Las Vegas teens accused of murdering cyclist laugh and flip off family of victim in court


Utter trash.

I saw that, and I’ve watched some of their videos (they were part of news programs) where they were joking as they ran over cyclists.
These two don’t deserve to be alive and part of the human race anymore. They are beyond disgusting and my heart breaks for the families of the innocent victims

That’s really quite sad. On the upside they are being tried as adults as opposed to what one of them said in the police cruiser. They probably don’t have a very good understanding of the law but they’ll be learning fast!

I was raised to forgive people, but this makes me want to rethink that. They purposely killed a man who probably would have risked his life for them.

I was raised to forgive people, but this makes me want to rethink that. They purposely killed a man who probably would have risked his life for them.

Same. No words for their attitudes and behavior. Still can’t believe they targeted, filmed, and laughed about it. I won’t be surprised if they never make it to trial…I am sure that there will be some type of arrangement from the prison staff to have a “miscommunication” between them regarding coverage of a specific area where some other prisoners get to them.

I definitely support judging them on how they judged the man they ran over. Give them bikes and have them ride…

The death penalty. That is what these two pieces of trash need. Clearly they are f-up and are of no use to society (for whatever reason–incompetent parents, etc.) so they just need to be removed from society. Plus, the lack of remorse that they have shown indicates that they are just need the death penalty.

I have no words……
You got to ask yourself what happened to those kids that they ended up so screwed in their heads that they just don’t give a damn about the life of a total stranger to them and kill this person like they are in a video game.

I feel so unbelievably sorry for the victim’s family that they have to experience this after their tragic useless loss. Wish them all the strength!


Court should ban photography at this point.

I have no words……
You got to ask yourself what happened to those kids that they ended up so screwed in their heads that they just don’t give a damn about the life of a total stranger to them and kill this person like they are in a video game.

I feel so unbelievably sorry for the victim’s family that they have to experience this after their tragic useless loss. Wish them all the strength!

You did have some words.
you’re far kinder than I, don’t care what happened to those kids, they’re anomalies and their comments to law enforcement after the fact, that they’d be out of jail promptly, prove them particularly unfit for society. ever.

I have no words……
You got to ask yourself what happened to those kids that they ended up so screwed in their heads that they just don’t give a damn about the life of a total stranger to them and kill this person like they are in a video game.

I feel so unbelievably sorry for the victim’s family that they have to experience this after their tragic useless loss. Wish them all the strength!

You did have some words.
you’re far kinder than I, don’t care what happened to those kids, they’re anomalies and their comments to law enforcement after the fact, that they’d be out of jail promptly, prove them particularly unfit for society. ever.

The crazy part is that they did this in their 4th stolen car that day. Immediately following the intentional sideswipe of another car.
They got unlucky that they killed a former police chief. Not a surprise that the parents of these boys are scumbag losers as well.

I have no words……
You got to ask yourself what happened to those kids that they ended up so screwed in their heads that they just don’t give a damn about the life of a total stranger to them and kill this person like they are in a video game.

I feel so unbelievably sorry for the victim’s family that they have to experience this after their tragic useless loss. Wish them all the strength!

You did have some words.
you’re far kinder than I, don’t care what happened to those kids, they’re anomalies and their comments to law enforcement after the fact, that they’d be out of jail promptly, prove them particularly unfit for society. ever.

The crazy part is that they did this in their 4th stolen car that day. Immediately following the intentional sideswipe of another car.
They got unlucky that they killed a former police chief. Not a surprise that the parents of these boys are scumbag losers as well.

You almost want to hold the parents accountable too. Absolute scum.

I have no words……
You got to ask yourself what happened to those kids that they ended up so screwed in their heads that they just don’t give a damn about the life of a total stranger to them and kill this person like they are in a video game.

I feel so unbelievably sorry for the victim’s family that they have to experience this after their tragic useless loss. Wish them all the strength!

You did have some words.
you’re far kinder than I, don’t care what happened to those kids, they’re anomalies and their comments to law enforcement after the fact, that they’d be out of jail promptly, prove them particularly unfit for society. ever.

The crazy part is that they did this in their 4th stolen car that day. Immediately following the intentional sideswipe of another car.
They got unlucky that they killed a former police chief. Not a surprise that the parents of these boys are scumbag losers as well.

You almost want to hold the parents accountable too. Absolute scum.

I pray the courts using every legal means possible can do what is morally justifiable for them taking the life of someone else. Ideally that can prevail. I know what my mob justice instinct wants, but at this moment what I would like to see happen to these homosapiens (if we can call them that) is something the legal system is designed in most countries to keep in check. Someone lost their dad and husband and had to endure these jokers in court after taking their family member away FOREVER. Not sure if the legal system can give them a life in adult prison FOREVER, but minimally that may be the best pain for them to experience.

I wish they were in Texas. We don’t tolerate bs like these punks. We have two executions scheduled in Nov and one in Feb. Trash like these two will get some serious prison time in Texas.