Joe Skipper to do Hyrox London

Screw all the geeky sports testing videos,this is the off season stuff I love…

Please link the source so people know what you’re talking about!

It’s on his YouTube.

Saw that on IG that’s he’s going to compete in the pro division. He might be the lightest person in the pro field. At the very least he’ll probably be one of the faster runners. Looks like he struggled quite a bit with the sled push. Not sure he was aware of the height requirement for wall balls. Would love to see if he can push the tempo on the run though.

The comments below the YouTube video are interesting as well - and geeky AF. The discussions on strategies and equipment choices and race course dynamics look vaguely familiar…

On the sled push it looks as if the limiting factor may be the quality of grip the athlete’s chosen footwear affords on the gym floor/carpet.

Saw that on IG that’s he’s going to compete in the pro division. He might be the lightest person in the pro field. At the very least he’ll probably be one of the faster runners. Looks like he struggled quite a bit with the sled push. Not sure he was aware of the height requirement for wall balls. Would love to see if he can push the tempo on the run though.
I am looking forward to seeing how well he does. The “Endurance CrossFit” thing is pretty cool but the only thing I don’t like is the set-up that they use for these Hyrox events. They always seem a little cramped for my liking unlike the CF Games.
(This one is in Manchester but the set-up is pretty much the same)
The guy in the lead,Hunter Mcintyre has been mentioned here on ST before for his Ironman training and Fitness Adventures.…?si=UTnveGmP4npNvlmU

Please link the source so people know what you’re talking about!
Just watch the video as all the info you need is there. Hyrox has been discussed here on ST before.

Why is it so hard to link source material on this site? Then add a link to the event. There’s 100k people on this site and people just want to sub tweet.

But I will help people that don’t want to be lost as hell.

Why is it so hard to link source material on this site? Then add a link to the event. There’s 100k people on this site and people just want to sub tweet.

But I will help people that don’t want to be lost as hell.

This is the original post you complain about. Please check your adblock settings.

Screenshot_20231124-163520991 (1).jpg

Please link the source so people know what you’re talking about!
Just watch the video as all the info you need is there. Hyrox has been discussed here on ST before.

Apologies…I think I know what’s going on…this site’s cookie settings are weird and I need to clear cache, then accept media cookies for ST. Something Ryan mentioned last week or the week before on a thread…

Just want to say watched the video, and now am quite interested in how the Tri boys do in this thing. Not really there cup of tea, but no doubt he will crush the 1k runs in-between. That sled looks quite daunting, hope they figure out the trick(if there is one) on pushing that pile of iron down the road…

Really cool to see Joe having a go, with his body weight and lack of experience in the technique the sled push and pull will almost certainly negate any run advantage he has. The wall balls are a 9kg/20km a ball and that’s the weight an average crossfitter would use in workouts, when you step up a level it’s a 30lb ball which is an order of magnitude harder.

I would think a lot of the top hyrox athletes would be 16-17min 5km runners too and running under duress after these cross training exercises is completely different to normal running, I know a few people who do well in AG and they train brick runs off strength exercises for this purpose. Be really interesting to see what he can do on the runs, but I genuinely think that unless he was hiding something on the YouTube video he’ll bring to a halt on the sled push and pull.

I don’t think Joe signed up for this to maximize his performance in a Hyrox competition. You realize that when you see him check out the footage of pros pushing the sled only AFTER he has tried to do it (in vain) himself.

This is just for our entertainment. I hope he gets 10 million views of the YouTube video and attracts sponsorships, or whatever. I also hope he will be fine, as - the way Tim Ford (hardly a dull guy or a triathlon purist) put it - the Hyrox is an injury waiting to happen.

I don’t think Joe signed up for this to maximize his performance in a Hyrox competition. You realize that when you see him check out the footage of pros pushing the sled only AFTER he has tried to do it (in vain) himself.

This is just for our entertainment. I hope he gets 10 million views of the YouTube video and attracts sponsorships, or whatever. I also hope he will be fine, as - the way Tim Ford (hardly a dull guy or a triathlon purist) put it - the Hyrox is an injury waiting to happen.

ahh funny how people like to shoot down the sport they arent a part of , yet people in other sport specific circles look at as triathlon to be an injury to happen…

anyways was looking for live stream of this no luck. It is really cool to see athletes perform well in other sports (why do you think cam wurf became so popular in our circle?)

Triathlon is an injury waiting to happen if you try to do a 70.3 with no training.

Ford is not “shooting down other sports” and neither am I.

Looks like Joe is scheduled to start 21:10 London time. That’s 22:10 in most of Europe and 16:10 Eastern.[name]=Skipper&search_event=HPRO_JGDMS4JI62E

Just saw an update on his first few items, ran 2;45/3;31/4;06 for his 1k runs, so he must be getting really knackered with the events between…He was probably leading after run 1 though!!! (-;[name]=Skipper&search_event=HPRO_JGDMS4JI62E

Joe’s times live at the moment

By the looks of it he was doing well till the sled pull which took him 13mins 😬, think his 2:45/km for the 1st rep was 5th fastest and I’m assuming the 1km reps are short judging by that time 👀