January fish thread

per dev’s request
my pool is closed today :frowning:

per dev’s request
my pool is closed today :frowning:

I am opening the year with a goose egg too!

Here are my swim goals for the year:

100 fly sub 1:30,
400 IM sub 7,
200IM sub 3:20,
200 fly sub 3:20.

For consistency 1000km swim and I hope 8000 km bike as I am getting back to some riding and hope to ride in the alps in June or July.

1200km that i did last 3 years is just over an hour per day every day of the year. If you miss a day, you have to make up 6.6km the next day, so there is no room to slack off at all.

If you miss a week due to work travel or lack of access to pool during shut down, you need to swim 46 km the next week…or if you have something unforseen like an accident, suddenly you have to make up all those missed days…and on each day you have to carve out an average of 65 min of swim time, which in itself is hard and repeating that x365.

Its not that 3.3 km swimming in a day is that hard…repeating it EVERY DAY or making up for missed days, that’s really hard, but also worth it. It is a mini vacation every day.

Soooo…1000km is the target.

I’m planning on spending some time with the chords today. So, I will count that as a win. I will also run today, maybe 2x.

I managed 205kscy in 2018 starting from May (due to abdominal injury in '17), averaging 25k per month. My biggest month (ever) was November at 35k.

My goal for 2019 is to avg 30k / per month or 350k for the year. A stretch would be 400+. I’d like to say 500k (1500 per day) but I don’t think that’s realistic given other considerations. But, I’m not ruling it out.

As far as goal times, I want to go under 25m for my A race (October) OD swim leg. That’s 1:30 / 100y. Don’t know if that’s doable, but it doesn’t seem out of the realm.

I feel pretty solid on the run, I’m looking forward to coming out of the 100/100 stronger than ever in my life.

I really want to be able to focus on the bike some this year. It took a backseat in 2018 to rebuilding the swim and run after my injury, because it came back quickly to a respectable level on just 1-2x per week.

In order to have the freedom to do that I need to get the swim sorted early, so that when the daylight comes back I can ride hard more than 1x per week.

I lost a lot of ground during the holidays on the 100/100/100 thing. I’m at 11 swims which includes one dryland session, and 13 runs in the 17 days so far. So, I’m down 6 and 4, respectively.


I’m planning on spending some time with the chords today. So, I will count that as a win. I will also run today, maybe 2x.

I managed 205kscy in 2018 starting from May (due to abdominal injury in '17), averaging 25k per month. My biggest month (ever) was November at 35k.

My goal for 2019 is to avg 30k / per month or 350k for the year. A stretch would be 400+. I’d like to say 500k (1500 per day) but I don’t think that’s realistic given other considerations. But, I’m not ruling it out.

As far as goal times, I want to go under 25m for my A race (October) OD swim leg. That’s 1:30 / 100y. Don’t know if that’s doable, but it doesn’t seem out of the realm.

I feel pretty solid on the run, I’m looking forward to coming out of the 100/100 stronger than ever in my life.

I really want to be able to focus on the bike some this year. It took a backseat in 2018 to rebuilding the swim and run after my injury, because it came back quickly to a respectable level on just 1-2x per week.

In order to have the freedom to do that I need to get the swim sorted early, so that when the daylight comes back I can ride hard more than 1x per week.

I lost a lot of ground during the holidays on the 100/100/100 thing. I’m at 11 swims which includes one dryland session, and 13 runs in the 17 days so far. So, I’m down 6 and 4, respectively.


If your goal is 30K per month, then your annual goal needs to be 365 km…nothing less if you’re that close. that’s 1k per day!!!

If your goal is 30K per month, then your annual goal needs to be 365 km…nothing less if you’re that close. that’s 1k per day!!!

Dude. You are the Crack dealer of the endurance sport world!

4400SCY as 100, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 400, 600, 200, 200, 100.

Ok. Dryland day.

15m of stretch chords as:

15x45s (15s) fly at 60 spm using red rubber.

Whew! That’s tough.

4.25m run.


If your goal is 30K per month, then your annual goal needs to be 365 km…nothing less if you’re that close. that’s 1k per day!!!

Dude. You are the Crack dealer of the endurance sport world!

Well the other ‘round number’ is 3650 km of running…or you can up that to 3650 MILES of running. Or we can go on multiple’s of 12 (months)…12,000 km of cycling or 12,000 miles of cycling, 1200km of swimming. Or we can go by weeks and there is 5200 km or running or if you are Kenyan 5200 miles of running. There is 520 km of swimming of 520 miles of swimming if we’re going to do these by weeks.

7.3 mi easy run and 1225 yd swim
I have a cold so both very easy.

1000 swim + 50 kick + 150 swim + 25 kick




I really wanted to manage that. But, it didn’t work out that way—now I gotta work some doubles in somewhere. :-/

Ok, I got into the pool for 1:45 today. Lots of leg work some barely 4500m. one of my favourite sets that I did when I had my accident was 5x200IM legs only. That was an excellent leg and core workout. Now that I am not chasing a stupid mileage goal, I can do a bit more of that stuff.

Also booked my first vacation since Aug 2015 when I went to IM 70.3 Worlds. Booked a week in Cancun with my swim club who are running a camp there. Heading over Jan 19th for a week.


Yucky weather in TX today. Cold and rainy. I don’t mind running in the cold, or the rain… But, I draw the line at 36* rain. Toby went out in it… But, no thanks.

Anyway lats are sore from the chord work yesterday. Did an easy day…

3x300 swim w/fins, kick w/fins, swim
6x50 (15s) @44/45/46/45/43/42
4x100 desc on 2:00 1:41/36/30/26


4 miles on the treadmill 4x30 strides.

15/19/13 (edited to conform to Dr. TC runs/days/swims format)

5.8 mi easy
1275 yd swim

5 x 100 on 1:30
5 x 1:16, 1:16, 1:14, 1:14, 1:13
25 back c/d

runs/total days/swims = 20/20/12

Legs still sore from New Year’s Day 5 mi race (run). Definitely a recovery day today

400 easy
8 x 100 - 50 kick / 50 swim @70% r:20; #1-2: kick on back, #3-4: kick on stomach (w/ snorkel), #5-6: kick on side, L then R (w/ snorkel), #7-8: kick on side, L then R (no snorkel)
1 x 350 swim @70% (snorkel)

Main Set
4 x 150 pull @prog 70-80%, r:30
6 x 50 pull @prog 70-80%, r:10 (+Techpaddles)
8 x 25 pull r:20 (+Techpaddles)
*1st 10 strokes strong with big power/cadence, @80% for remainder

4 x 75 swim @80% r:15


200ez 3:20
2x50 fast (30s) 42/42
2x100 (30s) left arm/right arm/50 swim

15x100 (30) @1:35pace
15x50 (20) @1:30pace

CD: 100ez


3.6m run at lunch
3.6m run at dinner

Caught up one run from Xmas.


5.5 mi run moderate
975 yd swim

3 x 200 on 3:00 desc (2:53, 2:49, 2:44)
50 kick
3 x fly/free, back/free, breast/free
25 easy fly c/d

Jan swims: 3
runs/total days/swims = 21/21/13

3x300 (30s) swim w/fins, kick w/fins, swim w/buoy
6x50 (20s) moderate 44/45/46/45/44/42
3x100 (30s) moderate


3.7m run 4x30 strides — I felt surprisingly good today after the double yesterday. I figured I’d have some soreness or fatigue, just feel-off, or something. But, no.

Jan: 4/4, 6kscy
100/100/100: 18/21/15 (run/days/swims)

tried the “death spiral 100’s” set today. Had to watch some SwimSwam Practice and Pancakes videos to get the motivation. this is about as out of shape as I’ve been all year, so to see any real improvement over the next couple of months, it was now or never.

300 easy
8x50 drill
death spiral set:
3x100 1:30
3x100 1:25
3x100 1:20
3x100 1:15
3x100 1:10
just missed the first one on 1:05 (was right on 1:05+ but knew that was it in the tank without some rest)
recalibrated to finish the set as
100 easy
100 hard (1:02)
100 easy
100 hard (1:02)
100 easy/cool down

2900scy: training peaks link for every split

It will be a big leap, I think, to make all 3 on 1:05 with my regular 2x2.5-3k a week. I am not sure there is more value in this set vs just doing a 300 on the same interval base or even getting down to the last full set of 3 that one can make and seeing just how many reps you can do at that interval (so for me that would be see how many on 1:10 I can make).

I’d like to have your out-of-shape fitness!
Ocean swim – 3500 yards in 57° water. Swam over some reefs and happy to say, after several years, starfish are making a comeback. They got wiped out by a starfish plague. I tried to get pics but the turbulence and cloudy dark morning made for crappy, blurry ones. Clarity is amazing right now, though!

No kidding, ha Steve? How long ago was it that we could do 100’s on the 1;10!!!

I got skunked the entire vacation on swimming, but got in today after over a week out. As usual, will need about 3 or 4 workouts to get back to where I left off;

18x100’s. 6x(100/100/100IM kick@2;10), 3 sets swim @1;40(1;27 to 1;22) 3 sets pull@1;25(1;17 to 1;13) kicks(1;57 to 1;49)
4x50, odds fly@1;00/evens dolphin@1;30(36/36/58/57)