Lactate Thresthold/VO2 Max Testing

Hey - I’ll be doing a VO2 max/lactate threshold test this month and wanted to get some opinions -

Test in carbon plated shoes or non-carbon plated shoes?

I almost never train in my carbon plated shoes - maybe 1-2 runs per month at max. With the exception of Ironman marathons, I always race in carbon plated shoes - from stand alone 5k’s all the way up through 70.3’s.

Thoughts on which shoes I should complete testing in?

For the sake of science, test in both and report back the efficiency gain of the shoes

One one could test in what they plan to train to understand their different zones/thresholds…whatever you use
On the other I would see if my race execution is what it should be.

What are you looking for with this test ? That may help decide

Hey - I’ll be doing a VO2 max/lactate threshold test this month and wanted to get some opinions -

Test in carbon plated shoes or non-carbon plated shoes?

I almost never train in my carbon plated shoes - maybe 1-2 runs per month at max. With the exception of Ironman marathons, I always race in carbon plated shoes - from stand alone 5k’s all the way up through 70.3’s.

Thoughts on which shoes I should complete testing in?

For the sake of science, test in both and report back the efficiency gain of the shoes

One one could test in what they plan to train to understand their different zones/thresholds…whatever you use
On the other I would see if my race execution is what it should be.

What are you looking for with this test ? That may help decide

My primary intention is to figure out what my lactate threshold is, because I have no idea. I just run off of RPE and HR and would like a more definitive metric. I’m still semi-new to running and in my 30’s, so I certainly don’t believe that I’ve reached my ceiling just yet.

Testing in both makes complete sense but it’s not cheap, so I’ll likely just do one test on the treadmill and another on the bike at a later date.

I don’t think your VO2Max cares about what shoes you are wearing. Your oxygen exchange will go as high as you can push it.

If you are determining velocity at VO2Max for training or racing paces then use your race shoes.

training shoes

also what test protocol
and of course in a way the most valuable you can get from such a test is carb and fat consumption at certain speeds

also what test protocol

THIS x 100. Also if you (the OP) want vVo2 to help determine what paces to train at you could just do a 6-8 maybe 9 min all out effort on the track and record how far you ran.
that wouldn’t give you RER at specific paces but would give you paces to train at for specific purposes AND it’s repeatable and also free.