Kid's vitamins

Looking for info from some of the parents out there that have very active kids and give them supplements. (vitamins) I’ve got a 10 yr old that won’t/can’t swallow a tablet, so I’ve tried the gummy worm/bear/etc, etc ones, but they look to be more hype and marketing than anything else. (maybe I’m wrong on these? I did do some research, particularly with vit E, which most of these have mega doses of and can interfere with a kid’s bone development) Tried chewables, but the ones I’ve tried; he won’t take either b/c of the taste. Anyone out there have any recomendations on a good tasting vitamin, either a gummy type, or possibly a liquid, or if it’s a chewable, one the actually tastes good when it is chewed? (yes, I’ve even tried the good old Flinstones)
I’d appreciate any input.

Maybe your kid is being difficult… or maybe he has a well-honed instinct to reject supplements. If that’s the case, I would honor his instinct.

I think some people use vitamins as a crutch to “round out” a poor diet, and that’s bad philosophy. I would make sure the kid eats a quality diet (which would reinforce good habits), and leave it at that.

My kids use either the Flintstones or the Buggs Bunny chewables. Neither of these have really high levels of anything, I believe. My kids don’t like the taste either, but I tell them they have to take them anyway. I do my best to give them a well balanced diet throughout the day, but this is just insurance for those days that fall short.

I noticed that they have bubble gum vitamins now. If your kid likes to chew gum it might be an option. No guess on how they taste though…


What I do is wrestle him to the ground and get a good grip on his head with my knees and then I shove one finger into his cheek and that usually makes him involunarily open his mouth. Then I cram the tablet as far back as I can get and then hold the mouth shut until its swallowed. When it get spit back up again I repeat the process. Oh wait, that’s for my cat. I don’t know what to do for kids.

Oh wait, that’s for my cat. I don’t know what to do for kids.

Pretty much the same thing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not sure how legit is (it’s a profit site that supposedly does independent lab tests), but MSNBC did a writeup on some vitamins a few weeks ago-

A little scary about the kids vitamins.

Forget the vitamins.

As Sydney Gellis (MD) the former unofficial ‘KING’ of pediatrics used to say about vitamins, “Those who need them can’t afford them and those who can afford them, don’t need them.” (sorry, he died a couple of years ago–in his 90s)

Even a modest amount of fruits and veggies will give him all the vitamins he needs, along with antioxidants, etc, that promote good health. If your kid only eats white and brown stuff, he need vitamins, but he really needs the fruits and veggies as well.

Juice Plus is somewhat expensive, but is probably a semi-good replacement if you simply won’t get him to eat fruits and veggies.

Standard Process makes some very high quality supplements

I still take kids vitamins. The Hannaford brand ones taste like candy to me!

If your kids won’t take a vitamin, how about Carnation Instant Breakfast? It’s a powder that you mix with milk and has all kinds of vitamins and minerals in it. If your kids like chocolate milk - get the chocolate flavored one, it tastes pretty good.

2 flintstones/day for me.

That’s if you’re interested. I don’t want to pitch an unsolicited, shameless, unpaid, plug here.