January 5th Update - Slowtwitch forum members, friends and family 100% for CHARITY CERVELO apparel - In the next few days, there'il be a link from the Cervelo banner ad to a page that shows you the apparel pieces, as well as prices etc

Wow, Gerard, and Cervelo, stepped up to the plate in a big way. I’d say the choice for supplier is now easy: Cervelo.

Well done Gerard.

Yeah, Gerard is the best. I’m voting Cervelo.

Stepped up in BIG BIG way. Wow. Having Cervelo back the shipping/paypal side will make someones life much much easier + free advertising for the peaceful tribe apparel. Nice.

Not to mention the fact that Cervelo make some nice stuff.


But my broke ass isn’t paying $75 for a singlet :wink:


If Cervelo is chosen, might I suggest, there be an option during check-out for an additional donation to CAF, beyond the price of the item.

-Shawn, ASICS America

Great idea Shawn.


Thank you to you and Cervelo for your effort on this. Makes me proud to roll my Cervelo:)

okay…Virtual PC is out…I haev a Mac…can someone place the pics on a post for me…these are the links - there are 3 seperate ones, they reside on my site, just copy…




so now my first post on this long and ever-changing topic…Gerard f-in rocks. I knew there was a reason I steer everyone and their brother toward Cervelo. Is there even another player in the market for the Tribe shirts? Underprices everyone and then gets rid of every “stumbling bolck” that there was.

Count me in for at least one shirt if it is coming from the Cervelo boys in Canada.

can anyone put the pics in for me then???

sent you an email


Look excellent! I was going to buy one of those long sleeve anyway and glad to hear Cervelo will be getting a shopping cart system going (finally:)

Thanks for posting them for me…

The gifs have the transparency showing…please insert the following instead:




It seems the last pieces have fallen into place if Cervelo is the chosen supplier. And it seems hard to imagine another choice at this point. If so, perhaps a new thread should be started right after you have all the details squared away with Gerard. That post would provide information on the products, pricing, amount going to charity, how to place orders, AND WHEN TO EXPECT the Cervelo website to be ready to take orders.

How much extra would it cost to have my Peaceful Tribe shirt authograpghed by none other than MR. TIBBS himself?:slight_smile:




Here are the images without the transparency showing.

Definitely count me in for 1 short-sleeve and 1 long-sleeve (at least). Not only is my P3 the best bike in my world and Cervelo the best bike company I’ve ever dealt with, but now Gerard goes and does this to increase my opinion of him and his company that much more.

Kudos to Cervelo!

Thanks for adding the pics. in for me.

Okay…well…he shoots…he scores. I’m really going home now…so please comment…

Thank you Mr. Cervelo for a most gracious, generous and downright unbelievable offer…

Not too sure about the white stitching on all the seams, are there any pictures on the website of similar shirts?

awesome - cervelo rocks - I’m in for at least one short sleeve and one singlet (perhaps more, but I must speak to she who must be obeyed first)

I now know for sure where my next bike is coming from (I just wish cervelo made ti)
