Lance's comments at Livestrong Challenge

I did the LSC 100 miler today in Philly. Lance said a few words at the beginning. He started by saying he pounded a few the night before and while he had planned to ride 100 miles that was not going to be the case…

Two thoughts:

-not the smartest thing to say to 2100 riders, many who had come out to ride with him…

-for any of you out there still hoping he can somehow finagle his way into Kona–I would say that he was not acting like the guy who still thinks tht can happen…

It depends, did he actually commit to riding? If he did and pulled out he is a douche

*Edit - Sorry I responded to a Lance thread

don’t know but he has gone the 100 every year in the past that I’ve done it…

According to my wife, her co-worker was at a wedding reception in the Philly suburbs yesterday, and spotted Lance at this reception.

This is probably the source of the pounding of a few.

EDITED TO ADD: actually it was more than a spotting, my wife told me about this because there were pictures her friend got with Lance, and she is jealous. Not sure how this changes the story, other than to take it down a notch from Ferris Beuller’s neighbor’s hair dresser’s cousin said…

yeah–he said he pounded a few at a “couple” of wedding receptions in Blue Bell, PA.

For the record, I pounded a “few” at my party in Stone Harbor, NJ last night as well (it was after the Wildwoods Triathlon and we were celebrating my strong GF (Kristen)'s victory) before I drove the 115 miles (leaving at 4:15) to ride with Lance and everyone else. I don’t hold anything against Lance as I would have made the drive and ride anyways as I do it in memory of my father who passed from his fourth bout with Cancer…but still, there were young ones there and he was saying that he couldn’t ride cause he was hung over…really? At your biggest of 3 fund raising rides…

I don’t know…his life is way more demanding than mine so who am I to judge?

This might cause JRenfro to lose his erection.

I did the LSC 100 miler today in Philly. Lance said a few words at the beginning. He started by saying he pounded a few the night before and while he had planned to ride 100 miles that was not going to be the case…

Two thoughts:

-not the smartest thing to say to 2100 riders, many who had come out to ride with him…

-for any of you out there still hoping he can somehow finagle his way into Kona–I would say that he was not acting like the guy who still thinks tht can happen…

I completely disagree with both your conclusions. WHO CAERS? He’s a human being and way better at marketing then you or I.

Did he ride at all?

i agree with you that he is a human being (which I guess is justification for using being hung-over to blow off something that is normally important to you–God knows I’ve done that!).

I’m not sure how good you are at marketing but I’m VERY confident in my marketing capabilities–I’m still the person that has sent more direct mail letters to U.S. people than anyone and it has led to a great life for me…Lance’s marketing efforts are very different than mine were (generally) but we’ll see how things work out. I can tell you for sure, from a direct marketing perspective, that my company’s direct marketing efforts crushed Lance’s. Off-course, his personal brand is vastly better–and I think that what’s you mean by he’s better at marketing.

I do care. I really wanted to race with Lance at Kona–and maybe have a cup of Joe at Lava Java with him–he had a profoudly positive impact on my father’s life as he battled, and ultimately lost, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, Melanoma, Renal Cell Carcinoma, and Central Nervous System Lymphoma. Lance was (and still is) such a hero to me and my family–he’s one of the reasons I do triathons and bike races.

That said, he didn’t show up today–just saying what I saw–and I’m the biggest Lance Lover around…

I think he might have as he was dressed in his kit and had a helmet on. My reaction was more to his comments. I was standing next to a father and young (say 14 years old) son when he talked about his exploits and the son was a bit incredulous when he asked his Dad if Lance wasn’t riding because he was drunk…

I did the Philly LSC two years ago, and Lance rode about ten miles. He made no bones about the fact he wasn’t going to do the whole thing. And it didn’t matter to anyone, as far as I could tell. We were there for much larger reasons.

BTW, very tough ride. Especially in a torrential downpour. Only time I’ve ever gotten off the bike to walk up a hill.

I think he might have as he was dressed in his kit and had a helmet on.<<

That said, he didn’t show up today–just saying what I saw–and I’m the biggest Lance Lover around… <<

So which is it? Did he or did he not show up? A little confusing.

I did that ride as well–horrible day. I was in the front group and I heard Lance’s pre-ride comments (I was right next to him) and I don’t recall him not making bones about only riding 10. I do know that he took off in the VIP group about a minute in front of the rest of us and we had a strong group of 20 or so riders that were hammering at 27+ mph and we could not catch Lance’s group–I stayed with this group for 20 miles or so and then was finally dropped. We never caught Lance and I never saw him by the side of the road. That said, he could have easily dropped out at 10 as you say…

He did not go out with the VIP group today…and his comments were weighted towards his pounding a few…

very different thatn 2010 for sure…

he was there (hung-over) but didn’t “show up” (figure of speech) as a 7-time tdf winner and marque-guy for a $1.3MM fund-raiser and give the 2100-riders a thrill by riding with us…

sorry for the confusion

I did the LSC 100 miler today in Philly. Lance said a few words at the beginning. He started by saying he pounded a few the night before and while he had planned to ride 100 miles that was not going to be the case…

Two thoughts:

-not the smartest thing to say to 2100 riders, many who had come out to ride with him…

-for any of you out there still hoping he can somehow finagle his way into Kona–I would say that he was not acting like the guy who still thinks tht can happen…

Compared to cheating his way to 7 Tour de France GC victories, this is nothing.

he was there (hung-over) but didn’t “show up” (figure of speech) as a 7-time tdf winner and marque-guy for a $1.3MM fund-raiser and give the 2100-riders a thrill by riding with us…

sorry for the confusion

Oh what was that? 7 time TDF winner, cancer survivor, successful businessman, and large contributor to cancer foundation that he setup?

I’d be doing blow and drinking more than a few beers.

It’s been rumored that his removed testicle is preserved in a bottle of tequila and every year, he shares a shot with Jan Ulrich in front of a fire. On a bearskin rug. Naked.

Come on Randy, they guy is a marketing and self promotion machine.

Thoughtful–thanks for weighing in with your best insights!

given that you haven’t achieved what Lance has, what are you doing with your Life–no blow?

No I do… Cept I mix it in with GU and RedBull and down it half way on the bike.

Agreed–one of the best. But we’ll see how it works out once the USADA gets done with him.

Marketing is quite multi-faceted (which was my point) and his Livestrong organization is not very good at direct marketing. Quite poor in my view…