I’ll have the boxes back in the garage and will find for you.

I may have to wander up the hill when you’re in the new house to raid the garage. I’m down to the last of the 9 I got from you…