James Carville Speaks the Truth


If the entire Democratic Party followed his advice I’d actually vote for them.

Anybody that has ever listened to anything that the progressive left has ever said has lived to profoundly regret it. On literally every issue, they’re dead ass wrong,” Carville said. “

"Harris previously championed progressive policies and rhetoric, such as backing a fracking ban, likening Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to the Ku Klux Klan and praising the “Defund the Police” movement, **but has **reversed some of these positions since becoming the Democrats’ presumptive nominee."

from the article you posted above.

Fortunately, since becoming the presumptive Dem nominee VP Harris has now (as noted above) shed these “progressive” positions she once championed like an ill fitting pants suit and has now returned to her centrist roots. So she will be running under the promise of governing as a centrist moderate Dem who will unite the country, bring back normalcy and be an adult in the room. No word yet on whether she is a bridge to the future or in fact the future of the party.

We know of this “reversal” in long held beliefs despite the fact that Harris has given no interviews and taken no questions in the 12 days since she was appointed the presumptive nominee.

Harris is a 100% gun grabber.

Harris is a 100% gun grabber.

How so Jim? I am quite sure she would bring the ban on assault weapons, but is that a gungrabber of the 100% variety. As tyler mentioned above she has moderated positions given the reality that the 100% progressive lane is a non electable lane for national office.

Harris is a 100% gun grabber.

Did you read the fucking article? This is not about Harris


If the entire Democratic Party followed his advice I’d actually vote for them.

Anybody that has ever listened to anything that the progressive left has ever said has lived to profoundly regret it. On literally every issue, they’re dead ass wrong,” Carville said. “

The ProL already knows anything but center-left is political death on a stick. Bernie quietly sat them down at the start of the Biden admin., and told them if they choose their individual screams carefully they will survive politically, but they’ll need to fall in line center-left and shut up all year in 2024. If they want to be bitchy little school kids and be divisive inside the Dem Party, they get shit from 2025-28… At a minimum. Kam probably called them 6-8months ago and told them something similar.

Harris is a 100% gun grabber.

How so Jim? I am quite sure she would bring the ban on assault weapons, but is that a gungrabber of the 100% variety. As tyler mentioned above she has moderated positions given the reality that the 100% progressive lane is a non electable lane for national office.

I hesitate to interrupt your conversation, in part because I’m not sure what a “gun grabber” is (and don’t want to find out).

But as to your position that a 100 progressive lane is unelectable at the national level (which it appears you me windy and jimmy all agree to)…… if you were running against someone in the process of said necessary moderation, do you think it would be good political strategy to introduce into the national conversation and consciousness the concept that that specific candidate has a history of changing their position to best suit their own interests, and then allowing your surrogates to pick that concept up and run with it on issues like “gun grabbing” ( for instance).

I am asking for your opinion as it relates to the most generic of situations (ie assume it’s not Trump for instance doing the introducing). I’m just asking if you think it’s good political strategy vs your opponent.

Thanks in advance for any answer


If the entire Democratic Party followed his advice I’d actually vote for them.

Anybody that has ever listened to anything that the progressive left has ever said has lived to profoundly regret it. On literally every issue, they’re dead ass wrong,” Carville said. “

Most of the Democratic Party’s platform is center-right. Meanwhile the Republicans have gone full far-right nationalism, bordering on fascism. I’m not sure why there’s even a question of who you should vote for, knowing what we know about you.

So, for once, I went down the rabbit hole and watched the video that was linked to in “likening Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to the Ku Klux Klan…”. I assume that link was intended to support the quoted statement? But she doesn’t say that. Vitiello (ICE) was defending his calling the liberal party “neo-clannist” which he then goes on to explain and apologise for his offensive words. She then tries to get him to agree there may be a perception that the (absolute) discretion of ICE’s remit is fostering fear and intimidation and that work may need to be done to correct that perception. At one point he asks if she’s comparing ICE to KKK and she clearly says that is not her question. Summary: one point in this article is bullshit so, as I have a movie to watch, I’ll assume the rest of the article’s claims are bullshit.

So, for once, I went down the rabbit hole and watched the video that was linked to in “likening Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to the Ku Klux Klan…”. I assume that link was intended to support the quoted statement? But she doesn’t say that. Vitiello (ICE) was defending his calling the liberal party “neo-clannist” which he then goes on to explain and apologise for his offensive words. She then tries to get him to agree there may be a perception that the (absolute) discretion of ICE’s remit is fostering fear and intimidation and that work may need to be done to correct that perception. At one point he asks if she’s comparing ICE to KKK and she clearly says that is not her question. Summary: one point in this article is bullshit so, as I have a movie to watch, I’ll assume the rest of the article’s claims are bullshit.

So if I understand your position correctly.

You don’t think VP Harris has ever taken strongly progressive positions in the past and therefore has no need to modify her positions on issues. That concept, used in an article citing Carville, is BS then.

Would you care to share with us what you think VP Harris current position are on any topics you choose

Would you say in general her positions are pretty much in lock step with the positions of the admin she serves in now or do you believe they differ (or will differ if/when she settles on them and communicates them to the public)

Separate question. Do you think it’s important before the election in nov that we have a pretty solid grasp on the positions of a nominee for President who has never received a single vote directly from any individual voter prior to the actual election. Has never received a single individual direct vote on the national level?

Finally. Do you agree with gofigure that someone with significant or total progressive positions is not electable at the national level? Especially if that person has no real track record (or a historically poorly approved one)at the national level). Such that if a candidate was painted in that manner, BS or not, it would be a fatal flaw in their run?

Enjoy your movie !!

Wow. I don’t have a ‘position’. I briefly researched the link of what seemed to be an inflammatory, at best, or likely bullshit statement given the source. I provided my opinion, which is not the same as a ‘position’, on the statement, ie. It appears to be bullshit.
Why that opens me to your textual diarrhea I have no idea. But I now have a better idea why no one wants to interact with you on here. You appear to have no real data to back up your position (which no one seems to understand despite repeated requests for you to clearly articulate it) and you lash out when that’s pointed out. I have no idea how my ‘position’, if I had one, would change what ICE and Harris discussed in that linked video. They said things, using their mouth to make words, and they were not the things your link implied. That’s it.
Movie sucked so I shut it off and am about to read a book. Suggest you do the same.

Harris is a 100% gun grabber.

Seems like on another thread you were just talking about how you’d never personally insulted another poster.

And yet it seems like you’re insulting our collective intelligence here. Care to explain? WTF is a “gun grabber”, and how do you measure that percentage? How many guns has Harris grabbed?

Nice to see you’re making new friends among your fellow travellers, Windykins. Quelle surprise they’re all on Team Weird.

If a politician is going to flip flop on policy because of the politics of the cycle, they should be sincere in explanation.

As for gun grabbing, Jim still owes a sincere explanation.

Wow. I don’t have a ‘position’. I briefly researched the link of what seemed to be an inflammatory, at best, or likely bullshit statement given the source. I provided my opinion, which is not the same as a ‘position’, on the statement, ie. It appears to be bullshit.
Why that opens me to your textual diarrhea I have no idea. But I now have a better idea why no one wants to interact with you on here. You appear to have no real data to back up your position (which no one seems to understand despite repeated requests for you to clearly articulate it) and you lash out when that’s pointed out. I have no idea how my ‘position’, if I had one, would change what ICE and Harris discussed in that linked video. They said things, using their mouth to make words, and they were not the things your link implied. That’s it.
Movie sucked so I shut it off and am about to read a book. Suggest you do the same.

Tittykins is working hard to become the most Ignored LR poster ever. Here are the instructions if you’re inclined to help him: https://forum.slowtwitch.com/forum/?post=8161466#p8161466

Carville hasn’t been anything close to relevant for 20 years or more

Harris is a 100% gun grabber.

Seems like on another thread you were just talking about how you’d never personally insulted another poster.

And yet it seems like you’re insulting our collective intelligence here. Care to explain? WTF is a “gun grabber”, and how do you measure that percentage? How many guns has Harris grabbed?

Don’t expect a response. Jim doesn’t do rational discussion.


If the entire Democratic Party followed his advice I’d actually vote for them.

Anybody that has ever listened to anything that the progressive left has ever said has lived to profoundly regret it. On literally every issue, they’re dead ass wrong,” Carville said. “

Biden was the nominee in 2020 because he was supposed to be the moderation in the Democratic party to bring in older more centrist Democrats. I would pressume those folks are still needed to win.

Absent either parties platform is any realistic plan to pay for their promises and get spending under control. Trump is floating the idea of not taxing Social Security payments now.

Labor party in Britian is now going to have to in some form at least look like they are dealing with issues of the majority of folks who didn’t vote for them. Looking at the BBC three little girls get stabbed to death and nobody in the national gov’t seems to make any major statement. It was left to local pols. Combined with not releasing anything about the killer until days later “because he is 17” left a vacuum that was filled by rumors and major riot results.

If a politician is going to flip flop on policy because of the politics of the cycle, they should be sincere in explanation.

As for gun grabbing, Jim still owes a sincere explanation.

In practice: A gun grabber is a term invented by the gun lobby used to scare people like Jim into massively overpaying for firearms.

If a politician is going to flip flop on policy because of the politics of the cycle, they should be sincere in explanation.

As for gun grabbing, Jim still owes a sincere explanation.

In practice: A gun grabber is a term invented by the gun lobby used to scare **rubes **like **Dim **into massively overpaying for firearms.

Minor edits.