Landis the mantis revisited

I had the good fortune to hear Allen Lim talk about working with Floyd Landis and the powertap last week. We questioned him about Landis’s retro-early-90s TT position. This is what we found out:

  • Using wind tunnel testing and road testing with the powertap they found this position to be the fastest for him. They actually found testing with the powertap more useful.

  • He does lose power in this position, but the better aerodynamics more than make up for it. Also this way he saves energy - useful in a three week tour.

  • No the position is not comfortable. He only sits on the tip of the saddle because of UCI regs.

Arnie tested and put Floyd in this position before the Tour, at Allied, see for wind tunnel info and some photos of Floyd in the tunnel.

Gary…I just spent 60 minutes on Arnie’s site and haven’t got 15% through it.

LOTS of good stuff over there!!!

He knows his stuff, has had many of his athletes win USCF Nationals, I hope to be one of them someday

You may recognize one of his more famous athletes: