Lake Stevens 70.3 vs St.George 70.3

Who did St.George last weekend and has also done Lake Stevens (new bike course). Please give me your thoughts on the two courses…similarities…differences…which did you find more difficult and why…THANKS!!!

Well I did St George as a full and ride the Lake Stevens course for fun. (I have done the old course 3 times.)

I assume you did St George and want to know about LS. St George is rollers till you hit Snow Canyon then it is a quick climb up and a pretty decent descent as in you can really rest your legs. Lake Stevens has similar rollers for the first 35-40 ish miles. If you pace well and follow your plan you can power through this pretty quickly I would say this section is similarish to SG. Then you hit a pretty steep but short climb up Ingrahim Rd (it’s a doozy cause it’s a hard right then immediately up) followed by some more deceiving rollers. Miles 35-48 can drain your legs if you haven’t paced well. The last bit is preceded by a good downhill, I am not big on speedy descents but have hit 51 on this, it’s not a long rest but it’s something. Then you have flat with a couple easy climbs (out of the saddle) and your back to bike in.

If you’re me its just a quick 27 miles home and your done. Makes for a challenging 110 mile weekend ride.