Jonas Deichmann around the world doing tri - anyone else following his journey?

Not sure why this does not have a following on Slowtwitch as other feats of endurance are getting. To me this is a pretty insane epic endurance effort day after day. Started with 450 km of open water swimming ~10km-12km a day (self supported camping on shores/islands along the Mediterranean, currently on the bike leg across Siberia, next up Forrest Gumping across the US).

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Fascinating! Thanks for sharing.

wow this is amazing.
meanwhile on ST, 10,000 posts whether ironcowboy can call his daily workout “ironman” :slight_smile:

Hi Anna, what is the format. He mainly bikes and does running and then adds swimming from time to time where it is possible ?

Hi Anna, what is the format. He mainly bikes and does running and then adds swimming from time to time where it is possible ?
The guy is a legend in the whacky Ultra-adventure biking scene and is doing the Bikepacking version of the around the world triathlon…
Jonas Deichmann >> Athlete. Adventurer. Speaker.
(2) Jonas Deichmann - YouTube

Now this is cool. Dude doing a triathlon in a blizzard unsupported? or barely supported?

Hi Anna, what is the format. He mainly bikes and does running and then adds swimming from time to time where it is possible ?

Go to his website. It’s worth it.
All solo and unsupported:
He swam the Mediterranean Coast, right now is riding his bike across the Eurasian Continent, and he’ll finish off his World-Triathlon with running across the Americas.
Did I mention solo and unsupported?

Go to his website. It’s worth it.
All solo and unsupported:
He swam the Mediterranean Coast, right now is riding his bike across the Eurasian Continent, and he’ll finish off his World-Triathlon with running across the Americas.
Did I mention solo and unsupported?

Reading the entries on his website only took a few minutes, and they’re very worth it. I’ll be following from here on in and cheering for him.

Hi Anna, what is the format. He mainly bikes and does running and then adds swimming from time to time where it is possible ?

Go to his website. It’s worth it.
All solo and unsupported:
He swam the Mediterranean Coast, right now is riding his bike across the Eurasian Continent, and he’ll finish off his World-Triathlon with running across the Americas.
Did I mention solo and unsupported?

If he runs through Utah, maybe he can stop in and see the IC, and they can “compare notes”. :slight_smile:

He’s made it to Mexico for the run leg. He needs more vlogging to build this up…but I’m sure that’s tough when you’re doing this solo.

Getting some love on SwimSwam:

He had to switch it up to Mexico for the run. Middle of summer across Mexico is going to be brutal! If you go back and watch some of his facebook posts from Siberia such a crazy extreme difference.

And to think I skipped my run yesterday because I was tired, SMH. This is amazing. Love the Forest Gump hat.

He was on the Spanish language El Podcast de Triathlon:

… it looks like Mr. Deichmann arrived at Cancun next to Cuba after 5k km on his feet … riding bike from Lissabon to Munich by bike he’ll accomplish 120 iron man distances around our world … go go go … oJo >>

Pretty Crazy run - have been following him and was really close to meet up while he was down in Oaxaca, missed him by 10 days.

Not sure you can say Cancun is next to Cuba though :slight_smile: I mean it is, but more like a one hour flight.

… hehe … was checking on a world map where Cancun is … and the next spot I could identify by my overview knowldge was Cuba … hehe … it’s a big world :slight_smile:

No sweat :slight_smile: For the Ironman crowd here, Cozumel, just south of Cancun, is probably a better reference due to the Ironman branded full distance race there :slight_smile:

Either way, crazy run - especially the last couple of months where he has been going through intense heat, humidity and loads of climbing every day!

… the first time I read about Mr. Deichmann I thought … another guy looking for a reason not to shave his beard although he should urgently … ok … he found a very good one … oJo >>

It’s been pretty cool to follow, can’t wait for the documentary.