KC loses to Lions again

Since I logged in…
2-0 in last 2 meetings.
Yeah it was preseason, which is meaningless, its not like Detroit had any of their starters on offense playing and only a few on Defense. Its not like Mahomes and Kelce got to go against a lions Defense that was probably 1/2 players not on the starting roster, and got stopped on a couple drives… Oh wait they did start… LOL

It was great when they showed the state of QB’s with most yards over the last x seasons (I forget) Goff is #1 Mahomes is 2 but the best part, Mahomes was suited up and in the game, and Goff was walking the sidelines in street clothes.

It really is to bad Andy Reid is a putz and didn’t want to run joint practices, then again, considering how his starting offense just did against a bunch of scrubs maybe he didn’t want to see them go up against the first string.

Anyhow, just some meaningless humor.

Hope to meet up next in the SuperBowl, KC.

Hope to meet up next in the SuperBowl, KC.



A much classier looking ring.



An error is par for the course for a Detroit fan.


An error is par for the course for a Detroit fan.


Yeah to get a first down against a bunch of scrubs they had to resort to that level of game… Your making worse for yourself.

This is a nice one also.

lf (1).jpg

You people didn’t even win until the very end against our scout team. But you feel good about yourself. OK? I need to decide which Super Bowl champion T-shirt I’m going to wear to the gym.

You people didn’t even win until the very end against our scout team. But you feel good about yourself. OK? I need to decide which Super Bowl champion T-shirt I’m going to wear to the gym.

LOL changing the story… How many Drives did your Star QB start how many points did he get against the backups. Don’t even try to imply you somehow fielded a weaker team. All of our Star’s and 95% of our starters were in street clothes. Meanwhile the Superbowl MVP with his stud TE had to resort to behind the back passes to get First downs… and settle for FG’s…

But yeah, just like when we beat you last year, try and tell yourself… but but that wasn’t our best players… oh wait it was… LOL

And that’s nice on the T-shirts… I have to choose between World Champion, Football, baseball, basketball, and Hockey T-shirts I want to wear.

Where is KC on this list?


Are you honestly bragging about winning the first game of a season, and a pre-season game?!? Tell us your team sucks without telling us your team sucks - get excited about winning any game against an actually good team.

Come back when the Lions actually win a game that matters, like a Super Bowl. This is coming from a MN VIkings fan. We suck but we are at peace with it.

Are you honestly bragging about winning the first game of a season, and a pre-season game?!? Tell us your team sucks without telling us your team sucks - get excited about winning any game against an actually good team.

Come back when the Lions actually win a game that matters, like a Super Bowl. This is coming from a MN VIkings fan. We suck but we are at peace with it.


We have had much worse failures than that one….

One fucking field goal miss all year, in the NFC championship game…

Wide left from less than 20 yards away to lose a home playoff game…

Making Kerry Collins look like fucking Joe Montana as we went down 41-0 in the NFC championship game…

Hell, the Herschel Walker trade is the best beat down the Cowboys put on the Vikings! Or maybe Tony Dorsett uncorking a 99 yard TD run on us.

Crap do we have a lot of painful mistakes.

My top 3 in pain meter rating.

  1. https://i.makeagif.com/media/1-10-2016/Asdf5k.gif

  2. https://static.wixstatic.com/media/188ff8_71ae6d2eb3234d33b12e192d189d7376~mv2.gif

  3. https://media1.tenor.com/m/zQEU5li8tNgAAAAd/gary-anderson-vikings.gif

Are you honestly bragging about winning the first game of a season, and a pre-season game?!? Tell us your team sucks without telling us your team sucks - get excited about winning any game against an actually good team.

Come back when the Lions actually win a game that matters, like a Super Bowl. This is coming from a MN Vikings fan. We suck but we are at peace with it.

Uhm NO, do you have a reading comprehension problem… oh right your a Vikings fan, so yes. I said Preseason is meaningless.

I am full on with Dan and not even playing the starters. Which is funny that the KC fan above, said lions didn’t start winning till they put in their backups… Uhm that was Detroits back ups, then 3rd string, then people who wont be on the team. Yeah Mahomes got FG’s over are 2nd stringers and had to use trick behind the back passes to get first downs, against the backups. LOL

But anyhow, I watched about 1/2 of 1 game (want to see Hooker play)

But I did hear lions sold out Sat’s preseason against Pitt. standing room only supposedly sold out also.

See, your #2 was totally predictable. I even brought it up with my buddy who is a huge Vikings fan when we signed Favre. I said, how do you define success of this trade? We know Favre is a high risk high reward type player. He could get them to the Super Bowl, or he could throw a painful interception to lose a key game? My buddy felt NFC Championship was worth it. Just missed the value proposition for him…

Your other two are definitely top 5. Damn Denny Green going soft to end the first half cost them the Falcons game more than Anderson’s missed FG but it will always be remembered for the FG miss. Who kneels on the ball with around a minute to go in the first half when you have the Vikings offense and timeouts with the ball not backed up to your end zone?!?!?

Since I logged in…
2-0 in last 2 meetings.
Yeah it was preseason, which is meaningless, its not like Detroit had any of their starters on offense playing and only a few on Defense. Its not like Mahomes and Kelce got to go against a lions Defense that was probably 1/2 players not on the starting roster, and got stopped on a couple drives… Oh wait they did start… LOL

It was great when they showed the state of QB’s with most yards over the last x seasons (I forget) Goff is #1 Mahomes is 2 but the best part, Mahomes was suited up and in the game, and Goff was walking the sidelines in street clothes.

It really is to bad Andy Reid is a putz and didn’t want to run joint practices, then again, considering how his starting offense just did against a bunch of scrubs maybe he didn’t want to see them go up against the first string.

Anyhow, just some meaningless humor.

Hope to meet up next in the SuperBowl, KC…


Are you honestly bragging about winning the first game of a season, and a pre-season game?!? Tell us your team sucks without telling us your team sucks - get excited about winning any game against an actually good team.

Come back when the Lions actually win a game that matters, like a Super Bowl. This is coming from a MN Vikings fan. We suck but we are at peace with it.

Uhm NO, do you have a reading comprehension problem… oh right your a Vikings fan

Well that’s just unfortunate.

just to put this into perspective…the Bears are undefeated

You’re an idiot