Joe Biden (1)

One of the greatest Presidents in American history.
A life dedicated to the service of his country.
He came in as a Patriot, and will leave as the truest of Patriots.

I am proud to have met him.

I think once we’re out of this era of non-stop bullshit, history looks back kindly on Joe Biden.

Joe is a good man. He sacrificed his personal ambition for the good of the country, something so rare for politicians these days.

Good president, good man, he chose the country over himself.

Lol I love how everyone is spinning it like he made a choice, a sacrifice to step down, he was forced! When everyone from Obama down is telling you to fark off you don’t have much of an alternative do you…

One of the greatest Presidents in American history.

Eyeroll emoji

He wasn’t even the greatesr president in the 21st Century. He’s at best third but much more likely fourth best that served this century. In my life time IMO he’s second to last.

Just because he did the obvious right thing does not make him great.

Good president, good man, he chose the country over himself.

He was fucking bullied into it. I’m not saying they were wrong to bully him but quite the sacchrine canonization schtick.

Good president, good man, he chose the country over himself.

He was fucking bullied into it. I’m not saying they were wrong to bully him but quite the sacchrine canonization schtick.

No doubt there was tons of pressure, but legally he had every right to stay in. So, I stand by what I wrote.

Good president, good man, he chose the country over himself.

He was fucking bullied into it. I’m not saying they were wrong to bully him but quite the sacchrine canonization schtick.

No doubt there was tons of pressure, but legally he had every right to stay in. So, I stand by what I wrote.

He chose to not be humiliated

When he became Senator of Delaware, he was only interested in getting that Dupont mansion, so he began trading favors. He was not a good Senator by any stretch. He is arguably the worst President we ever had. All he did was try and buy votes, and the border is a good example of his incompetence. Add the situation in Ukraine as another example. We keep dumping millions in a war that can’t be won. Just real stupid.

Well heck, let’s just let Putin have it. He’ll stop when he gets Ukraine, right???

I’m glad he’s giving the Dem party a fighting chance in Nov. The polling, and his condition, are/were going to get worse between now and then.

I’m going to abstain from any other comment in this thread out of respect for those who want to say something positive about him

Good president, good man, he chose the country over himself.

He was fucking bullied into it. I’m not saying they were wrong to bully him but quite the sacchrine canonization schtick.

Best presidents of 21st century

  1. Obama
  2. Biden
  3. Bush

Good president, good man, he chose the country over himself.

He was fucking bullied into it. I’m not saying they were wrong to bully him but quite the sacchrine canonization schtick.

Best presidents of 21st century

  1. Obama
  2. Biden
  3. Bush

Bush is certainly higher than Biden and you forgot Clinton

Good president, good man, he chose the country over himself.

He was fucking bullied into it. I’m not saying they were wrong to bully him but quite the sacchrine canonization schtick.

Best presidents of 21st century

  1. Obama
  2. Biden
  3. Bush

This according to panels of historians - Biden is somewhere wedged in the middle over all presidents.

Good president, good man, he chose the country over himself.

He was fucking bullied into it. I’m not saying they were wrong to bully him but quite the sacchrine canonization schtick.

Best presidents of 21st century

  1. Obama
  2. Biden
  3. Bush

This according to panels of historians - Biden is somewhere wedged in the middle over all presidents.

You can’t judge a President until 20 years in, but hot takewise Bush was better IMO than Biden

For Presidents over the past century, I’d put him middle of the pack on performance as President. But, agree with you that we can’t give him points for dropping out as a candidate. If anything, his insistence on running until that became almost impossible is a negative, and perhaps a big one.

For Presidents over the past century, I’d put him middle of the pack on performance as President. But, agree with you that we can’t give him points for dropping out as a candidate. If anything, his insistence on running until that became almost impossible is a negative, and perhaps a big one.

Past century definitely part of the fat part of the curve as of right now.

Well heck, let’s just let Putin have it. He’ll stop when he gets Ukraine, right???

We can dump billions there, and Putin will get Ukraine, or we can stop all money, and Putin will get Ukraine. In fact Russia won the war already when they got control of the Donbas area.

Unless we are willing to fight, it makes no sense to flush money down the commode. And the entire time, people there are dying. JD Vance is 100% right - we need to get out of there. If Europe wants to keep supporting Ukraine, let them have at it.

Good president, good man, he chose the country over himself.

He was fucking bullied into it. I’m not saying they were wrong to bully him but quite the sacchrine canonization schtick.

Best presidents of 21st century

  1. Obama
  2. Biden
  3. Bush

Bush is certainly higher than Biden and you forgot Clinton

meh, Clinton’s term was 95% in the previous century.

If we add Clinton he would be at the top of this list.