Kristian to pro cycling?

Maybe he has some breakfast recipes not even Pogacar knows. Actually his triathlon performance is even more “amusing” than Pogacar at the tdf.
Bu admitted that will not happen overnight though, explaining: “We probably need a few years. The first year will probably not be the Tour de France. 2025 will probably be more of a year of mapping, where we have to find out where we have to work. Not only with Kristian specifically, but also with the team.
“In 2026, we aim to sit in the Tour de France. In 2027 we must be in a position to take some jerseys. If we are not in a position to take some stage wins or be at the very top in the overall, it is difficult to think that we will do something magical until 2028. So we think that then we will really test it in 2027, and then the goal of going all in in 2028.”
I wonder what Jersey he plans to win at the Tour ? Sprint would be cool to watch. What could go wrong ?
Polka dot would be defying gravity.
Maybe most combative ?

am i the only one that thinks this is basically an admission he does not think he will do well in paris… and change the subject already before the race , to milk his last days as an oly champ.

Reminds me of the time Spencer Smith turned to pro cycling late 90’s with the Linda McCartney team. Not sure if he actually completed a full season before returning to triathlon. Certainly around that time there were some (now) very obvious reasons why anyone turning to pro cycling wasn’t going to make it! Is it any different today?//

I remember that and that time that silly teenager Lance something or other went over to try and do something in cycling, like win a world champs or heaven forbid, 7 TDF’s…The arrogance…

I for one am quite interested in how this plays out and not such a doubting Thomas as the rest of you. He apparently seems motivated to give it a go and has world class physiology. He also has quite a bit of pack experience from all of his ITU, and doesnt seem to be just hopping over without some plan. He will be fun to follow, just like Knibb if she also chooses to pursue that route…

Yes, by doing a ton of drugs while having the governing body in his pocket (according to him) thus allowing him to go after any of his rivals doing similar programs (according to former teammates, later witnesses). It was never an even playing field.

I really don’t see Blu doing better than pack filler at that level. Pogi and Venga are going ~7 w/kg over 40 minutes after hundreds of kJ of racing, during the second week of the Tour. As talented as he is, this takes another level of talent. Assuming he can lose a ton of weight, can he really push ~500 W for 40 minutes? I doubt it.

I remember that and that time that silly teenager Lance something or other went over to try and do something in cycling, like win a world champs or heaven forbid, 7 TDF’s…The arrogance…


If they play the “you call that doping ? I’ll show you doping” card like Lance, yes, anything is possible.

I remember that and that time that silly teenager Lance something or other went over to try and do something in cycling, like win a world champs or heaven forbid, 7 TDF’s…The arrogance…


If they play the “you call that doping ? I’ll show you doping” card like Lance, yes, anything is possible.

Putting the doping aside Blu is similar height as Campanaerts and also both at the heavier end for their height and Victor also started in triathlon albeit left for cycling earlier. As ‘heavy’ as Blu is if he can run as fast as he does he can be useful on a team. Winning TdF that’s another story but a utility player on a team who not? Cam Wurf does that just fine

I remember that and that time that silly teenager Lance something or other went over to try and do something in cycling, like win a world champs or heaven forbid, 7 TDF’s…The arrogance…


If they play the “you call that doping ? I’ll show you doping” card like Lance, yes, anything is possible.

Putting the doping aside Blu is similar height as Campanaerts and also both at the heavier end for their height and Victor also started in triathlon albeit left for cycling earlier. As ‘heavy’ as Blu is if he can run as fast as he does he can be useful on a team. Winning TdF that’s another story but a utility player on a team who not? Cam Wurf does that just fine

Blu is saying “I’ll be winning stages and wearing Jersey’s in my 2nd year as a pro cyclist”.

Victor and Cam are having a good laugh.

Blu is saying “I’ll be winning stages and wearing Jersey’s in my 2nd year as a pro cyclist”.

No Blu himself says very little. His coach talks about year 3 to show potential and if that works out “go all in” year 4. “So we think that then we will really test it in 2027, and then the goal of going all in in 2028.”

1993 world’s Lance did not have UCI in his pocket (not sure if he ever did they tolerated each other for mutual gain) but that year in his second year as a pro he won UCI world’s in Oslo. Not sure what juice program he was on relative Indurain and crew but Lance’s 1993 season supports Monty’s point.

As for the guys doing 7 W per kilo now versus in the era of Pantani well let’s assume Blu gets access to whatever they are all using these days and let’s see what he can do. Minimally he can be more useful than Cam just because he will climb better than Cam.

Let’s see what he does. Why pre suppose he will fail and not be useful on a pro team. The engine in this guy is phenomenal to pull away from Yee at Tokyo 2021. Blu is a much faster runner than Lance was in his youth so it would be cool to see where it goes

Blu is saying “I’ll be winning stages and wearing Jersey’s in my 2nd year as a pro cyclist”.

No Blu himself says very little. His coach talks about year 3 to show potential and if that works out “go all in” year 4. “So we think that then we will really test it in 2027, and then the goal of going all in in 2028.”


So the TDF stages and Jersey winning year is in 2027, his 3rd year as a pro. That makes more sense :slight_smile:

I wonder what Jersey he plans to win at the Tour ? Sprint would be cool to watch. What could go wrong?

If the Lantern Rouge becomes a jersey he’ll have a great shot at that.

Yee was very young at Tokyo and relatively inexperienced in big races. So was Wilde
Don’t think blummenfeldt could pull away from either of them nowadays
I could be surprised, but don’t think so

Yee was very young at Tokyo and relatively inexperienced in big races. So was Wilde
Don’t think blummenfeldt could pull away from either of them nowadays
I could be surprised, but don’t think so

Fair enough. But look at Blu’s run split in Tokyo. 29.34 in that heat in Tokyo is 29.34. That is 5.6m/s. There is potential here given he is listed at 75 kilos right now.

wasn’t blummenfelt quite far back at the end of the bike at nice 70.3 worlds? ie a hilly triathlon where he failed to make an impact on the bike.

You mean the race he was sick at, your gonna use that one outlier as a comparison for him???

Plus Kristian had just raced in Asia the week before. Oh and in Paris the week before that. Weak knees I guess. Gotta be that.

the idea that athletes can not transition is patently absurd. its obviously rare, requires a confluence of circumstances i.e. moving from one sport to another to which they are perfectly suited but it does not mean it is is impossible.

Lance is a good example as is rebecca romero.

Its fine to be skeptical but changing sports has been done successfully…

The arrogance, or rather the pharmacy, plus the cover up of his positives by the UCI…

Blu is one of this rare breeds of athletes that came out much faster after lock down. Make of that what you want.

You mean the race he was sick at, your gonna use that one outlier as a comparison for him???

He wasn’t sick in Nice. He’s just not a super climber. He’s admitted on many occasions that Gustav is the better climber.

His climbing and his overall ability isn’t anywhere near Grand Tour stage wins or jerseys. He could possibly become a solid domestique, but GT stage wins - not a chance.

People are saying “Oh but what if he gets juiced, he’ll improve”. That’s making the assumption that both Pro Cycling is rife with doping and triathlon is squeaky clean.

I like Bu as he really knows his stuff. But sometimes I think he just says things to get a reaction and make a name for himself.

As for Kristian - some healthy delusion has got him to where he is, but it was never truly delusion, as it was realistic. This is not.