Hi! Just curious if this has happened to anyone or if anyone knows why this happens. During my interval workout I will be in a certain gear, hold cadence and power as prescribed. When I do my next set I go into the same gear, but when I do the same cadence as the first set my power is lower by about 10 watts. Any ideas? I do calibrate routinely.
I find that this happens when my trainer is warming up. I can hold X watts at Y cadence, but once the fluid starts warming I have to increase cadence to keep the same wattage. I usually only see this towards the beginning of my workout though.
Fluid trainer? If so how long of a warm up are you doing before starting the intervals?
Fluid - Yes. WU is usually around 30 minutes.
How exact is your “same cadence” statement? I did a workout two weekends ago (on my KK) where I was increasing wattage by 10w for each interval. My cadence from one to the next only increased by 2 rpm (in one case, only 1).
Exactly the same cadence if not slightly faster just to get the power I needed. I’m assuming it has to do with something regarding the fluid temperature.
You can do a spin down check(s) to see if something is wrong with the unit.
I do one when I first get on the trainer. Get up to 20mph then stop pedaling and time how long it takes to stop. My setup when cold takes about 11-12 seconds to spin down. I check again after my WU period (10-20’) and it will be 2 seconds longer, I also check again at the end of my WO and it’s the same (2 seconds longer than initial). It would be interesting to see if your trainer is staying consistent.