Just how slow are you in the water, just how fast are you on land?

For fellow Hydrosloths.

What are your 100 M, 500 M, Standard, 1/2, + full IM swim times.

And how does your overall (not AG) swim performance compare to your position at the end of the race?

Ever win an overall, despite your poor swim?

People from Windsor, need not respond.

I haven’t done a triathlon in decades, but back when I did I would typically have one of the slowest swims and usually a decent bike, like top 20% and good run, top 10%.

It was nice to just pass people the whole race and very rarely ever get passed.





4 for tx


in top 5 for m 45-49

Depending on the size of the race field in my age group (M45-49):

swim - 60-65%ile

bike - 10-20%

run - 6-12%

Using Steelhead 2022 actual results

Swim - 64/106
Bike - 11/106
Run - 10/106

Overall 726th out of the water and 104th overall finish.

These percentile’s are relatively consistent over the handful of races (oly&70.3) that I’ve done the last 3 years.

Muskoka 70.3 years ago
1100th out of the water
300th overall

In my wins, I was about 10% out of the water and 1st and 2’nd or 3’rd on the bike and run. Transitions were also 1’st or a few seconds off.

I did win a race because of my transitions or 2’nd places “less good” transitions.

No idea reallyon the pool distances. Maybe 1:20 100metres? I’d guess 8mins for 500m

Fastest half was 29 but that was several years ago. 61 for a full (prob same year).

But I’ve barely swam since Covid year and did a 71 and 70 minute swim this year. Maybe just about top half of the field?

Bike and run are both top 5%, bike usually amongst fastest age groupers.

Have won smaller 70.3’s, normally defending a lead off the bike. Horrible way to race….

I’ve only won beginner friendly very local triathlons as overall. Both had pool swims of 400m. In these soft races my 1:35/100m was enough for 5/200 or 4/150. But in big races like Alcatraz I’m only a top 15-20% swim finisher.

Have won my m45-49 ag most times in local olys with usually a top 3 ag bike and top 10% ag run so swim is still my weakness despite working hard at it.

At Alcatraz top 10% in my ag with a lot of fast guys crushing me out there. The guys ahead of me are beating me by a little on the bike, a little more
On the run, but really put me away on the swim, unfortunately. I’m horrified with how good these guys are at swimming actually, I’m sure it’s literally impossible for me to swim those 1:20 and below paces for distance

Some context as the OP.

100 m best 1:47.

500 m best 9:30

Usual standard tri in 33

Usual half IM in 38

Did 2 Ironman races this year

Wetsuit at CDA 1:20

Non wetsuit France 1:24. Quite proud of that result.

For fellow Hydrosloths.

What are your 100 M, 500 M, Standard, 1/2, + full IM swim times.

And how does your overall (not AG) swim performance compare to your position at the end of the race?

Ever win an overall, despite your poor swim?

People from Windsor, need not respond.

At my last full-distance Ironman there were 130+ people in my AG (50-54). I was 11th in my AG out of the water (68 min), 3rd on the bike, and 1st on the run, which was good enough to win my AG. Coming out of the water, I was 11 minutes down to 1st in my AG but won it by 21 minutes and beat the fastest swimmer by about 90 minutes.

I’ve put a lot of effort into my swim to narrow the gap, but it will always be my weakest leg. Plus, as my results show, you only have to be a not-terrible swimmer to compete for Kona slots.

Top 3% in water, top 30% off bike, top 7% run. 1500m swim pace around 21.5 mins. Working hard on the indoor trainer this winter for my FTP. Dreaming of going wire to wire to win next year. Been racing 6 months now and think I can make it happen within another 6 months. Focusing on Olympic distance only for now.

Prior to menopause in my late forties (age 46-49) I would get out of the water pretty far back and run myself into the top 3 or 5 and on a bad race the top 10 in Ironman and half Ironman branded races. Best IM was in Copenhagen 2018.Swam a 1:18 and ran a 3:36 IM marathon. Female and age 48. Post menopause and in my 50s now and my bike and run in the full IM has completely tanked big time. I can’t run train properly for a full IM and can’t even come close to my old run times now that I’m in my 50s. Oddly enough my swim is the only sport that hasn’t tanked post-menopause. I’ve stayed pretty consistent. I’m a 40 min half IM swimmer and did a 1:20 at IMLP this past July. The only reason my swimming hasn’t tanked is because of my Endless Pool allowing me to swim a ton and seeing myself in the mirrors and improving my stroke. My story is an n=1. I’ve been 2 and 3rd in various 70.3s and have never won one. Normally there is always at least one really super-fast elite (pro ager, former pro) woman who shows up in my race so being a better swimmer wouldn’t have made me 1st in the races I was in 2nd place.

Ever win an overall, despite your poor swim?

I’m a mediocre swimmer, but yes.

Gave up 45 minutes on the swim, won by 19 seconds.

In AG races there’s usually two types at the front of the swim: People who are legit trying to win and people doing a tri who used to be swimmers.

There’s an absolutely enormous gap between good swimmers and bad swimmers that doesn’t translate with fitness the way bike/run ability does. Plus it’s the first event, so any differences are more visible.

I feel like the question under the question may be “How slow can my swim be without destroying my chances of winning?” which of course depends on the course and the competitors. In pro races nobody it’s rare to see someone win coming out of the water 5/10 minutes down in a half/full. In AG racing there’s more leeway since you can slingshot through the fast swimmers on your way to the front and it’s unlikely that there’s a large leading group working together. It’s much more of a time trial than a mass start race.

Realistically AG winners at most races will be ~60 minutes for an IM swim. You’d need to give your bike/run an honest assessment in comparison to your competitors and see how much time you can give up on the swim to still contend for the win.

I’m terrible in the water- I’m confident in the open water and smooth/steady, just slow. Put in a ton of work in the pool and it helped at shorter distance races, but I still had big gaps coming out of the water. I have a bunch of 3rds but no overall wins yet.

Swim- I’m usually around 30 for an olympic/35’ for a half, even with a wetsuit and my pool times suggesting I should be better. For some sprints, I’ve gone full gas and held onto the front chase pack for a 5-10’ swims. In a lot of halves, I’m coming out 40-50th percentile with a lot of work to do. Usually end up top 3-5 at local races pending competition, and top 3-10 at IMs.

Bike- Traditionally my strongest leg, but I’ve lost a lot of my bike strength focusing on run improvements. I’ve been a similar speed for the last few years, I just push 20W less to get there between position and equipment gains. Usually ride high 2:00s depending on the course, low 2:10s for something with more elevation.

Best ride was at AC 70.3 this year, rode 2:10 on a 57.5 mile course even when getting pelted with sideways rain and wind for the last 10 miles. NP was only 253 for that. Last year I went 4:53 moving time at Chattanooga (had a 4’ delay for my saddle coming loose and needing to find an allen key to tighten that down), still 3rd overall pushing just under 240NP (also got pelted by sideways rain and wind). Have a number of fastest bike splits at smaller races.

Run- I love to do running races so I’ve been focusing on that this year, just PRed a 2:47 in NYC (I sent it and went through the first half in 1:20 feeling awesome, then legs shredded themselves going into the Bronx). Not fast at the shorter distances in open running races but I can run off the bike well. Actually took home a few fastest run splits in Olympics this year, matched my 10k PR running myself from 5th to 3rd in 37’ this year. I’m very sensitive to humidity though with an insane sweat rate, so conditions have a huge impact on my run.

Problem I’ve been running into is losing too much ground in the swim, and I’m missing the bike firepower to fully bridge up and coupling that with my improved run. My big goal for next year is top 3 amateur at Lake Placid (might have an outside shot at Chatt 70.3, but I don’t think I run well enough in a 70.3 for that). I know Kona is gonna be a death march for me between a ocean/non-wetuit swim and the god-awful humidity on the run, so I’m not focusing much on that. Beleive me, I’m going to keep working at my swim, but at least in the amateur ranks, my bigger gains will come from bike-run. A couple mins in the water is much less than I’d say 10’ on the table from upping my bike fitness to hold 270-280, adding a couple more equipment gains, then running 1:20 pace in a 70.3 and close to 3:00 in a full.

Swim- I’m usually around 30 for an olympic/35’ for a half,…

Let’s see… 1500m in 30 = 2’/100m. 1900m in 35 = 1:50’/100m.

You definitely need to stick to the halves :slight_smile:

Ever win an overall, despite your poor swim?

I’m a mediocre swimmer, but yes.

Gave up 45 minutes on the swim, won by 19 seconds.
I’ll give Hydrosloth some context as he knows me and I know he likes old school Ultra-stories for his podcast.
(Shameless plug for his podcast)
.Out of the mouths of legends (Fitspeek 170) | http://www.fitspeek.com

satanellus and I both did the Sri Chinmoy Three Day Ultra in Canberra in 1999. The first morning was the 15k lake swim during which I came out of the water in first,45min in front of satanellus. Later that night we started the 400k,multi-lap ride around a stupid bloody bike path and satanellus caught up his lost swim time and beat me by 45mins. We started the 100k run on the evening of the second day with me having an 11 second overall lead over satanellus.

Knowing his run history I knew he was most likely going to beat the shit out of me but unfortunately for him he got sick during the run and it cost him a lot of time. I found myself in first with satanellus having all kinds of issues…and then he came good and proceeded to mow me down over the last few hours until we were finally running together with less than 3k to go. He ran away from me over the last two,1k loops and won the 100k run by 30 seconds.

After 30hrs of racing I lost the overall by 19 seconds.a world record for the smallest winning (or losing) margin for an Ultra-Triathlon.
I still have nightmares…

Not me but I went to the 70.3 WC in Clearwater to cheer on my buddy….he came out of the water almost last in his AG and finished 9th with a strong bike and an amazing run.

Ok lets see… Im not totally sure how to respond to this as 500M isnt a standard distance.

But ill throw out some times. *im typically backwards, faster in the swim, slower in the run

Swims: 100m (LCM) best ever 55.2 (ish)-- If I did one now max from a push, prob 1:00 or 1:01
500M (lcm) no idea bc this is an odd question but I reccon i could have done 5:30 or so back in the day. Prob 6min area now.
Oly dist swims between 17-19 min depending on course.
1/2 IM dist has been between 22-24min again course dependent
IM swims from 47.04 to 51.10 again course dependent – IM Kona swims of 49.50 and 50 range the two times I did it. In 1999 I came out w the lead pack of pros having started as an age grouper

Run: this is where I fall back each time. Ive walked my share of ironman runs having cooked myself. Independently I have run 2:48 back in the day for a marathon. In an ironman roth, I ran 3:19 once as my best off the bike

I won “the boulder peak” tri as overall amatuer in back in the day (2000 range?) and the colorado state sprint tri champ too. In Mrs T’s (who remembers this race??) in 1998 or 99 I was 5th in my age group of 25-29 a mere 9 seconds or so shy of Chris Lieto!! This was the final IM qualifier for kona at the oly distance. With 7k people racing in chicago that day there were 3 heats of just my age group. Second in my heat, 5th overall and there 5 slots for Kona. Got the last one! ahhh memory lane.

For more current swims check out the “fish” threads-- we post more swims there.


Whatever the opposite is of a fish out of water, that is what I am. Tiger in water? My swim sucked. :slight_smile: