January 5th Update - Slowtwitch forum members, friends and family 100% for CHARITY CERVELO apparel - In the next few days, there'il be a link from the Cervelo banner ad to a page that shows you the apparel pieces, as well as prices etc



I am waiting for qoutes plus an image of the short-sleeve Tee…you can see the long-sleeve version here…and read about it’s technical merits.

Latest news: waiting for Craft and Cervelo quotes.

Cervelo are going to send me images of their technical tee-shirt with our graphics placed on them (digitally for visual purposes)…their art department are graciously doing this for us. Nice one Cervelo.

I’ll post as soon as possible. Oomph, by the way, seem to have the most votes so far…though it’s only fair we wait on Craft and Cervelo before a final decision though.

I tell you what though…the spirit of these companies is fantastic…none of them are projecting sour grapes if they don’t get to do them…and you know what…we could be making a load of money for charity…

I like the Hincapie, although any one would be OK in my book

So far, definitely Oomph!

You know, the more I think about it, the Oomph is almost “too technical”. Like you’d look silly wearing it around after a race, which where I’d see myself wearing one. I’d prefer either of the 2 others.

Of course it does have 90% of the votes.

I like the hinicapie(?) and the oomph, I see Jhc’s point about being too technical.

Man, just let me know when to order :wink:


I agree. Just make a decision, I don’t think we can go wrong at this point. Trying to sift through the responses and come up with a concensus may be the largest task of all.

That makes sense too me. If the others don’t buy it, I go Oomph then Hincapie as my 2nd and 3rd choice.



Okay…I’m off home now…7:24pm in Europe…haven’t got a computer at home tonight so I will post back in tomorrow…

please keep this bumped up on the first page if you all can…

the next thing that will appear are Cervelo’s prices and their images…Crafts prices are forthcoming too from SuperDave…

Thanks for all your help with this…

Agreed, I am in for whatever though.

I agree with jhc, but will go for anything you end up with (they are all nice!).

Here’s a question- do the hats have ponytail holes in the back? This is important to some of us… ;o)

I’ll wait to see what the others look like before jumping in with my vote.

great work you guys…

oh yeah…bump!


I like what Hincapie has to say about ink sublimation. I also like Ooomph, but it does remind me of a rash guard shirt.

The hincappie is my choice, looks very cool, I dont like the white stiching on the other, looks too much like a referee, ha


I vote for Oomph

oomph oh-ya


If we go with Hincapie, can I get a little “Be Like George” script over my heart?