Ladies, he's available

And plays in a band too!

Seems like a good dude. Just misunderstood.

that’s a rough scroll down

Why are you limiting this/him to just the ladies?

40??? He looks at least 60.

Why are you limiting this/him to just the ladies?

I’m also limiting him as a he when he could be they/them?


I’m thinking not that.


I’m thinking not that.

He’s not the Messiah.
He’s a very naughty boy.

40??? He looks at least 60.

Hardcore is a hard life.

40??? He looks at least 60.

Hardcore is a hard life.

Being a fan of many types of metal music, I had not heard of this band so I skipped on over to Apple Music to just give a little listen. I’m afraid I’ve tainted my playlist algorithm now.

IThey would definately be something I would have dug when I was in my teens. Their song topics remind me of the The Mentors.