Joe Skipper -- 31-flat 10k

Skipper ran 31:06 for an open 10k today. Strava data here. Looks like he really went for it, opening with a 4:43 (slightly downhill) mile. Fell off a little in the back half but this has to bode well for IM Florida. Daniels would give this a 1:08 open half/2:23 open marathon. Love that Skipper isn’t afraid to hop in an open running race or a park run or whatever. Love that he’s been outspoken against doping in the sport.

Would like to see some of the even faster men/women do some open running races. Give me West, Lange, Jewett, & Haug in an open half or full. Interested to see how close they can come to Trials/Olympic standards.

Said in his recent podcast he’d focused more on his swim and run in this block as his bike is usually ok. Really interested to see the results!

Skipper ran 31:06 for an open 10k today. Strava data here. Looks like he really went for it, opening with a 4:43 (slightly downhill) mile. Fell off a little in the back half but this has to bode well for IM Florida. Daniels would give this a 1:08 open half/2:23 open marathon. Love that Skipper isn’t afraid to hop in an open running race or a park run or whatever. Love that he’s been outspoken against doping in the sport.

Would like to see some of the even faster men/women do some open running races. Give me West, Lange, Jewett, & Haug in an open half or full. Interested to see how close they can come to Trials/Olympic standards.

You prob remember this but Alistair Brownlee went 28:20 at a Stanford track meet a few years back.

I can remember back when that was a really fast time for long distance racers, think that was early 80’s!! But really, the last place ITU guy runs faster than that stand alone, and most of them run faster in the actual races these days. Those 28+/29’s legit runs in triathlons have numbed us to the 31+ type runs, the sport has come a long way…

But solid workout time for a long distance guy that is a diesel, hope he can push that out to a great race coming up. I like the dude, he embodies some of the old school panache that made this sport fun to do, and watch…Looking forward to what he can do in the new Ironman series, tailor made for a guy like him…

Agreed. They only touched on it a bit, but sounds like he is excited about the series!

31:06 is great for a full IM-focused athlete. I always cheer for Joe, for how open / transparent/ genuine he is, even when I’m seeing him being wrong about something.

But guys… please don’t extrapolate this good over-threshold-10k-run, to an aerobic IM effort. This tells us only, that he’s healthy and motivated. This doesn’t tell much about his engine at the moment.

i think he is an interesting athlete who really knows the sport and could contribute on media coverage once his career is over as he analysing races like a basketball coach would.

Yet, I see several guys ahead of him, Laidlow if he can race (not sure the PTO will offer him a contract), Lange, Baekkegard, Chevalier, Mignon, Von Berg, Marquardt , Horseau and Chevrot have all had better results than him this year. And those who are decent 70.3 athletes (Von Berg, Mignon and Chevalier are those who have won 70.3 races)
Besides, Skipper has often gone to the US where the fields are a bit softer. This year, the field in Texas should make for a great race and the Ironman series looks promising. I also get the feeling that there are too many 70.3 races in the America 4 ( Oceanside, Chattanooga, Tremblant and Boulder), whereas there are 4 in Europe. The Collins Cup and latest result show that Europe is currently way ahead and going to the US for a 70.3 race will represent a big investment for a european athlete.

The series will also have a TDF flavour where after a few races, he will know how much behind is a racer compared to other athletes competing in the same

Skipper ran 31:06 for an open 10k today. Strava data here. Looks like he really went for it, opening with a 4:43 (slightly downhill) mile. Fell off a little in the back half but this has to bode well for IM Florida. Daniels would give this a 1:08 open half/2:23 open marathon. Love that Skipper isn’t afraid to hop in an open running race or a park run or whatever. Love that he’s been outspoken against doping in the sport.

Would like to see some of the even faster men/women do some open running races. Give me West, Lange, Jewett, & Haug in an open half or full. Interested to see how close they can come to Trials/Olympic standards.[/quote

Plenty of results throughout the years Javier Gomez once ran a 64 min half. Haug did something like a 32-33 min 10 km. Blu ran a 28:30. Iden did a 29 min 10 km. I believe Yee has a 28 min 10 km. Mario Mola ran a 13:40 5 km.

I can remember back when that was a really fast time for long distance racers, think that was early 80’s!! But really, the last place ITU guy runs faster than that stand alone, and most of them run faster in the actual races these days. Those 28+/29’s legit runs in triathlons have numbed us to the 31+ type runs, the sport has come a long way…

But solid workout time for a long distance guy that is a diesel . . .

note to self:
never ask monty for a compliment

I can remember back when that was a really fast time for long distance racers, think that was early 80’s!! But really, the last place ITU guy runs faster than that stand alone, and most of them run faster in the actual races these days. Those 28+/29’s legit runs in triathlons have numbed us to the 31+ type runs, the sport has come a long way…

But solid workout time for a long distance guy that is a diesel . . .

note to self:
never ask monty for a compliment

his opinion remains quite valuable; he knows the matter, for sure

I can remember back when that was a really fast time for long distance racers, think that was early 80’s!! But really, the last place ITU guy runs faster than that stand alone, and most of them run faster in the actual races these days. Those 28+/29’s legit runs in triathlons have numbed us to the 31+ type runs, the sport has come a long way…
But solid workout time for a long distance guy that is a diesel . . .
note to self:
never ask monty for a complimentNoted!
“most of them run faster (than 31:06] in the actual races”
I observe that at the ‘grand final’ at Pontevedra less than half ran sub 31:06 and way less than half beat 31:06 at the Paris Test race.
So not “most”. HTH
I’ll leave it to @monty to go through the to ranked 60 male standard distance athletes to see what the median 10k stand alone time is, to back up his other assertion with facts (whoever or however defined “the last placed ITU guy” is).
I bet I can find some bloke who races ‘ITU’, swims like a fish, drafts like a breath of fresh air, and runs like a plodder.

Skipper ran 31:06 for an open 10k today. Strava data here. Looks like he really went for it, opening with a 4:43 (slightly downhill) mile. Fell off a little in the back half but this has to bode well for IM Florida. Daniels would give this a 1:08 open half/2:23 open marathon. Love that Skipper isn’t afraid to hop in an open running race or a park run or whatever. Love that he’s been outspoken against doping in the sport.

Would like to see some of the even faster men/women do some open running races. Give me West, Lange, Jewett, & Haug in an open half or full. Interested to see how close they can come to Trials/Olympic standards.

You prob remember this but Alistair Brownlee went 28:20 at a Stanford track meet a few years back.


Just sayin…

Results: Elite Men | 2022 World Triathlon Duathlon Championships Targu Mures • World Triathlon

Just sayin…

Results: Elite Men | 2022 World Triathlon Duathlon Championships Targu Mures • World Triathlon

Small correction to this: as the second-to-last finisher here (only avoided lap-out because the front pack started playing games), I and everyone I talked to afterward from the elite field had the run course at between 300m and 400m short. Still quick, and a lot of hitters in the field (Benjamin Choquert in second place in particular), but not nearly so fast as it looks like.

Skipper ran 31:06 for an open 10k today. Strava data here. Looks like he really went for it, opening with a 4:43 (slightly downhill) mile. Fell off a little in the back half but this has to bode well for IM Florida. Daniels would give this a 1:08 open half/2:23 open marathon. Love that Skipper isn’t afraid to hop in an open running race or a park run or whatever. Love that he’s been outspoken against doping in the sport.

Would like to see some of the even faster men/women do some open running races. Give me West, Lange, Jewett, & Haug in an open half or full. Interested to see how close they can come to Trials/Olympic standards.

You prob remember this but Alistair Brownlee went 28:20 at a Stanford track meet a few years back.


OK, I stand corrected then. :slight_smile:

Skipper ran 31:06 for an open 10k today.
Would like to see some of the even faster men/women do some open running races. Give me West, Lange, Jewett, & Haug in an open half or full. Interested to see how close they can come to Trials/Olympic standards.Leeds 10k: is one of the top 10ks in the UK.
Olympic standards are 2:08 (men) and 2:26 women: so suggest not close.
Skipper ran 2:36:43 at Sub7 so if he cared to run a stand-alone he’d go sub 2:25 (imo).

It depends on the course obviously.

Bumping because I saw that Leon Chevalier ran a 66:27 half marathon. He apparently had some time off after Nice so think this was off of lower volume. He’s one of the better runners in the sport.

Skipper ran 31:06 for an open 10k today. Strava data here. Looks like he really went for it, opening with a 4:43 (slightly downhill) mile. Fell off a little in the back half but this has to bode well for IM Florida. Daniels would give this a 1:08 open half/2:23 open marathon. Love that Skipper isn’t afraid to hop in an open running race or a park run or whatever. Love that he’s been outspoken against doping in the sport.

Would like to see some of the even faster men/women do some open running races. Give me West, Lange, Jewett, & Haug in an open half or full. Interested to see how close they can come to Trials/Olympic standards.

You prob remember this but Alistair Brownlee went 28:20 at a Stanford track meet a few years back.


On a track, in spikes, in 2013, pre super shoe.

And 1 week after San Diego IIRC.