Kristian to pro cycling?


One of the guys with me used to race pro in Europe but never made World Tour. He said with the speed they ride today, with traffic furniture, all the things that require years of experience, he would never try to step into the WT peloton.

I have a friend who has been riding in the WT for 10 years and has won a stage in both Tour and Giro and he struggles in those hectic sprint finishes. It’s crazy what you need to do to stay at the front and I’m not talking power. Unreal amount of risk.

Thanks for sharing, this seems like it’s happening.

Could be wrong but my predictions:

-ITU riding skills are not the same, so I expect it will be a bit of a learning curve for him, but he will do well. Jayco knows this and I suspect they have a plan to introduce him into the pro peloton. It will be a rude awakening.

-I recall when Wurf went back to PT and Dev et al were out to lunch fantasizing that Wurf was going to be a factor in the pro tour time trials (mind blogging that none of them cared to check that he was never even close to winning one back in 2013-2014), I called it for Wurf back them and same for Blu…they are like 5-6 kph (likely being generous) off the speed needed to win a time trial at this level. Maybe…maybe top 80-100.

-Long term I see him developing into a decent mid-stage/race domestique like the likes of Castroviejo, so maybe not drilling it at 65 kph at the front of the pack with two km to go, but the kind of guy that does some work during the first three hours of racing, similar to Wurf’s role.

-Lots of folks talk about his weight and build, but if he loses some of the swimming muscles, he might resemble other PT riders (Vino, Salvatore Commeso, Jens Heppner come to mind)

He must have signed yesterday and already the Norwegian method is making an impact - they won a stage in the tour today!.

I agree with this but psychologically this guy is a winner and he will want to and is used to the feeling of winning. He will need to say his prayers though as there will be no gifts and there is no truth in cycling. How is this big dog going to go on the descents

Two possibilities:

  1. Marc Gravelin has jumped on the troll train. He seems really chill and therefore this is possible.

  2. They signed Wurf.

Thanks for sharing, this seems like it’s happening.
Could be wrong but my predictions:
-Long term I see him developing into a decent mid-stage/race domestique . . As McEnroe was wont to say ‘You cannot be serious!’, at several levels.
“I’m looking forward to ‘developing into a decent mid-stage/race domestique’.”
“The money to be earned in cycling is so much better.” (T100 tour winner will make $>500k and other events incl IMWC win another half mill: so that’s just prize money and annual series bonuses)
“If Sepp can go from domestique to tour winner, so could I!”
“Cyclists don’t respect triathletes enough: I’ll teach 'em.”
“If Knibb can do it, so can I. How hard can it be?”

-I recall when Wurf went back to PT and Dev et al were out to lunch fantasizing that Wurf was going to be a factor in the pro tour time trials (mind blogging that none of them cared to check that he was never even close to winning one back in 2013-2014), I called it for Wurf back them and same for Blu…they are like 5-6 kph (likely being generous) off the speed needed to win a time trial at this level. Maybe…maybe top 80-100.

Did many people really say this? Wurf is a massive diesel engine, but he doesn’t have the speed for 70.3 racing, Let alone punchy sub hour TT’s.

At least Blummenfelt has some level of sub hour power from ITU racing.
But don’t think anyone is really suggested he will be close to world-class or even aim for TT’s if he made the switch.

Think it’s going to be a shame if we don’t see him come back to long distance Tri racing.

-I recall when Wurf went back to PT and Dev et al were out to lunch fantasizing that Wurf was going to be a factor in the pro tour time trials (mind blogging that none of them cared to check that he was never even close to winning one back in 2013-2014), I called it for Wurf back them and same for Blu…they are like 5-6 kph (likely being generous) off the speed needed to win a time trial at this level. Maybe…maybe top 80-100.

Did many people really say this? Wurf is a massive diesel engine, but he doesn’t have the speed for 70.3 racing, Let alone punchy sub hour TT’s.

At least Blummenfelt has some level of sub hour power from ITU racing.
But don’t think anyone is really suggested he will be close to world-class or even aim for TT’s if he made the switch.

Think it’s going to be a shame if we don’t see him come back to long distance Tri racing.

Yes it would be a shame if he would leave Tri or become a part time triathlete

I guess here is the thing changing your goals all the time does not get one the best result in nothing .
He is a massively driven athlete and can do relatively well in whatever he chooses to do. But I guess you can already say he has not fully maxed out his potential if it is titles he wants,in the last few years by switching around in Tri AND last year trying to do too many things and winning nothing really. Well of course it’s all relative and he is still super impressive ,but for his talent IAM sure he expects to win more.

It’s certainly more interesting to switch but if he hurts to lose his way is not the smartest. As he is going to keep losing.
At the same time it’s also super interesting and if that gets him up in the morning to do different things, great.

Just scan through the Taylor Knibb thread gem #nolimits to the arguments we can come up in ST.

In fairness to some of these folks, the likes of Knibb and Findlay match their perception of triathletes vs cyclist level, it just doesn’t happen in the men’s side.

Notwithstanding it is still only a rumour, I can see Blu’s motivation to go a different path. He has won almost everything in triathlon across all distances and maybe he realizes he is slowing down a bit. Why not get a job that gives you a steady cheque and doesn’t require you to be and go 100% on any given day.

Two possibilities:

  1. Marc Gravelin has jumped on the troll train. He seems really chill and therefore this is possible.

  2. They signed Wurf.

Guys, I don’t think it makes any sense

I am just sharing the gossip

If the Norwegians have got their hype to three Aussies WT guys, that is even more impressive than Blu’s Vo2max

So this is 100% happening and apparently he’s aiming to win the TdF.

So this is 100% happening and apparently he’s aiming to win the TdF.

Arrogant or delusional ?

So this is 100% happening and apparently he’s aiming to win the TdF.

Arrogant or delusional ?

i don’t quite understand it, myself.

So this is 100% happening and apparently he’s aiming to win the TdF.

Arrogant or delusional ?

i don’t quite understand it, myself.

Saying you want to give it a try, sure. To say you are going to win TDF Jersey’s in your 2nd year ? They are trying to get a reaction.

Or maybe they are talking to the folks that believe the +100 Vo2Max, and the sub 0.21 road bike CDA.

So this is 100% happening and apparently he’s aiming to win the TdF.

Arrogant or delusional ?

i don’t quite understand it, myself.

Saying you want to give it a try, sure. To say you are going to win TDF Jersey’s in your 2nd year ? They are trying to get a reaction.

Or maybe they are talking to the folks that believe the +100 Vo2Max, and the sub 0.21 road bike CDA.

We all remember when Gwen said she was going for Gold in Olympic Marathon…

So a guy who could be an all time great and never to be dethroned is gonna quit the sport and do this? Why? This is super Delulu (as the kids say).

Reminds me of the time Spencer Smith turned to pro cycling late 90’s with the Linda McCartney team. Not sure if he actually completed a full season before returning to triathlon. Certainly around that time there were some (now) very obvious reasons why anyone turning to pro cycling wasn’t going to make it! Is it any different today?

I was thinking the exact same thing, if Blu believes he can contend for the TdF win before he has done a single top level road race he is in cloud cuckoo land

would love to see a 75kg 5’8" rider try to hang in the groupetto 😂
Bu admitted that will not happen overnight though, explaining: “We probably need a few years. The first year will probably not be the Tour de France. 2025 will probably be more of a year of mapping, where we have to find out where we have to work. Not only with Kristian specifically, but also with the team.
“In 2026, we aim to sit in the Tour de France. In 2027 we must be in a position to take some jerseys. If we are not in a position to take some stage wins or be at the very top in the overall, it is difficult to think that we will do something magical until 2028. So we think that then we will really test it in 2027, and then the goal of going all in in 2028.”
I wonder what Jersey he plans to win at the Tour ? Sprint would be cool to watch. What could go wrong ?
Polka dot would be defying gravity.
Maybe most combative ?