Kickr Core and Structured Workouts

I got a new Kickr Core + Climb for a late Christmas present. I am trying to figure out how to set up structure workouts. Currently, I have a dumb trainer (Cycleops) and Garmin Vector pedals for power. I typically log into Garmin Connect, set up my workout sent from my coach then sync this to my Edge. During the workout, the Edge will prompt me at the appropriate times and let me know what the target it for each interval/set. I like having the prompt for my target watts/cadence/HR etc for each interval. While some workouts are watt based, there are some that are hill work and I have been “mimicking” hill work with increased power for the interval. Now that I have the Kickr and Climb to control pitch and resistance, I am excited to not have to adapt the planned workout to the trainer (all of my training is done indoors on the trainer).

My question is…is there an app that I can use to pre-program my workout with the target workout sent from my coach? Ideally, I would like this to show up on my Garmin Edge (or an app on my iPad even) and control the Kickr and Climb for the workout and then sync to Training Peaks after the workout.

I know that there are apps like Zwift, TrainerRoad, etc, but these all pre-populate workouts and don’t allow for any customization…or correct me if I’m wrong??

If you already have trainingpeaks, and if your coach uses the structured workout creator, download the trainingpeaks Connect IQ app and it will automatically fetch the workouts for you.

Similar features exist for the other platforms you mentioned.

I upload all my Training peaks workouts to Zwift. They work well and the ERG mode makes it my best tool for gaining fitness

You can also sync Zwift with TrainingPeaks and it pulls in your scheduled workout for that day. Just select it and you’re off an running. This requires the workout to be on your schedule in TP obviously.

Now, as far as I know there’s no way in TP to set a gradient target, so your Climb won’t be changing based on the workout, but would be changing to match the gradient on whatever course you’re riding in Zwift.

Structured workouts in TP are dead simple to make. And, as noted before, can be synced to the newer devices for use anywhere. I’m a big fan.

I’d also be interested to hear from folks who have successfully integrated the Kickr climb into their ERG mode workout.

I got one as an early Chanukah present and haven’t really been able to figure out a great way to incorporate it aside.

Like the OP, the goal presumably is to have the “hard” and low cadence parts of prescribed workouts result in an increase in slope to simulate outdoor hill climbing.

You can also sync Zwift with TrainingPeaks and it pulls in your scheduled workout for that day. Just select it and you’re off an running. This requires the workout to be on your schedule in TP obviously.

Now, as far as I know there’s no way in TP to set a gradient target, so your Climb won’t be changing based on the workout, but would be changing to match the gradient on whatever course you’re riding in Zwift.

Structured workouts in TP are dead simple to make. And, as noted before, can be synced to the newer devices for use anywhere. I’m a big fan.

As far as I know, the climb doesn’t work in Zwift when you are in ERG/workout mode. But everything else is spot on.

Ahh, that’s a bummer. I’m on the fence about getting one soon. I generally only do structured workouts or races in Zwift. Can anyone confirm of the Climb works in workout mode?

TrainerRoad. Chances are there is already a workout there similar to what is on your training plan. If your plan is a 6x5’, or 4x10’, or whatever, just search that. If it lines up, you’re off to the races. If it’s close but needs to be tweaked use the Workout Creator to tweak it accordingly (or create a workout from scratch).

Thanks for all of the responses. I put the detailed workout into Training Peaks and sent it to my Edge via the Connect IQ. It worked perfectly.

I just wish that there were some way to mimic the resistance and climb of a hill without just having to set the interval to a hard wattage to mimic a climb.

Is there any way to set a pre-programmed workout to adjust the resistance of the Kickr, or will that only happen if I use a workout from Zwift (or Trainer Road, etc.)???

I don’t have a smart trainer (yet) but that has to be possible. Check this out →

Also, I’m pretty sure your Climb would mimic gradients from a route saved on your device. So that’s another way to get simulated elevation without Zwift.

I don’t have a smart trainer (yet) but that has to be possible. Check this out →

Also, I’m pretty sure your Climb would mimic gradients from a route saved on your device. So that’s another way to get simulated elevation without Zwift.

And I checked today, Climb will not respond in workout/erg mode on zwift.