Kelvin Kiptum

Marathon world record holder died today in a car accident. His coach was also killed.

Super sad stuff.

Holy shit that’s so sad. The 2:00 barrier just inched a little bit further from reality.

Very sad to hear. He was such an amazing talent with such a bright future.

May his memory be a blessing.

Man, this is sad news. So much promise!

Terrible! I think he lit a fire in the sport of marathoning…he will be missed. RIP

This is a sad day for greatness in sports.

This is so sad

Marathon world record holder died today in a car accident. His coach was also killed.

Super sad stuff.

This is such a huge loss for the running world. RIP.

This just set back the sport of marathoning a whole generation possibly

That’s a generational talent gone in an instant. Blessings to him and his family as he would have literally uplifted many in his family had he lived on. He leaves us so close to the legit sub 2!


So sad!

Amazing talent and real threat to the 2:00 barrier.


I fully expected him to break the 2hr barrier this year. I will be left forever wondering

RIP and such a loss!

never more apropos: Abba Eban quote: “Tragedy is the difference between what is and what might have been.”

He was born in 1999. Some of us have kids older than him. Marathoner or not, as a human, it’s so sad he couldn’t enjoy his life and had to go so early.
Rest in peace, Kelvin… Rest in peace…

I shocking number of high level runners have been killed in car accidents. Apparently Kiptum was driving, no other car involved and he was thrown from vehicle meaning likely not seat belted.

It is a sad thing.

On LR they are saying death suspicious,his father saying strange men looking for him 4 days before. Also something about his wife saying about him getting a tithe for his church of 50k kenyan

I thought you meant Lantern Rouge at first and was so confused. I figured out it is Lets Run so I went to take a look and holy shit that forum is a dumpster fire.

I thought you meant Lantern Rouge at first and was so confused. I figured out it is Lets Run so I went to take a look and holy shit that forum is a dumpster fire.
I thought LR = lavender room. Same conclusions apply. :smiley:

The father of the Kenyan marathon runner** Kelvin Kiptum**, who died last night in a car accident, asked the government to open an investigation into the circumstances that led to the athlete’s death, citing among the suspicious elements that some “strange people” had looked for his son at home a few days before the death.

Speaking to the television station “Citizen TV”, the athlete’s father said that a group of people had gone to their house in search of Kiptum four days before his death, identifying themselves as members of the Kenyan presidency staff but without exhibiting no valid document to prove it.

The man then requested that the government open an investigation into the death of his son. Kiptum and his Rwandan coach Gervais Hakizimana died in a road accident that occurred last night in the western area of ​​Kaptagat, along the road that connects Elgeyo Marakwet to Ravine, in Baringo county. According to initial reconstructions of the accident, Kiptum was driving the vehicle at the time of the crash.

“The accident occurred around 23pm. There were three occupants on board, two died instantly while one was taken to hospital,” said Elgeyo Marakwet county commander Peter Mulinge. Kiptum held the world record in the marathon, achieved with a time of 2h00’35" in the Chicago Marathon held on October 8, 2023. He was the first man to run the marathon in less than 2 hours and 1 minute in a race official.