Kristian to pro cycling?

Jonas was already a continental pro, he had bike handling skills already.

Doesn’t matter what your threshold is, nobody who is 70kg is going to be competitive in a grand tour. The cumulative kJ that is required for them is just too much, you’re far too likely to end up having a bad day by being a little low.

Kristian Blummenfelt is not going to win the 2028 TdF:

Jonas was already a continental pro, he had bike handling skills already.

Doesn’t matter what your threshold is, nobody who is 70kg is going to be competitive in a grand tour. The cumulative kJ that is required for them is just too much, you’re far too likely to end up having a bad day by being a little low.

Big Mig would like a word with you. Bjarne Riis probably too.

Jonas was already a continental pro, he had bike handling skills already.

Doesn’t matter what your threshold is, nobody who is 70kg is going to be competitive in a grand tour. The cumulative kJ that is required for them is just too much, you’re far too likely to end up having a bad day by being a little low.

Big Mig would like a word with you. Bjarne Riis probably too.
Pogacar-66kg (For comparison)
Body Size Tables of Tour de France Riders ( (From their Wiki pages) However accurate they are.

Riis definitely had “something” that helped counteract his weight…

Most on that list did… :slight_smile:

Riis definitely had “something” that helped counteract his weight…

You can say a lot about Norwegians - but they seldom put out bold statements, without having some solid evidence to back it up.
They have enough science and numbers on Blu (not only his VO2Max) to make a good decision for a proposed shift to cycling.

I used to think that, until they published total BS aero numbers. I lost trust on their ability to calibrate their equipment from that point on :slight_smile:

You have a MUCH (say 10x) bigger financial incentive in cycling. If you are in top10 in the WT peloton, you make more than even the best paid triathletes (now that Frodo retired 😊)

You would be pretty amazed what their sponsorship $ are. They will not have this cult following in cycling. But I suspect this whole smoke show is about $ so I suspect they know what they are doing

If Blu loose weight (which certainly he CAN) - maybe drop to 70 kg(?) and FTP over 500, why not be competitive in a Grand Tour?

If Blu had a 500 FTP he would not have been outbiked by Lionel by 2min at St-George. They need to calibrate their PMs :slight_smile:

Finally, on the needed cycling experience to race in the WT peloton: Jonas took 2-3 years from the Fish Factory to be praised for his amazing handling skills in the 2023 TdF ITT. Blu is know novice to handle a bike.

As stated, Jonas raced as a kid. He raced Valgren would described him as talented but on the lazy side. If memory serves me right.

Finally, on the needed cycling experience to race in the WT peloton: Jonas took 2-3 years from the Fish Factory to be praised for his amazing handling skills in the 2023 TdF ITT. Blu is know novice to handle a bike.

Read up a bit, it would help you in discussions. E.g: ← Jonas race schedule and results for 2016.

Jonas has been a road race cyclist since a kid, learning the skills through kid/junior/youth ranks through his full life.

Jonas was already a continental pro, he had bike handling skills already.

Doesn’t matter what your threshold is, nobody who is 70kg is going to be competitive in a grand tour. The cumulative kJ that is required for them is just too much, you’re far too likely to end up having a bad day by being a little low.

Big Mig would like a word with you. Bjarne Riis probably too.

Big Mig won TdF’s with a couple of 40 miles flat ITT’s and one even longer flat TTT each. Nowadays he’d still be good, but, possibly, not enough for the win

You can say a lot about Norwegians - but they seldom put out bold statements, without having some solid evidence to back it up.
They have enough science and numbers on Blu (not only his VO2Max) to make a good decision for a proposed shift to cycling.


If Blu loose weight (which certainly he CAN) - maybe drop to 70 kg(?) and FTP over 500, why not be competitive in a Grand Tour?

I’m trying to be as nice as I can, but the way you eat up the Norwegian trolling is truly remarkable. I mean most people at least have some doubts 😂

If the claimed VO2max was accurate, Blu could have the running economy of a penguin (which he doesn’t) and be still outrunning Yee.

You can say a lot about Norwegians - but they seldom put out bold statements, without having some solid evidence to back it up.
They have enough science and numbers on Blu (not only his VO2Max) to make a good decision for a proposed shift to cycling.


If Blu loose weight (which certainly he CAN) - maybe drop to 70 kg(?) and FTP over 500, why not be competitive in a Grand Tour?

I’m trying to be as nice as I can, but the way you eat up the Norwegian trolling is truly remarkable. I mean most people at least have some doubts 😂

If the claimed VO2max was accurate, Blu could have the running economy of a penguin (which he doesn’t) and be still outrunning Yee.

the main question is will blum return faster or slower to tri than gwen.

the main question is will blum return faster or slower to tri than gwen.

You mean if his hiatus from triathlon will be shorter or longer than Gwen’s? The transition to cycling is still a rumor. My take is still that sooner will Knibb become a pro road racer than Blu.

Maybe you missed the mountain stages those years, but Big Mig was able to drop most if not all of the climbers on a good day. Val-Louron 1991, Isola 1993, Hautacam 94, La Plagne 95. He simply didn’t need to and always raced conservatively, the opposite of Pogi but just his style I guess.ébastienCyclisme

I personally know a sports cardiologist that worked with the Reynolds team when Indurain was there and he has shared some of his numbers from back then. The guy was a genetic freak just like Blu, so I think from a pure physiology perspective is a reasonable comparison.

There is a lot more to PT racing beyond handling and 20 min power output and/or FTP. PT cycling coaches will tell you about threshold power after XX kJ of work, which is a lot more critical than power when you have fresh legs. And they will look for decline/improvement curves after XX days of racing. I personally never raced more than ~5 stage races, and it felt brutal. Racing over three weeks takes a lot of training and racing structure. Blu will have to develop this 3-week racing endurance almost from scratch in his early 30s and expect to be challenging a bunch of genetic freaks in their 20s…it’s not going to happen.

ok i rephrase
what will last longer gwens olympic champs goal campain a few years ago or christian s yellow jersey journey .
i think they have about the same chance of success with the first 1 somwhere 4 digits after the first 0 …

i mean it is clear the short course career of the norwegian method is over now, but i really would love them to stay in triathlon . just a bit less bs science. and snake oil marketing.

in a way it was such a great story from no real tri programe in 2011 to the the first nation to have a 1 2 3 male podium at a world sereis race sometimes 2019 i think,

Nope, Gomez, Mola and Alarza went 1, 2, 3 at Yokohama in 2016. The Norwegians did the same at Bermuda in 2018. Not sure if the Brits, French or others have also achieved that feat.

ok i rephrase
what will last longer gwens olympic champs goal campain a few years ago or christian s yellow jersey journey .
i think they have about the same chance of success with the first 1 somwhere 4 digits after the first 0 …

i mean it is clear the short course career of the norwegian method is over now, but i really would love them to stay in triathlon . just a bit less bs science. and snake oil marketing.

in a way it was such a great story from no real tri programe in 2011 to the the first nation to have a 1 2 3 male podium at a world sereis race sometimes 2019 i think,

When did Bu takeover form KB’s program from Arild? I think if you look at the actual performances, Bu was probably at his best relative to competition for the Tokyo Olympics, has been slowly losing ground since.

The parallels with the Gwen situation are strong, though Gwen was much more dominant when she left and she showed evidence that she could be a competent pro runner (the idea of winning an olympic marathon probably marginally less audacious than the idea of KB winning the TDF). This experiment will likely end similarly . . . KB coming back to Tri after several years and being far behind, no longer competitive against the top guys.

ok i rephrase
what will last longer gwens olympic champs goal campain a few years ago or christian s yellow jersey journey .
i think they have about the same chance of success with the first 1 somwhere 4 digits after the first 0 …

i mean it is clear the short course career of the norwegian method is over now, but i really would love them to stay in triathlon . just a bit less bs science. and snake oil marketing.

in a way it was such a great story from no real tri programe in 2011 to the the first nation to have a 1 2 3 male podium at a world sereis race sometimes 2019 i think,

When did Bu takeover form KB’s program from Arild? I think if you look at the actual performances, Bu was probably at his best relative to competition for the Tokyo Olympics, has been slowly losing ground since.

The parallels with the Gwen situation are strong, though Gwen was much more dominant when she left and she showed evidence that she could be a competent pro runner (the idea of winning an olympic marathon probably marginally less audacious than the idea of KB winning the TDF). This experiment will likely end similarly . . . KB coming back to Tri after several years and being far behind, no longer competitive against the top guys.

This is the crux of it, KB was good for a couple of seasons which coincided with the end of the Brownlee/Gomez/Frodo era and just before Yee/Wilde hit their prime, which doesn’t diminish the achievement at all… he’s still an Olympic champ. But claiming that the Norwegian method changed the game and improved the sport is just snake oil, put the run times from yesterday into the London olympics and Yee/Wilde don’t even medal, KB scrapes a top 10… and in 2012 they didn’t have supershoes or Norwegian science

put the run times from yesterday into the London olympics and Yee/Wilde don’t even medal, KB scrapes a top 10… and in 2012 they didn’t have supershoes or Norwegian science

How can you compare Paris with London?
London was wetsuit legal without a current, Paris was no wetsuit with a strong current. Longer swim times do have an impact on running times.
And then Paris was way warmer than London. London had perfect running temperature.

I think a better comparison would be Tokyo, as it was hot and humid too. Kristian ran 29:34 over Yee’s 29:44 so it is safe to say that Blu has slowed down a bit. Maybe too much LC racing.

The whole Norwegian method has been hot over the last few years but I don’t see anything innovative. Marketing wise, they played it well: the guy won Olympic gold at the peak of his career, then switched off to mid/LC racing, smashed a ton of second tier athletes but allowed him to market himself to a wider fan base.

Nope, Gomez, Mola and Alarza went 1, 2, 3 at Yokohama in 2016. The Norwegians did the same at Bermuda in 2018. Not sure if the Brits, French or others have also achieved that feat.

gomez did not race yoko 2016 …