Kickoffs as we know them are dead

My initial reaction is asinine

I mean, they have basically been dead since they moved the kickoffs to the 35 yard line. The touchback rate is >4x what it used to be


  • potentially more scoring
  • more returns
  • fewer injuries
  • adds 1,000 plays to the season


  • no surprise onside kicks
  • aesthetic
  • tradition

The old way wasn’t working. Play turned ceremonial for the most part, injury rate dramatically higher than those from the line of scrimmage. I’m willing to give it a year before having an old man fit over it.

I don’t know what the return for TD rate was in XFL but with the defense stacked up front it seems like more breakthrough TD runs would be possible.

They also banned yet another tackle. It continues to get harder and harder to play defense.

Devin Hester starting to work his comeback.

They also banned yet another tackle. It continues to get harder and harder to play defense.

Imagine this rule would change the outcome of this Super Bowl.

That looks so odd

My initial reaction is asinine.

Go figure? As are most of your NFL “opinions “

My initial reaction is asinine

Your post is a year old, at least.

But last years rules, pretty much killed them and made them pointless.

I like the new rule, the league is happy, high speed impacts eliminated, and fans should be happy cause we should actually get some kick off returns.

I am surprised what they did for onside kicks though…

Onside kicks are only available in 4th quarterDue to the new kickoff format, NFL teams will be able to declare they want to pursue an onside kick in the fourth quarter of games. They can declare to do so twice. “If you’re trailing and want to kick a traditional onside kick, you have that right,” McKay said.

After seeing more kickoffs this weekend with the NFL Network on as background noise… this rule change is fucking stupid.

After seeing more kickoffs this weekend with the NFL Network on as background noise… this rule change is fucking stupid.

I saw two or three Thursday. I don’t need to see any more. Just put the ball on the 20 or 25.

They also banned yet another tackle. It continues to get harder and harder to play defense.

Just get rid of hard helmets. Most problems solved.

If that is to stop CTE, rugby would like a word

After seeing more kickoffs this weekend with the NFL Network on as background noise… this rule change is fucking stupid.

I saw two or three Thursday. I don’t need to see any more. Just put the ball on the 20 or 25.

Agreed. This new setup is just goofy and I can’t even imagine how ridiculous it will come across come playoff time.

They also banned yet another tackle. It continues to get harder and harder to play defense.

I’m OK with the hop drop tackle being banned. You can’t do a suplex either.

As far as the kickoff rule, I’m OK with it. With a 80% touchback rate, it was a very boring and stupid play.