KONA DVD's a new perspective

Ok so from all the hours of film used to capture the race - NBC compresses it into a one hour show (approximately ) which no doubt means a lot of editing.

I have heard and read complaints that a lot of footage was not captured this and every year - such as Macca’s great run - Katie Major’s race - and everything else that went on - particularly the AG participaton and footage.

If the producers were to release an extended version - say three or four hours of coverage - on a one or two disc set - for each IMH - how many of us would buy it?

I know I personally would pay more for it - with no reservations.

It seems that a great marketing opportunity is being lost here - we are a market (and I mean we to include all triathletes - not just ST members) who would lap this up - so does anyone have any contacts that this idea coupld be floated by?

The live race coverage on Ironmanlive was awesome - and an edited version of this - perhaps with a better audio feed would be outstanding.

So what does everyone else think?

Yes, I would pay for a DVD with extended Kona coverage and have commented in years past that it would be great if NBC made them available.

isn’t that what a DVD is all about? i would definitely be into something like that. i can’t get enough!

I would buy it and watch it all the time. I would love a very extended version of the Hawaii coverage.


An extended version would be great.

ronmanlive does a great job, but it can’t cover everything at once as you watch the streaming.

And NBC’s coverage…well…it just doesn’t do it.

I would buy it, too.

Someone should do some “digging” to get an email contact from NBC so we can send our opinions.

If I have heard correctly, a relatively small number of comments can make a BIG difference to a network.


Someone should do some “digging” to get an email contact from NBC so we can send our opinions.

You don’t need to contact NBC, you need to contact WTC. Start with Blair LaHaye - blair@ironmanlive.com or the big cheese, ben@ironmanlive.com. Or snail mail:

World Triathlon Corporation
43309 US Highway 19 North
Tarpon Springs, FL 34689

(727) 942-4767 Phone
(727) 942-1987 Fax


I must admit they could quite easily (I should imagine) do the standard two disc business with the NBC fottage on the first DVD and the extras on the second with previously unseen footage and other such bonus’s… I would certainly be interested in buying it for sure but would ultimately depend on the cost!


OK, someone with connections needs to make this happen. All NBC needs to do is assign this project to an unpaid intern, make her/him edit for a week, spit out a 4 hour DVD, make money, and make us STers happy. What’s the downside to NBC?

Alternatively, send me 20 hours of unedited tape and I’ll produce one for them.

Torepeat ironclm’s statement you need to contact wtc. NBC just airs the footage I believe WTC tapes,
edits everything then it’s sold to nbc for viewing if not not mistaken so talking to NBC wouldn’t gain you anything.

hell yeah, i would buy it. but then again, i’d pay to watch kona live on pay-per-view.

i would watch it if it was 12-17h…on 5 discs like the tdF