Keyboard Attacks and Lavender Outrage

A few “pet peeves”, its a slow morning around here.

What keeps you motivated to stay engaged with your various Lavender Room nemesis? I’ll give you an example. Someone posts something about whether they should repaint their house or instead put on some siding. Their nemesis here replies with a post like “doesn’t matter your house will still look like trash because it is owned by a piece of trash” I have to wonder about your state of mind?

The curses… I can appreciate that cursing can offer some small relief when utilized in the real world. But there are a fair amount of people here who will reply with a simple "F*** Y** Really?

Lastly, the continued devolving thread. Two posters keep flaming away at each other over an extended period seemingly exerting an inordinate amount of time with more and more personal attacks. Side effect of too much remote work?

I enjoy most of the discussion here but reading the recent posts about the Trump shooting had me incredulous as to how worked up people get on here. Reminds of dealing with elementary school and an old phrase “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me” That there could be a whole thread in itself.

I just skip the silly personal argument posts.

I don’t feel like I have any nemesises.

Not sure I’ve posted anything while in an outraged state of mind, I don’t have any motivation to argue or try to convince anyone around here to change their mind (politically). And I definitely have not lobbed any F-bombs directly at anyone, though I do love a good curse word, just not directed at anyone.

There are some posters who can get under my skin, I generally skip over their posts, and recently I put my first poster on the ignore list. As I saw someone remark the other day, doing so is like a breath of fresh air when you scroll through a thread and see their posts as beautiful blank spaces.

I just skip the silly personal argument posts.

I don’t feel like I have any nemesises.

Challenge accepted.

Not sure I’ve posted anything while in an outraged state of mind, I don’t have any motivation to argue or try to convince anyone around here to change their mind (politically). And I definitely have not lobbed any F-bombs directly at anyone, though I do love a good curse word, just not directed at anyone.

There are some posters who can get under my skin, I generally skip over their posts, and recently I put my first poster on the ignore list. As I saw someone remark the other day, doing so is like a breath of fresh air when you scroll through a thread and see their posts as beautiful blank spaces.

I don’t mind reading posts from someone that I disagree with, but I’m not going to waste my time on someone who only seems to be here to antagonize others. I probably have that same person on my ignore list. It is possible that not all of their posts are meant to antagonize, but I’m not going to wade through shit to find them when there are so many others that post something worthwhile.

Not sure I’ve posted anything while in an outraged state of mind, I don’t have any motivation to argue or try to convince anyone around here to change their mind (politically). And I definitely have not lobbed any F-bombs directly at anyone, though I do love a good curse word, just not directed at anyone.

There are some posters who can get under my skin, I generally skip over their posts, and recently I put my first poster on the ignore list. As I saw someone remark the other day, doing so is like a breath of fresh air when you scroll through a thread and see their posts as beautiful blank spaces.

I don’t mind reading posts from someone that I disagree with, but I’m not going to waste my time on someone who only seems to be here to antagonize others. I probably have that same person on my ignore list. It is possible that not all of their posts are meant to antagonize, but I’m not going to wade through shit to find them when there are so many others that post something worthwhile.

You still have to wade through the shit he stirs up. The same poster is taking a dump in every thread and turning them into redundant pissing matches. My interest in this forum is declining rapidly and I’ve been here for 20 years. The thing is, he admits he’s just here to stir shit, and we still fall for it. I guess you could say I’m, “dissappointed”.

Not sure I’ve posted anything while in an outraged state of mind, I don’t have any motivation to argue or try to convince anyone around here to change their mind (politically). And I definitely have not lobbed any F-bombs directly at anyone, though I do love a good curse word, just not directed at anyone.

There are some posters who can get under my skin, I generally skip over their posts, and recently I put my first poster on the ignore list. As I saw someone remark the other day, doing so is like a breath of fresh air when you scroll through a thread and see their posts as beautiful blank spaces.

I don’t mind reading posts from someone that I disagree with, but I’m not going to waste my time on someone who only seems to be here to antagonize others. I probably have that same person on my ignore list. It is possible that not all of their posts are meant to antagonize, but I’m not going to wade through shit to find them when there are so many others that post something worthwhile.

Exactly. I don’t block anyone, but there are a few that a just don’t read because they are tools.

I just skip the silly personal argument posts.

I don’t feel like I have any nemesises.

Challenge accepted.

The problem is I learned from having brothers growing up that the by responding to someone’s provocation is to give them what they are after. I’ve gotten pretty good at simply ignoring someone who wants to go that route. I’ve even brought Windy to heel by doing it :slight_smile:

There are people here who I disagree with and I’m fine having a normal argument but if you’re going to get into childish insulting and name calling or you’re just trolling I’ve got no problem just breaking it off.

I come here because I learn quite a lot and often am inspired to do some additional reading on a topic where the discussion has pushed me beyond what I already know. And there can be some very funny stuff.

I don’t like the name calling, but have gotten fairly efficient at knowing which posts, posters, and threads to ignore. I am not aware of having a nemesis here.

This forum has the same dynamic as much of life. That is, you can have a meaningful conversation with almost anyone, but you gotta pick your topics and how you approach them.

I recently had a multi-hour conversation with a neighbor’s dog sitter. He was a retired academic and we had plenty of mutual interests (and spare time). Then he made a preposterous statement about Trump being a true patriot. I could have engaged on that, but it would have defeated my purpose in conversing. So, I just let it go and returned to more fruitful topics.

I don’t feel like I have any nemesises.

Or is it “nemesii?”

“Nemeses” perhaps? Or was that an Egyptian Pharaoh? A Greek Philosopher, maybe?

This is hardly a Lavender Room only phenomenon. The internet is full of people who get some weird satisfaction by being contrarian/unpleasant/awful. Pick who you interact with and your experience will be better.
ETA - The other groups I avoid are the “I will argue about anything (whether I believe it or not)” people, and the folks who have to have the last post. If they get the last post, they win! There is generally an overlap between the groups.

I just skip the silly personal argument posts.

I don’t feel like I have any nemesises.

Challenge accepted.

Gotta admit, that made me laugh.

I just skip the silly personal argument posts.

I don’t feel like I have any nemesises.

Challenge accepted.

Peaceful tribe and all of that.

I don’t feel like I have any nemesises.

Or is it “nemesii?”

“Nemeses” perhaps? Or was that an Egyptian Pharaoh? A Greek Philosopher, maybe?

I debated that.

I read two news sources each day. The LR and the WaPo. I do no other social media. My newspaper has cartoons, the funny pages as well as news. I take the view that our LR keyboard warriors and our cringe worthy threads are funny paper cartoons as well. I will admit to more LOL spitting coffee moments here than the please make it stop ones. But then my ability to be sensitive in feeling is diminished with age.

To your point and of late though, there has been a dearth of true chuckling in a positive way. A look back 4 years and 8 years ago might indicate a cyclic trend.

I just skip the silly personal argument posts.

I don’t feel like I have any nemesises.

Challenge accepted.

Peaceful tribe and all of that.

Well, according to the second definition of peaceful, it’s true. 2. not involving war or violence.

I just skip the silly personal argument posts.

I don’t feel like I have any nemesises.

Challenge accepted.

Peaceful tribe and all of that.

Well, according to the second definition of peaceful, it’s true. 2. not involving war or violence.

I much prefer wars of words.

But I’m kind of lazy and don’t like conflict, so this may not really work out after all…

I just skip the silly personal argument posts.

I don’t feel like I have any nemesises.

Challenge accepted.

Peaceful tribe and all of that.

Well, according to the second definition of peaceful, it’s true. 2. not involving war or violence.

I much prefer wars of words.

But I’m kind of lazy and don’t like conflict, so this may not really work out after all…

You are making it difficult to get a nemesis with your last two posts being so likeable.